Welcome to the Draconis Combine
The Draconis Combine was created by Shiro Kurita. The DCMS were Shiro's personal bodyguards. The DCMS troops were gaining respect as they grew. At one point they had three hundred separate battlemech duels with the Mechwarriors of the Star League.
The First Succession War provided the first major test of the DCMS. Under the leadership of Minoru Kurita, the DCMS invasion of the Lyran Commonwealth proved a great success. However, the assassination of minoru fuel a sense of revenge within her son, Jinjiro. Jinjiro arranged the massacre of 90% of the planet Kentares' civilian population. This was a turning point in the DCMS' fantasitic career.
It was because of this that the Davion forces regained the planets they lost up to the old Combine/Marik border. But, during the Second Succession War, the DCMS gained the initiative by simultaneously striking both the Lyran Commonwealth and the Federated Suns.
During the Third and Fourth Succession Wars, internal difficulties hampered the affectivness of the DCMS. After the reign of Takashi Kurita, his son Theodore Kurita took command of the DCMS. Under Theodore, the DCMS was reformed from the ground up.
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