* Updated: October, 5, 2000

DISCLAIMER: The content of this page my be considered "triggering" to some visitors - View at your own risk.

People like this make it all worth it. Thank you for your inspiring words that I'm sure will impact many:
"AJ - 10/01/00 17:46:00
SI?(Y/N): yes

Comments: I have just been reading your site and it has made me realize that what I am doing to myself is not 'wrong' but that for me its 'normal'. This realization has enabled me to accept who I am and I hope other people feel the same way and you get the thanx that you deserve not just from me but from every one that enters this site. Thanx again.

~*~You are most welcome and very brave for speaking out~

and may you find peace in your life.~*~

...Also special thanks to "Leanne", who's words made a big impact on me...Upcoming events!
~* ~*~ *~ *~

A special tribute to an extraordinary person & friend, LiLith Lynn Richards who unexpecedly succumed to the blade.
We LOVE you and we are with you in spirit.

ANNOUNCEMEMT: www.voxxypresents.com Still has many valuable resource links available!

**This site is still undergoing many rennovations & the WEBRING is experiencing many technical difficulties**
Thank you for your patience~ we're detetermind to get through it!



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There's a BIG story behind a little girl...

...And this story DOES have a HAPPY ending!:)

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Since May 25, 1998

"We don't use WYSIWYG's!"

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*Watermarked - Please do not take!

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