The Warrior's Way

December 1998

In This Issue!


Krud's Address

Captains/XOs Meeting


Rite of Ascension Photos


Kamp Khitomer Report

Par'mach on the Paddlewheeler

Boat Cruise Photos

IKV Dragon's Blade

Sisterhood of Ghopbe'


How can you tell if you're a Klingon Redneck?


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Well, it's finally finished - another issue of the Warrior's Way full of great KAG and Klingon stuff!

Let me start out by thanking B'leth for all the work she put into this issue before I took over as Editor…she had the whole thing practically done and so all credit for this fine publication should go to her! Qapla'!!!!

Because it's been so long since the last Warrior's Way, every attempt has been made to fill this one up with as many things as I could think of…every major event of the year is covered in this issue…Khitomer, the Boat Cruise…the feats and deeds (oops, that should be misdeeds!) of those Warriors in attendance at these events have now been published for the universe to read.

Starting next year, the general plan is to have an issue of the Warrior's Way out quarterly. I just have to make sure that there are enough things to fill the pages…so if you have anything you'd like to see in the Warrior's Way, TELL ME/SEND IT TO ME! Hey, I think it'd be great if every issue we had at least one contribution from every ship!


Anyway, that's it from me. Qapla'!

Lt veqtaH vestai-ja'ngeQ

Editor, Warrior's Way.


This Issue's Contributors:- B'leth, Krud, Kr'gahN, B'Elos Dax, Koord, Crew of the IKV Dragon's Blade, QeqiVah vestai-Lorenssith, Siruuk Assim Overon (cover art), veqtaH.


The Warrior's Way is an amateur fan magazine and does not mean to infringe on any copyright. Thank you to those clubs which allow us to use their articles and information. We hope they feel free to use ours familiarly.


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Message from KAG Australia Command!


Klingon Warriors,

This IS Krud.

I address you now as the new overall Commander of KAG Australia. This should not be news to any Klingon Warrior as I hope all are aware of the unfortunate struggles of the last six months! If however you are not, or have been living under a rock for the last few months; just to put it in print, I shall now re-iterate (briefly) the last six months for you.

In June the Sundragon Quadrant (QLD) was finally made a separate fleet to that of the Shadow Dragon Fleet (Australia) (It was about this time the Warrior's Way was also put on hold!). This was mostly due to a genuine difference in vision to Klingon Fandom between myself and Commander T'Kul (and the lack of any participation from the then KAG Command) and not as some would have you believe a catastrophic fit of the s**ts by Qld rednecks. We (Sundragon) surged ahead with a constructed plan for Klingon Dominance in our region and have grown stronger and stronger. The Shadow Dragon Fleet became plagued with problems, such as leadership quarrels, leadership dispositions, the amassed resignations that then followed; and finally died under my attempted (and intentionally remote) guidance sometime in September with an Ensign ! in overall command. It was at this stage I assumed overall command of KAG Australia, and recovered the effective remains of the Shadow Dragon into the Sundragon Fleet.

I bore you with this to prove a point. We are in this group to be Klingon Warriors and not wimpy lead by the nose, glory for nothing Federation "wanna-bes", there are enough groups (especially ST groups) out that merely sit and pretend greatness into being. We, by our very nature as Warriors, are a species of action and not a species that sits on our collective bums to play 12 hours of video's or the Internet! If I offend anyone by saying this then good, Klingons are always on the offensive! I hope you get my point (which in case it escapes you:- is we are an active group and will only survive if our principles participate!) "Act and you shall have dinner, think and you shall BE dinner" (-Star Trek Klingon).


As I have inferred, the Sundragon Fleet is now the Fleet for KAG Australia overall. This is in a great way thanks to Lt Cmdr B'leth and Lt B'Etor. I intend to reward these Warriors by referring to them as the Architects of the Sundragon Fleet and award them accordingly! We are also Honoured to have other major players in the infancy of the Sundragon Fleet - these being Lt Koord (C.O the Dragons Vengeance and curator of the Combat Rules), Lt B'Elos Dax and her Fleet Staff department (of which this Magazine is now a part) and Lt Com Kr'gahN (Quadrant Commander of the Firestorm Quadrant). We have an absolutely fantastic group here guys...well done!

As regards the state of the fleet we are a bit of a miss-match at the moment, with one warship a piece in WA and NSW, one hopefully forming in Vic and nine in Qld ! so maybe we can think of some integration in Qld! But my policy is and will remain that everyone is entitled to do all they can in KAG, so lets expand our empire !! or at least our Ship's departments!!! We are finally a major entity within KAG as a whole, certainly we are the biggest ex-N.American Fleet, with over 80 members now!

We recently opened "Star Trek The Exhibit" in Qld (not Qld Si-Fi, KAG) by providing an Honour guard for the speeches and are now acting as guides with other groups; this was a great Honour as I believe no other grouping of fans has done this !

