Spooky's X-Files Conspiracy Page

Hey folks! Here it is--The X-files Conspiracy! Now I don't claim to understand it, but for those of you who are just as confused as I was, don't worry about it. Let me just tell you now, you're not ever going to understand it completely, so don't let it bother you. Hopefully, the following explanation I've provided will shed a little light on it for you. As I'm sure some of you can tell, I borrowed a lot from Chris Carter's explanation, and I freely and openly admit it.

The X-Files Conspiracy

This is it--the conspiracy--the core of the show. SO COMPLEX! I don't know where to start. I suppose there's no better place to start then at the beginning. 50 years ago, shortly after World War 2, a group of govenment officials came into contact with a race of aliens that were the original inhabitants of this planet and were now ready to reclaim it. The aliens carry inside their bodies a black oily substance--the very medium of the life force itself--which when allowed to enter a human body it creats a terminal form of cancer within them and eventually overtakes their body. This cancer, called the black cancer, is really not a disease at all, but rather a regeneration, not of human cells, but of the invading life form.

The purpose of these men had been to negotiate for their lives with the alien colonists. The group of men stemming from the original group of negotiators and the ones that would continue the ongoing negotiations and preparations with the colonists were a group of anonymous men at the highest levels of power that answered to no one government and were collectively referred to as the syndicate. They controlled all who were valuable to them, and quietly destroyed all those that stood in their way.

They have been given a mediscientific procedure of sorts by the alien colonists as a quid pro quo--a sort of blueprint for the production of alien hybrids. As payment for their services, they would be granted immunity from the black cancer and from colonization--given a part in the grander scheme.

Members of this prestigous group, oddly named due to their annonimity, included The Cigarette-Smoking Man, The Well-Manicured Man, The Black-Haired Man, and many other elders of the sydicate, whose only orders are taken from Conrad Strughold, a German industrialist who now resides in Northern Africa. This group also has contacts they have put in relatively high places--hitmen, if you will-- that do most of their dirty work for them, such as Alex Krycek. They have also from time to time employed the colonists themselves, who not only assist, but watch over the syndicate, who themselves have a secret to hide that not even the colonists know of.

The syndicate had been over the years secretly working on a vaccine against the black cancer in hopes of possibly one-upping the alien colonists when the time for colonization begins. Through varying methods of disinformation, they have been able to hide their true agenda from anyone....until now. Their secret is out. Mulder and Scully have finally uncovered their work. And if the colonists discover that the syndicate has been working on a vaccine, they would certainly be destroyed, and the time table for colonization stepped up.

These men were united only in their common goal--survival. The fact that they have been able to work on the vaccine undetected is due to their loyalty to the cause above their own personal politics. But a recent scramble for power within the syndicate, set into motion as a result of distrust within the group, has caused a break-up of their uniformly solid structure of security. Somewhat reunited in the realization that no one can survive without each other memeber, the syndicate held tightly to a loose handle on a sticky situation.

Their deal with the colonists was that they would take the alien DNA and try to make an alien-human hybrid, after which time they would turn over the successful patient and would then be made into hybrid slaves themselves, as this would be their only hope for survival in the new world. Some of the previous syndicate members, such as Fox Mulder's father, Bill Mulder, had planned on using thir time to develop a vaccine that would save the entire human race, rather than just their own lives, but before the aliens would hand over a fetus containing the alien DNA, they required that the syndicate members each hand over one of their children as insurance, including Mulder's sister, Samantha. Not willing to give up their children, the syndicate continued to work in conjunction with the colonists, and dissenters like Bill Mulder were destroyed. After 25 years of closely-watched work, they were finally successful. Ironically, this was much to their surprise. Their only real objective had been to stall for time to work on the vaccine to save themselves from slavery. Once they had succeeded in creating an alien-human hybrid, a race of rebel aliens became intent on exposing this fact and on destroying the syndicate. The group managed to avoid these rebels and took the hybrid to a meeting place to hand over and receive their preparation for colonization, only to discover they had been double-crossed by the Cigarette Smoking Man into meeting their demise at the hands of the alien rebels, with whom CSM has now supposedly formed an alliance. Now all that remains of the syndicate is those who have chosen to side with the rebels. Their motive, however, remains unclear. Are they just getting in good with the rebels to keep from being destroyed, or could they actually be working to produce a vaccine that would not only stop colonization, but destroy the colonists and save the human race?

To further complicate matters, the overlying threat of their exposure has now become greater than they have ever feared, due to the persistance of special agents Mulder and Scully and their work on the X-Files, the classification given by the government to cases involving the unexplained and the paranormal.

Armed now with new knowledge of the conspiracy, and having found the drive within themselves to keep striving to save the lives of billions of people from colonization, assimilation, slavery, and destruction, they are more of a threat now than ever before, and with new evidence they have been able to pursuade the F.B.I. to reopen the X-Files, giving them key tools and resources.

All that's left is for the final preparations to be made by everyone involved, and the final actions taken. Will Mulder and Scully be able to save the world from colonization? And will Mulder ever be reunited with his sister? The truth is out there.....

If there's anything else you don't understand about the show, or have a question about, then feel free to E-Mail Me with your questions and/or comments.

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