The Unistar Files

In the mid-1970's a unique event took place which gave the people of Earth an unparralleled chance to learn about our place in the universe. However it has been covered up by the government for many years, supposedly for our protection. Only reacently did I stummble across this file while working at Area 51 and it was not until now that I was able to gather all related documents together to tell you the whole truth.
Ever since the Apollo 8 mission, astronauts have told of a secret base hidden on the dark side of the moon. Although it's exsitance was largely dismissed at the time in 1976 we discovered irrefutable proof of an alien presence on our moon. In that year an alien spacecraft crashed in the wilderness of Greenland and was quickly recovered by a special recovery team that is always on call. The craft and it's occupents; a teenaged extraterrestrial girl and two human children, one of which had died of exposure before the recovery team could arrive, were taken to Area 51 for examination.
During the debreifing of the alien she revealed that she was the daughter of the leader of the alien force on the moon.(later DNA testing would reveal that she was actually a genticlly altered clone of him.) She informed the agents debreifing her that her father was considered a criminal among her people and trafficed in a highly profitable black market item, human brains. These were used by her people to run their "biocomputers" and although the harvest of sentient brains is illegal there is still a high demand for them.
According to the extraterrestrial who it was learned was named Moth, Earth sits at the fringe of "The Galactic Hegemony" a sort of intersteller United Nations. Under their laws Earth is a protected planet because it is so primitive(they are at least a century more advanced then us,) and is off limits to all but a select few scientists who covertly moniter our progress. However they need living brains to run their technology and cloning has offered a poor substitute. This is where the Geberoth come in.
The Geberoth are criminals, much like our Maffia. They "harvest" living brains from "primitive" cultures at a high price. Moth's "father", Overboss Tostog was the first to try and explote Earth's rich resources.
Armed with this information the United States urged that the United Nations put together a multinational task force to deal with the problem. To this end the United Nation created Unistar which stands for United Nations Intruder Space Tracking And Research. On the surface this agency is responsible for tracking astroids and comets which might threaten Earth. How ever their real duties are to protect us from something much more sinister.

The alien conection

Two seperate alien races work with the Geberoth cartels in our solar system. First is the Del Karva of which Moth and Tostog are members of and the second are the Tivaak.

Del Karva
Thanks to an almost parrallel evolution on their homeworld Del Karvans look almost exactly like humans. The only difference are a wide variety of eye and hair colors, and internally paired hearts and no appendix. Also the blood has small cellular diffrences then our own.

Tivaaks are decended from nocturnal predators on a chilly desert world. As a result they look very much like humanoid panthers with long head hair as well as fur. They are very polite to each other due to a hair trigger temper and demand the same respect from others. They are determained but not highly original and tend to rely on proven methods of doing things instead of trying to find new ways.

The Geberoth also employ human agents in their work as well. Most of these are orginized crime figures or docters who have lost their license to practice medicine. Often these idividuals in turn find themselves victims of brain-stripping once they have outlived their usefulness

Flight 800

Okay you may ask yourself why TWA Flight 800 is being discussed here. Occasionally the Geberoth must get a large stock of brains quickly. At this point they usually grab a large number of humans and then destroy the evidence. Sometimes the bodies are sold to medical research groups who don't ask questions or they will grab patients in hospitals who often live on for months in life-support aided comas. Another way that they get brains is called a "snatch" by Unistar operatives. It is in this class that Flight 800 and the Geberoth are connected.
During a "snatch the Geberoth locate a large number of people in one place and grab them. This is often done in the Bermuda Triangle region where they can use the human myths about the area to cover their tracks. However on the night of July 17th, 1996 the Geberoth decided to look to the skys around John F. Kennedy Airport. Witnesses would later report seeing a bright light parallel the path of Flight 800 for several minutes before the explosion that cost the lives of everyone on board.
What exactly happened during those few moments when Flight 800 was intercepted by a Geberoth wingship is and always will be unkown. However it is known that the Geberoth failed to brainstrip most of Flight 800's passangers and crew by the time the plane exploded. However as several of the passangers bodies have never been recovered it is logical to assume that they were victims of Geberoth predidation.
Moments after Flight 800 was intercepted Unistar fighter aircraft were scrambled from a secret base in the Catskill mountians to attack and capture the wingship. However as they approuched one pilot reports seeing an exlosion and the doomed airliner plunging toward the sea. Investigation would later prove that the Geberoth caused the plane to explode knowing that Unistar would try and rescue any survivors from the crash before pursuing the alien ship. (Standard Unistar procedure is that rendering aid to victims of the Gereboth takes precedent over capture of the aliens.) However the Flight 800 tragidy has led to the creation of Project:Damoclese to build military forces capable of attacking Farside Base.


#1: The government is engaged in a massive cover-up involving a threat to human society
#2As long as the Geberoth remain a threat incidents like Flight 800 will continue to happen.
#3The best way that we can protect ourselves is to learn the facts and demand that our leaders are accountable to them.

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