Mention also has got to go to our taking over of the Brisbane Annual Sci-Fi Boat Cruse. 40 out of the 80 people in attendance were Klingon ! and I know many others were KAG members in other costumes. They even had a Klingon Theme this year, but more about that later!

Kamp Praxis, a major "Warrior Skills weekend" is being planed for this coming Easter at Kyogle ? near Lismore. I urge all of you to attend this event as it will become (in its annually different location) the main event for KAG Australia. Certainly the 'practice' "Kamp Khitomer III" was too good to stop!!

I will be calling a series of Command meetings in the next few months for High Command and then Captains and X.O.s, to re-define our fleet policy now we are KAG Australia again. So if any of you reading this have an comments on this or indeed any matter regarding KAG please feel free to submit anything to these meetings via your superiors (yes, I know that sounds autocratical but these things get out of hand anyway without ALL of KAG being there !!!!!!!). Until then guys, party on Dudes !!! or remember KAG rule One - "Have Fun !!!!!!!!!!!"

Krud's Quote of the issue -->"If a Warrior ignores duty, acts dishonourably, or is disloyal; he is nothing." (TNG-Heart of Glory).

Qapla', and may your enemies' blood path your way to Honour !

Commander Krud sutai-Pallara
Commanding IKV Dragons Fury
Sundragon Fleet Commander
Commander of KAG Australia
I iii I
II iii II
I i i I
i i i i
"QamvIS Hegh qaq Law' torIS yIn qaq puS"
(It is) better to die on your feet than live on our knees !


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Minutes of Captains and Executive Officers of the Ships of the Sundragon Fleet of KAG/Australia.

Saturday 25 July 1998


Present: Stephen Mortimer (CO – IKV Dragon’s Fury; Commander Sundragon Fleet)
Patrick Earl (XO – IKV Dragon’s Fury)
Trevor Wheate (CO – IKV Dragon’s Vengeance)
Owen Lamb (XO – IKV Dragon’s Vengeance)
Larissa Lansdown (CO – IKV Dragon’s Deception; Commander Flaming Talon Quadrant)
veqtaH (XO – IKV Dragon’s Deception)
Scott Driscoll (XO – IKV Blade)
Joana Mortimer (CO – IKV Dragon’s Flame; Commander Fire Storm Quadrant)
Judi Murphy (XO – IKV Dragon’s Flame)
Jackie Nunn (CO – IKV Dragon Slayer)
Alison Krebs (XO – IKV Dragon Slayer)
Amy Rylan (CO – IKV Bloodsong)

Apologies: Gabriel Winner (CO – IKV Blade)

A videotape of the proceedings was prepared and sent to the CO of the IKV Blade

The meeting was called to order by Stephen Mortimer at 2:45pm.

Trevor Wheate, as Commanding Officer of the IKV Dragon’s Vengeance, awarded the following battle honours for performance at the recent Kamp Khitomer:

Stephen Mortimer presented a battle honour to the IKV Dragon’s Vengeance for the destruction of the USS Penalon.

Stephen Mortimer announced that Judi Murphy had been promoted from 2nd Lieutenant to Lieutenant-vestai.

It was announced by Larissa Lansdown as Commander of the Flaming Talon Quadrant that a new ship had been proposed in her quadrant. The IKV Gambit was to be captained by Gavin Lansdown (Dak) and it was recommended that he be promoted to full Lieutenant as the Captain of a vessel.

Jacki Nunn, as Commanding Officer of the IKV Dragon Slayer and Alison Krebs, as Executive Officer of the IKV Dragon’s Slayer, were both recommended for promotion to full Lieutenant by Larissa Lansdown as Commander of the Flaming Talon Quadrant.

Scott Driscoll, as Executive Officer of the IKV Blade, made the following recommendations for promotion on behalf of his absent Commanding Officer.

It was brought to the attention of the meeting that, although 2nd Lieutenant was currently the first promotion, it was recommended that the rank of Ensign be reinstated as a formal promotion. A motion was made by Stephen Mortimer that a promotion to Ensign would be achieved on completion of a Classic Uniform or as the non-uniformed captain of a recently commissioned vessel; a promotion to 2nd Lieutenant would be achieved on promotion of an Imperial Uniform OR on completion of a Classic Uniform plus meritorious service to the Fleet. The motion was seconded by Joana Mortimer and carried unanimously.

Stephen Mortimer took a few moments to explain the journey from Sundragon Quadrant to Sundragon Fleet. It was announced that the Sundragon Quadrant now had a total of nine ships (excluding the IKV Gambit) and that the Shadow Dragon Fleet, from which we seceded, now had only one and a half ships.

The Ice Dragon Fleet of KAG/KANADA has approached the Sundragon Fleet and asked her to become sister fleet. It was agreed upon.

It was decided that all new websites should be forwarded to K’Mel for listing among his links.

veqtaH was recognised as official Registrar of the Klingon Line Registry. Katrina Paez was recognised as the official Registrar of the Ship Registry.

