hata-chi.gif (2011 bytes)                                 Ryuken-ni's                                 hat-chi_r.gif (2026 bytes)








drag1l.gif (2204 bytes)        Shadow Dragon Company  drag1l.gif (2204 bytes)


A branch of the elite Draconis Ryuken-ni, the Shadow Dragon company was started to tryand bridge the gap between mercenaries and the DCMS. The Shadow Dragons deploy with mercunits to fight along side and prove to the commanders of these units that the DC is not going to send these units into a perverbial "slaughter house". This new company has proven it's worth and continues to excell on the battlefield. Few DCMS units would meld with those of mercs as the Shadow Dragons do. But those units do not have Hans "Havok" Bekker in command either. Havok is not the normal DC officer ; Given to questioning orders and not willing to take needless risk. He has taken this fledgling company and expanded it to battalion strength. He also has the backing of most of the major mercenary units operating today. Having served beside both the Kell Hounds and Wolf's Drgoons on numerous occations. The DCMS has found that the Dragons are an invaluable bargining tool, allowing the the Combine to save resources elsewhere in it's deals with the mercenaries. The Shadow Dragons loyalty is unquestioned as they have been chosen by Kurita himself as his guards on numerous occation as well. The Dragons paint their mechs and vehicles to exactly match that of the merenary unit they are working with. This allows them to appear as part of that unit and further put the mercenaries minds at ease.  Beware the Shadow Dragon , for what you can't see ; can kill you!

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