This page is dedicated to all those men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice
To God and their country. For they are the true heroes of this society.
The Heroes are not the sports stars making a lot of money, they are not the movie stars whose face everybody recognizes.
The Heroes are the poeple who selflessly give of themselves for the benefit of others.
The Heroes mentioned on this and the following pages are only a few of the tens of thousands
To whom we owe the debt of bringing them home...
Whether they survive in captivity in any of a host of nations once and possibly still hostile towards us,
Or whether they perished long ago in lonely solitude...the debt of honor that we owe them can NEVER be repayed.
The debt that can be best repayed by bringing them home...

Remember these Heroes...thinks about what these men and women sacrificed for us.
Remember them the next time that you sit down to a hot meal,
Remember them when you complain about how bad your life is,
Remember this also...Many of them were barely out of high school when the were captured...
It is a shame that our politicians and military leaders didn't feel it important enough
to make sure that all of our personnel were out of enemy hands before we pulled out of Vietnam.
Won't you join me in the fight to bring them ALL home???

These are the names of my five adopted POW/MIA's that I have recieved thus far:

Haight, Stephen Harold....E4 U.S. Army
Kibbey, Richard Abbot.....O3 U.S. Air Force
McDonald, Joseph William..O2 U.S. Marine Corp
Reardon, Richard John.....02 U.S. Naval Reserve
Terry, Ronald Terrance....E6 U.S. Army Special Forces

Please click either on the name of the individual above that you would like to see information on
or click the "next" button below to take a tour of each page.

If you would like to join me in the fight to bring everybody home click here:

If you know of a veteran that deserves to be honored, please click the icon below to place a flag in their honor:

***All Biographical and loss information on POWs provided by Operation Just Cause have been supplied by Chuck and Mary Schantag of POWNET. Please check with POWNET regularly for updates.***

This Guestbook is for POW/MIA purposes only. For any purely personal entries plese sign the book on my homepage.
To get to my homepage please click on the "back" button above. Thanks!

Sign my Guestbook / View my Guestbook

***Due to problems with my last guestbook being flooded I have had to place a restiction on the new one.
You will only be able to sign this book once per hour. If you forgot something, please check back soon!

If there is anything that you would like to see added to this site
or anything that could be changed to make it better please e-mail me and it will be taken care of.
I will respond to everybody as soon as I can!

I have begun a page to help people remember the POW/MIAs
it is my goal for there to be 1 Million hits to this page by the end of the year.
Please click on the Torch to see how you can help spread the word.

That page has already recieved hits since 20-Aug-1998

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