The revised Sundragon Fleet Guidebook, edited by Judi Murphy, was introduced to those present. It was decided that the guidelines would be tailor-made to suit the needs and purposes of the Sundragon Fleet. Patrick Earl volunteered to make additions to the costuming section of the Guidebook.

Scott Driscoll announced that it is the intention of a member of the IKV Blade crew to create a CD-ROM on the Sundragon Fleet and it was agreed that he would be forwarded a copy of the completed Guidebook and any other relevant promotional material.

It was decided that Membership Cards would be created for members of the Sundragon Fleet.

Trevor Wheate announced that he could organise screen printing of the gold Classic mesh vests onto black at a cost of $20 each. However, he required a minimum order of 30 shirts.

Stephen Mortimer and Patrick Earl had been working on the idea of a Sundragon Fleet t-shirt. It was proposed that a basic black t-shirt be used, with a large Sundragon Fleet emblem on the back and a smaller ship emblem on the left breast (pocket to be decided upon). Again, minimum orders are required for professional screenprinting. It was suggested that a similar effect could be achieved with the use of colour bubblejet transfers, eliminating the number of colour restriction and the minimum order restriction. Both options have been taken under advisement.

Scott Driscoll announced that the crew of the IKV Blade was holding a Star Trek banquet at their home base in Lismore on 15 August 1998. He tabled a list of available accommodations for anyone interested in staying the weekend.

An intermission was taken at this point, during which those logos submitted for consideration as the Sundragon Fleet emblem were viewed and voted upon. The submission by Amy, Captain of the IKV Bloodsong, was chosen almost unanimously.


After intermission, discussion reverted to promotions. It was decided that all promotions must be earned, not just awarded for period of service etc. It was proposed that individuals who initiated and completed projects for the growth and betterment of the Sundragon Fleet and KAG in general would be rewarded with physical promotions. Meritorious conduct would be awarded with a system of commendations.

It was decided that a clear-cut system of awards and commendations must be established. It was also decided that the honorifics would be used as a series of steps within promotions, not automatic on achieving a promotion.

Promotion to Ensign and 2nd Lieutenant to be awarded by the Ship’s Captain or the Quadrant Commander (see earlier for conditions for promotion)

Promotion to full Lieutenant to be awarded by the Fleet Commander and would occur on:

Promotion to Lieutenant Commander to be awarded by the Admiralty in the United States and would occur on:

A challenge for captaincy can be made only with the permission of the Fleet Commander. The challenge must be mutually agreed upon and take place in front of the Fleet, or a majority representation.

Joana Mortimer announced her intention to take a year’s maternity leave effective as of 1 November 1998. During her absence, she appointed Scott Driscoll as acting Quadrant Commander of the Fire Storm quadrant for twelve months from 1 November 1998.

A KAG event at Conquest 1998 was proposed but no decision made.

A system of Awards and Commendations was discussed. It was decided to use KAG/Kanada’s system as a basis for establishing our own.

It was tabled and agreed upon that a KAG Kamp would be organised for 1999. Although the venue is yet to be decided, it was proposed and accepted that the Kamp be named Kamp Praxis, with a new venue and new name to be chosen for each year. The Kamp is to take place on the Easter weekend from Friday until Sunday, allowing those who have family commitments to return to their homes by lunch on Sunday to fulfil those. It was also decided that a Klingon Egg Hunt be a major activity for the weekend.

The Quest vs KAG Blood Feud was brought to everyone’s attention. It was decided that a mass donation be organised as a media event. The IKV Blade were currently organising their own blood drive/media event

It was proposed that a favourite charity be nominated by the members of KAG. The Red Cross was decided on as the primary charity, with the Starlight Foundation as a secondary charity.

It was also proposed that we start to become more community conscious, participating in events such as Red Cross doorknocks, blood drives, visiting children in hospital (sans weapons).

Other activities proposed for the members of KAG included bowling tournaments, Skirmish, Lazerforce and other suitable competitive activities.

It was decided to establish a number of portfolios within the structure of the Sundragon Fleet. Among those proposed are Cultural, Administrative and Quartermaster.

Stephen Mortimer, as Commander of the Sundragon Fleet, asked that all COs update and complete their crew manifests and submit them to him within the month.

Meeting closed.

Note: It was discovered after the close of the meeting that the IKV Dragon Slayer was based in Beenleigh and therefore came under the jurisdiction of the Fire Storm Quadrant as the Regional Queensland quadrant.


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PegHtay - The First Rite of Ascension.


This ceremony can be attached to any other activity. It is sombre but not Dull nor long. Take it seriously. Present it with a tone of prideful joy. This should be done in the light of a roaring fire. Those presiding over the occasion, (usually warrior's father, mentor, and a monk, but can include trusted friends,) stand with back to fire, so that the light of the flames is in the warrior's eyes.

The Celebrant (Priest or Notable) holds a large candle with Klingon emblem on; other warriors present form a horseshoe shape to sides. Non-warriors bring up the rear, forming a circular shape.

Celebrant: What is inevitable is that a Child will become an Adult. What is not inevitable is the Adult becomes a Warrior. Tonight we gather together to ask these Children if they will follow the ways of Kahless and become a Klingon Warrior like us.

As is the custom of our people, we celebrate this occasion with our friends. For that is the Klingon way!

(Drumming or growling)

Candle Lighting, the big candle is lit. The Candidates will, when directed, light their candles from this.

Celebrant: Klingons before reaching the age of 13 undergo the first right of ascension by lighting the qorDu'vo' candles declaring their intent to become warriors.

The qorDu'vo' candles represent the fire that burns within the blood of a warrior. On this day, we remember that for a Klingon warrior, the first battle is with yourself.

Step forward, {insert name of warrior to be}

To light the qorDu'vo' candle is the first step on the path of the Warrior. Will you light the flame of the qorDu'vo' and the fire of the blood? Will you be a warrior?

Warrior to be replies as s/he wishes, either by saying yes, or running screaming from the chamber. If yes, then continue

Celebrant repeats the question three times. Each time, the answer must be a bold "yes!"

Celebrant: Then light your warrior's flame from the qorDu'vo' Candle.

Candidate lights his/her candle from company's candle, Takes d'k tahg in Left hand and turns to face the gathering.

Then let it be known among all worlds, that {name} has taken the first step on the path of honour. Hear this name and tremble before a Klingon Warrior!

Parent: Behold my son/daughter, soon to be a Warrior.

Everyone: Qapla' - WE ARE KLINGONS!

Candidate turns, hands d'k tahg to celebrant and walks off with parent.


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Rite of Ascension Photos


Dylan at his First Rite of Ascension Hov Duras with mum, Lursa

From left - Seng, Do'wanI'baj'R, Qorgh, Kr'gahN, veqtaH, Morf and Keh'lahr gather to watch the First Rite of Ascension.


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nentay The Second Rite of Ascension


This ceremony marks the passage into the brotherhood of the Warrior for a Klingon Child.

A gauntlet of 8 fierce Klingon warriors holding pain sticks leads to the Fire pit or Flame pots. Standing with the Officials are the Warrior's Parents. Off to the side, the warrior's friends watch this hopefully proud moment.

To begin:

The Warrior Candidate enters the arena through the Crowd. His Warriors Costume is covered to prevent damage or dishonour during the ceremony. Only if the Candidate successfully passes the Gauntlet will this covering be removed and their full glory revealed. The Candidate stands just before the first pair of Warriors in the Gauntlet and says

"Today, I am a warrior. I must show you my heart. I travel the river of blood."

He steps between the first pair, speaking loudly:

"jIbechrup may' vIIos".

The pair of Warriors jab him with the Painstiks. (or throw 2 water bombs at him) He must endure the ordeal, pretending not to have been affected, saying

"The battle is mine, I crave only the blood of the enemy."

He moves between the second pair of Warriors and he proclaims "HIHIvqa'" and the torture is repeated (or they throw 2 Flour bombs at him).

Pretending not to have been affected, he declares:

"The bile of the vanquished flows over my hands."

The Candidate then moves forward between the remaining four Warriors and proclaims

"may'pequ' moH".

The 3rd pair of Warriors then jab him with their Painstiks (or pour a glass of soft drink over them)

The 4th pair do the same (or towel flick the Candidate)

Then, the Candidate, assuming they survive, move to the fire and say

"DaHjaj SuvwI''e' jIH." Today, I am a warrior.

The Candidate then tears off the protective coat, turns and stands in their full glory giving a Klingon Salute to the crowd.

The parents then clean off any residue from the Ceremony and present the Warrior with their weapons. The new Warrior then shouts their own name and raises the Weapons on High.

All then shout Qapla'.

Then the feasting begins!


Alex celebrated his Second Rite of Ascension


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The Report


Well, it’s finally come and gone. 64 Campers braved the koalas, cold mornings, water bombs and strange home-brewed beverages over the Queen’s Birthday Weekend. We had Trekkers and Klingons from as far away as Lismore, Sydney, Melbourne and even London join us this year.

The first night saw everyone gather for a huge group Barbecue and welcome ceremony. After consuming the substantial meal our helpers cooked for us, we all retired to the Fire pits for an evening’s socialising. Several of our members were seen later in a much worse for wear state, and some classic ‘occurrences’ happened (the famous butt kissing and sleeping in the lake episodes come to mind).

Sunday saw us all arise early – well, before ten – and get ready for the Capture the Flag Game. This fun filled event saw several notable land and naval engagements, with the Red Team winning in the last ten minutes, in spite of their tactics and dispositions. That evening we all gathered at the Shed again for the Klingon evening. Ribs, baked potatoes and sweet-n-sour veges were consumed with Warrior’s gusto and all in attendance were witness to our Children’s First Rite of Ascension (Candle) and Alex’s Second Rite (Painstik) Ceremonies. The initiates were given their just rewards and we all retired once again to the Firepits. The evening’s activities caused much interest among the other campers, many of who came over to watch the goings on. And yes, the Rangers were invited, but wisely remained cowering in their Hut.

Monday saw us rise reasonably early. After breakfast we all commenced to pack up our sites. By 11:00am we had all gathered on the other peninsular for a group farewell picnic. Sausages, rolls, biscuits, coffee and other goodies were consumed by the then hungry campers and we had our Awards Ceremony. The Red Team were declared the winners of the Flag, much to the displeasure of the Blues, who vowed to return next year and take revenge (and certain body parts!).

Everyone enjoyed themselves thoroughly. The skies were clear all weekend, food was ample, and the Club made a profit of over $500.00. This Camp was QUEST’s biggest so far. In fact, if it keeps growing the way it has we will see Khitomer 2001 have over 100 participants. Bigger than some conventions, much more fun and a hell of a lot cheaper. I look forward to Khitomer IV – The Voyage Ho-Ho Home.


See you there next year.

Trevor Wheate


Memorable Quotes


"You can kiss my big fat hairy Queensland butt!"
(To a poor, unsuspecting New South Wales supporter by our illustrious president.)

"If I’d known you were going to kiss it, I would have washed."
(The same president to the same New South Wales supporter the next morning after they had been informed of the previous night’s activities.)

This little exchange has led to a new nickname for the female involved - veqtaH (her Terran name being concealed for obvious reasons) is henceforth to be known as Dub'bIng bang'chop IH'lod, roughly translated to 'my lovely little bum biter' in Klingon.

"What happened Saturday night?"
(A comment heard at various stages, uttered by more than one person, throughout the many campsites on Sunday morning.)

"Where’s Captain Janeway?"
"Don’t you mean Captain Pike-Out?"
(A common question from (and reply to) the out-of-towners who were told they would meet her at camp.)

"Oh look, the blue team just went in! Yay! Way to go red team … oh, damn, I think it was red team who fell over … @#$%!!!!! Ha, ha, ha, at least we still have our ammunition – the water balloons are floating!"
(Cheers, followed by shame as the red team watched the water battle from its base camp.)

"We were watching your game today, I thought you were Pauline Hanson’s freedom fighters on a training mission."
(Spoken by a frightened Girl Guide leader as she tried to hustle her girls away from the influence of the Trill painting her spots on in the ladies’ shower block.)

"This is what happens to you when you watch too much TV!"
(The same Trill to those Girl Guides who had avoided their leader’s influence and were mesmerised while watching the transformation from freedom fighter to human to Trill.)

Then there are those quotes that you just really needed to be there for:

"I can’t believe Owen forgot his tent!"

"Where’s Jacki?"


"Ilia, put your shoes on!"
"No, owww!"
"Did you get prickles again?"

"Go Kurgy! Go Kurgy! Go Kurgy! Go Kurgy!"

"Clayton, get your head out of the lake!"

"Marshmallows dipped in whiskey? Oh, I don’t know if … mmm, yummy!"

"I’m glad I brought some extra clothes."

"Look at the kids with their water guns."
"But the kids are in the tent."
"No, I mean the big kids."

"We can’t get no … satisfaction!"

"Iceberg, dead ahead!"

"What’s that?"
"A satellite dish, what did you think it was?"

"Pick me! Pick me! My dad’ll take the team to McDonald’s afterwards!"

"Ahhh! Now I know why she’s called piglet!"


Camp Awards


Best Individual Effort at Capture the Flag:
Bree Lansdown
Shane Easton (aka Dixie)

Most Weather-Beaten Camper:
Clayton Forrester

Sucker of the Camp:
Judi Murphy as the Red Team Nanny



Article kindly supplied from the LOG of the USS QUEST, with thanks to Trevor Wheate and Judi Murphy. QAPLA!


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Par'mach on the Paddlewheeler - Quest Boat Cruise '98


Upon my arrival at the boat the party it seems was just getting started, with music blaring and many warriors shouting, dancing, and drinking. Unfortunately the captain of the ship had double booked the cruise due to a computer malfunction, and there was a group of Starfleet personnel as well as some alien ambassadors already aboard. This didn't faze the Klingons who were determined to have a party no matter what, and they accepted the situation with honour and dignity.

Finally the cruise got under way when all were aboard and the sounds of revelry could be heard for miles across the Klinzhai delta, many Klingons dancing and drinking makes for loud noise. One of the main reasons for the cruise this year however was the marriage of Worf and Dax and after dinner was served and much food was flung about, order was called but it seems was not given and Lursa began the ceremony. It went off without a hitch and many toasts were given and Bloodwine flowed like water. Also a challenge was given to Koord by veqtaH to uphold his family honour by performing the Dub'bing chop ceremony which Koord did with his usual flair. And once again many toasts were given and once again the Bloodwine flowed like water.

Serious partying was then attempted and it seems a very successful attempt was made because all were having fun, many awards were given, the most notable however was an award given to Kr`gahN for winning the jech'agh(costume parade) contest. The boat finally returned to the dock, and the warriors departed along with the Starfleet officers and the alien ambassadors, who all decided that a walk through the grand concourse of the first city would be a good way to end the night.

The large group of boisterous Klingons, Humans, and Aliens walked through the Concourse, stopping to applaud and ply with Latinum a musician who played their requests for them. Stopping again to put on a display of their martial prowess which was somewhat less than exemplary due to the amount of Bloodwine that had been imbibed. Then on to a restaurant where they ordered some supper, and the group began to split up. Lursa, Krud and other warriors were heading back to the area of the boat where they parked their shuttle when they were set upon by brigands, the brave warriors saw them off with not even a scratch to themselves.

This was the first Boatcruise attended by myself and if it is anything to go by I most fervently hope it is not my last. Qapla' Warriors!


Lt. Commander. Kr`gahN vestai-maw'checH.

Quadrant Commander : Firestorm Quadrant


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Boat Cruise Photos


Worf and Dax 7 of 9


Adrian, Morf and Alex Laa Laa in a noose


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The IKV Dragon's Blade - Flagship of the Firestorm Quadrant!



Commanding Officer: Lt Haj'ChonnaQ vestai-ruatHa

Terran name: Gabriel Winner

Klingon History:

Born and raised on Qo'noS he has no defining tragedy. Joined the Imperial Navy and is now captain of the IKV Dragon's Blade. A fearsome warrior married to a Betazoid of great skill and fearsome demeanour.

Terran History:

Traumatic childhood led to the man we know as Mr. Badass. Currently lives in Australia fleeing from the violent society that America has become. Loves life, makes weapons.

IRC Nick: Dread, Mr Happy, 50cal, Milkboy, Claymore and Mrtoguns.

ICQ Number: Hey what do you want I use an Amiga.


Executive Officer: 2nd Lt Qel qu'chong tai

Terran name: Regina Nicholls

Klingon History:

Qel is the science officer on the Blade, this is her first posting since finishing at the Academy. Her family has a history of scientific careers and she chose to follow in her mother's footsteps and study both medicine/xenobiology and computer science. Since joining the Blade she has progressed quickly and organised a banquet for the Sundragon Fleet. Married Brett, another member of the Blade crew, in October (Halloween).

Terran History:

I am currently studying at Southern Cross University in Lismore with the aim of getting a Bachelor of Business (Accounting/Computing). I enjoy computers, role-playing (Vampire the Masquerade), designing web pages, reading (anything) and most things sci-fi.

IRC Nick: Qel or Elektra


Quadrant Commander: Lt Cmdr Kr’gahN vestai-maw’checH

Terran name: Scott Driscoll

Klingon History:

Kr’gahN is the only son of the House of maw’checH, who’s father and mother were killed by Romulans. A Federation ship found him the USS Capricorn, on the moon that is the family ancestral home. When found, the 5 year old Kr’gahN was repeatedly stabbing a corps that forensic tests would later reveal to be Romulan. Kr’gahN was then taken to Qo’noS where he was taken in by foster parents M’arti and G’aly who later adopted him, but because of the politically stronger House of maw’checH, changed their names from D’riskol to maw’checH. Kr’gahN joined the Imperial Navy and served under Haj’chonnaq as his Adjutant until the Blade was re-commissioned and assigned a crew, where he now serves as Executive Officer.

Terran History:

Adopted at one month of age by Marty and Gai Driscol, I have spent my life moving around wherever my family’s business is. Currently living on the North Coast of NSW on my family’s Ostrich/Worm/Coffee farm!

IRC Nick: Lobo

ICQ Number: 5591439


Chief Engineer: 2nd Lt Do’wanI’baj’R

Terran name: Peter R Sigley

Klingon History:

Descended from the ancient Honourable House of "ABERDEEN" the original home of the legendary engineers known as the "Miracle Workers". (The Feddie scum have since named the town where their best engineers come from as Aberdeen – Scotland, Northern hemisphere, Sol 3, Terra {Earth} Sector 001).

Terran History:

Long time Sci Fi fan… Dr Who, Star Trek, Lost in Space [other Irwin Allen] & Phoenix 5 [who remembers this Australian space series?], through to

Current ST: TNG, ST: DS9, ST: VOY, B5, SG1. 29 years old. SINGLE! Male dairy farmer.


Intelligence: 2nd Lt Dun mItqa' Qorgh

Terran Name: Jeffery Clark

Klingon History:

Dun was born second son of the House of mItqa (a small House). Mitqa, Dun's father, was killed. Qorgh (his brother) took his place as the head of the House of mItqa. Maltz decided that it was time for his student to move on and secured a position with Klingon Intelligence. He filled the position of Intelligence/Information Officer under the Blade's captain, Lt Bom' ChonnaQ ruatHa. Qorgh arranged a marriage between himself & SoS law' pug. The two smaller houses merged into the House of Qorgh. As next in line to lead this new house, Dun decided that he should honour the old House by changing his name to Dun mItqa of the House of Qorgh. A year later still serving on board the IKV Dragon's Blade, Qorgh & SoS law' pug died in mysterious circumstances. Dun mItqa took up his responsibilities with all his determination while remaining on the IKV Dragon's Blade. Thus starts the story of Dun mItqa, Head of the House of Qorgh.

Terran History:

I'm 29. I've been a member of the Blade now for the last 6 months. I've been a sci-fi fan for the last 20 odd years. I tried to start a sci-fi club (which didn't last long), with the help of other members of the Blade. Then I met Dread (Blade's Captain) & joined KAG. I'm a bit of a collector, and have built a decent sci-fi video library. I have a few passions, which would have to be sci-fi; my soccer team, the mighty Richmond Rovers; rugby league, role playing games and of course my new passion is the IKV Dragon's Blade & the Sundragon Fleet.

IRC Nick: Parallax

ICQ Number: 2275189


Tactics: 2nd Lt Hegh wam'r

Terran Name: Marnie Jefferson

Klingon History:

I won my place in the Academy in one on one combat, through the use of outstanding tactics. I graduated first in my year in tactics, which made me highly sought after for the tactics position. Upon commission of the Dragon's Blade I was placed in the position of tactics, which I have served with great honour.

Terran History:

Currently single, 24 year old Marnie is currently working part time at a computer store, enjoys role playing, sci-fi, horror and making miniatures/models. Enjoys black comedy, the darker the better. Frag it this is my life. My role models include Animal and Crazy Harry (both Muppets - doesn't that scare you?? And if it doesn't, it should).

IRC Nick: Zombie

ICQ Nick: Zombie


Head of Security: 2nd Lt Hegh jo'Ha

Terran Name: Brett Hart

Klingon History:

Hegh is Chief of Security on the Dragon's Blade, his second posting since joining the Navy. Like his father before him (and his before him etc.) Hegh chose his path in life at a very early age - TO DIE WITH HONOUR IN GLORIOUS BATTLE!!!

Terran History:

I am currently unemployed. I enjoy computers, role-playing (Vampire the Masquerade), designing web pages, most things sci-fi (OK BABYLON5 RULZ over TREK - there I said it), horror movies, computer mags and comics. I married Regina, another member of the Blade crew in October (Halloween).

IRC Nick: DeadKing or GodRats



Check out the Blade's webpage!


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ghopbe' "Hand of Woman"
A society of female Klingons Wo'DevtaH ghopDu'ma'.
"Our hands guide the Empire."


General History

This section outlines what is known to the general Klingon populace. The ghopbe' are shrouded in mystery and secrecy. Before the time of Kahless the Unforgettable, females were respected for their unswerving devotion to honor and the Klingon Way. Often, females served in positions where their knowledge and understanding of Klingon tradition and honor provided guidance for actions of the family House. Since the raising of children was left almost exclusively to the females, the training of future warriors to respect this guidance and influence was easily accomplished. Female Klingons especially revered batlhSoS, a mythical goddess that embodied the respected traditional ways and honor. Temples with priestesses dedicated to this goddess were common in Klingon ancient history and were used as places of learning. However, as the Klingon world became more "civilized", old religious ways were discarded. Legend tells of the coming of batlhSoS in a time of conflict and strife and whose appearance will restore the traditional ways of honor and war.

When Kahless unified the Klingon Homeworld, he recognized the subtle but pervasive influence of females in the Klingon society and sought to bend that power to his use. He invited senior warrior females of powerful families to become part of his personal bodyguard and assume places of honor beside him. This bodyguard, known as the RaH'ir, soon became feared because of their unswerving loyalty to Kahless and their ruthless vengeance against those who sought to unseat their Emperor. When Kahless departed, the Empire was in turmoil. Male pretenders to Kahless' throne created an atmosphere of fear and distrust against the ghopbe'. Temples of batlhSoS were not banned but priestesses lost their status in Klingon society. The RaH'ir continued the teachings of Kahless and preserved the true history rather than the rewritten history of whomever was in power. The female warriors of the RaH'ir became known over time as the ghopbe'. The ghopbe' continued their tradition of honor. Their preparation not only included the standard training of warriors but also included the disciplines of unarmed combat, assassination, and an esoteric form of torture known as be'joy' (literally translated as "torture by females"). Females were also taught to be self-reliant and mastered forms of subtle power. Members of the ghopbe' have also sworn not to adopt the family line name of their consort but to retain their own. However, family loyalty is honored and members are expected to swear loyalty to their family and to the Empire. Ghopbe' members may be found in all walks of like including warriors, teachers, mothers and consorts. Over the years, their society diminished in power but never completely disappeared. Persecution of some of their members led the ghopbe' to a secretive existence and a more subtle exercise of power and influence.

Recently, their influence and power has been expanding. The return of Kahless elevated awareness of traditional Klingon ways and returned the ghopbe' to their place at the side of Kahless. However, the male dominated High Council has restrained any overt attempts of influence by the ghopbe'. Although the full membership is not known and is still shrouded in secrecy, there have been several publicly avowed members such as Azetbur, Mara and Valkyris that have served with honor and distinction. It is also known that membership is not limited by family or House lines or even ships. The High Council suspects that the membership is large and pervades every ship of the fleet and every family line. But since the ghopbe' are known for their adherence to the Klingon Way and honor, a threat is not perceived. The rituals and laws of the order are also unknown. It is believed that initiates swear an oath of secrecy and preference of death to dishonor.

Specific History

The ranks or stations of the individual members within the ghopbe' are denoted by specific color braids of cloth in their hair. A single red braid denotes an initiate beginner known as a puqbe'quv or honored daughter. A red and silver braid indicates a honored sister or be'nI'quv. The wearing of a red and gold braid is the highest status an individual can attain, that of a honored mother or SoSquv. The head of the ghopbe' is known as SoSqanquv or honored eldest mother. The SoSqanquv is elected and advised by the yejbe', a council composed of the 3 most senior SoSmeyquv.

A potential member must be sponsored by at least one be'nI'quv (honored sister) and petitions the yejbe' for initiation into the ghopbe'. A female must stand before the yejbe' and recite her lineage and deeds of honor. If the yejbe' accepts her petition, the female recites the Qu'quv'Ip, the oath of honor and duty. She then swears upon her life to not reveal the secrets of the ghopbe' and becomes a honored daughter (puqbe'quv). Her sponsor is responsible for her conduct during the period of probation. If the puqbe'quv is accused of dishonoring the ghopbe', she is brought to the yejbe' for trial and disciplinary action. If convicted, she pays with her life and her be'nI'quv is reduced in rank to puqbe'quv for one year.

The ghopbe' exert subtle, not overt, power. They influence Klingon life by acting as consorts, advisors, and warriors. Honor and loyalty are highly valued Klingon traits and are not easily dismissed by the ghopbe' or the SoSqanquv. It is VERY seldom that a direct order from the SoSqanquv conflicts directly with the loyalty to Empire and Family. In fact, that occasion has happened only once in the recorded history of the ghopbe', and under very extenuating circumstances, but that tale can wait for another time. The tradition of honor and duty to the Empire, Family and to batlhSoS accords the SoSqanquv the hereditary right to appear before the High Council and speak without fear of retribution. The SoSqanquv does not abuse this power and uses it very wisely. The SoSqanquv and yejbe' of the ghopbe' prefer more subtle forms of persuasion.

The ghopbe' headquarters are located on the planet H'Renn in the Delta Quadrant. This planet is also the home of the House QeqiVah, a matriarchical Klingon house within the Clan Lorrenssith and also led by the current SoSqanquv. After the original temple and headquarters were destroyed by meteorites from the explosion of Praxis, QeqiVah rebuilt their headquarters on her ancestral lands so that the ghopbe' headquarters can be protected by her ships and soldiers.

For information on joining our sisterhood, email QeqiVah vestai-Lorenssith, SoSqanquv of the Ghopbe' -


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A horde of Klingons overran Laserforce in Woolloongabba on the 26th of September, hungry for battle. The teams were as follows:-

Red team - Krud, Dax, K'Etta, veqtaH, Morf, Deh Gems and Hak'Daval.

Green team:- Kr'gahN, Qorgh, Keh'lahr, DoWan'I BajR', LeDaI' and Ninja.

We were briefed, then let loose to blow the total crap out of each other. It didn't take long to realise that playing in Klingon uniform was a big mistake…as was running around in urban cams under UV light. It seemed the only one truly prepared for the battle conditions was Ninja…wearing all black, you can't go wrong!

The first game saw Green team victorious…needless to say Krud & Co. were not impressed and were eager for another game so they could whoop some butt. But it just didn't happen. Green team won again, mostly due to their 'camping' tactics and the efforts of DoWan'I BajR', who let out 979 shots that game. But finally, after a good fight, Red team was victorious in game 3. Unfortunately for the next two games, the Klingons had to share the place with many Terran kids (oh well, at least they were easy targets!) Red team won game 4 and Green team won game 5.

So, Green team was victorious 3 games to 2, but Red team vowed revenge next time! Top scorers for the day were Morf for the Red team with 5230 and DoWan'I BajR' for the Green team with 5180 points.


Lt. veqtaH vestai-ja'ngeQ


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How can you tell if you are a

Klingon Redneck...



Information supplied by Lt Cmdr. Kr’gahN vestai-maw'checH – Based on real life experience!


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