M&T #6 The Hate

By: Maggie


        I studied myself in the mirror after haven taken my shower.  I looked  the same, pretty, green eyed, dark blonde me.  Yet I did not feel the same.   I looked tired and worn out, or maybe I looked like I had too much sleep.  I had horrid bags under my eyes that I hid with some concealer and foundation.  I usually won't wear make-up at all, in my opinion its all too much work.  But I didn't want Tobias to worry.
        It didn't matter much anyway.  I was always tires in the mornings.  I got dressed and ran for the bus, Tobias was already gone.  When I got on, I cheered up.  I'm more of a people person and I love to give all my friends
fashion tips.  Tobias talked with his friends, who happen to be the most popular boys in school.  Tobias and I are gaining a whole lot of ground in the popularity front.  Not like Toby cares but, well I'm a girl so I'm a wee
bit more vain.  Like he read my mind, Tobias took Jo's seat next to me.
   "What's wrong, Margaret?  No coffee this morning?"  I smiled and as I opened my mouth to answer the Ellimist appeared and started to kill all of my friends so that soon, only Tobias and I were left.
   Tobias turned to me and glared "It's all your fault Maggie. All your fault"
        I groaned and threw a shoe at the damn alarm clock.  What was up with  these dreams?  Falling out of bed I made my way to the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee.  Just then Tobias came staggering out of his room, morning  people we are not.
   "Ugh" I greeted him
   "Ugh" Was his chipper reply, I blinked trying to wake up and shake the dream off, I had never had a problem with dreams before.  Well, that's a lie but I knew that in time it would go away.
   "I get dibs on the shower" I muttered
   That woke Tobias up "No way, I'm older!"
   "Grrrrr...its by seven god damn minutes Toby"
   "Listen, Margaret, I-" He cut himself off "Oh go take the shower."
   "Thanks Tobias, we still going to the beach with everyone?"  Everyone meaning our school friends.
   "As long as were not in the water, yeah."


        I couldn't stop laughing.  Maggie and I, as you know hate water.  As soon as Maggie let that little fact slip two guys, Mark and Jeff had picked her up and was dragging her towards the water. Maggie couldn't use her
streagh on them and I could see the look on her face from here. Pure frustration. Jo and me were still laughing when she managed to gasp "Come on Tobias, lets go save your sister."  While she said that she grabbed my hand  and gave it a squeeze.  I likes Jo and all, but only as a friend.  And as  Maggie put it "Toby honey, friends is not the direction that her delusional mind is heading."  She was defiantly right on this account.  I managed to get  away from her and run towards a screaming Maggie.
        "Put me down NOW" She roared.  Jeff and Mark had a good grip on her and Maggie looked like she was about to hit them.
         Now don't get me wrong, Jeff and Mark are all pretty nice guys but they were, well...picture Marco
and multiply by ten.  After I saved Maggie from the water we headed over to get some coke.
         "I hate it when I get picked up and carried around like a 2 year old."  She muttered, I laughed and that was all that Maggie needed to start her raving
        "I mean come on!  Marco gives me more respect and that is just sad to admit.  Its bad enough when you carry me around but your allowed cause your my brother.  But when Moe and Larry come over and-" I cut her off by stuffing a  piece of pizza in her mouth.
        "Shut up Maggie dearest, lets go home."


        Cassie was staring at my with big eyes. "Rach?  Don't cause a scene, DON'T"
         I looked at her with enraged eyes "Cassie, Cassie, Cassie.  Why would I make a scene?  That little cheerleader is flirting with my boyfriend.  What's to be mad about?"
        She rolled her eyes "Rachel, Rachel, Rachel.  He pushed her right off and now he's heading over to the snack place with Maggie.  Remember Maggie?  Tobias' sister?"
        Let me back up.  I went to the beach with Cassie today to get break from Yeerk fighting.  When we got here I see Tobias and Maggie with some of their friends, Maggie carried of by two morons who didn't know not to mess  with Maggie, then saw that Jo girl flirting with Tobias.  Not that I could really blame her, Tobias had become a major hottie. I mean, wow. But that's not the point.  I squinted over to Maggie and Tobias and saw them leave.
        "Bye Cassie, I need to go yell at Tobias."
        I was heading down the road to their apartment when it happened, I was suddenly in front of a very ugly face, one that not even a mother could  love.  It spoke to me in thought speak
      < Hello Rachel, how nice of you to join me.  Is the little killer mad,  hummm?  I hope so. > Suddenly a spark flew at my face and I was shoved back to my realm.  I felt different, not so that I needed to turn home but enough
to concern me.  I ran to Tobias' apartment, maybe Maggie would have an answer  for me.


        I was worried, not about the Yeerks but about me.  I was in love with Cassie, I thought.  But lately Maggie has been haunting me.  Her beautiful face and striking eyes that seem to read my thoughts.  She was, she was....so unlike Cassie.  But I needed Cassie.  She completed me.  Sweet, caring, understanding.
        I swore under my breath, I wished that we had a building to blow up or an Animorph to rescue.  Anything to keep my mind of my personal problems. I really have to stop wishing for stuff.  My phone rang next to me.
      "Hey Jake its Maggie."  Great way to get her off your mind Jake, I thought.  Talk to her
      "Oh hi.  Sup?"  Trying to sound causal   "Nothing good.  Rachel is in trouble, get everyone and come over to my  place."


        I had finally gotten into a good mood and then what happens?  Rachel comes in the room and punches me.  It didn't hurt exactly, just annoyed me.  I had her pushed up agenst the wall before she could think. She struggled in  my grasp but, pul-eaze?  She's human.  I'm not. Not all the way at least.
      "Listen to me Rachel, I'm not going to hurt you, yet, but I want an explanation.  So?  What is it?  A stressful day? Credit card maxed out?"  I talked to her as I would if she were a Yeerk.
      She snickered at me and spoke, "What do you take me for?  I want to kill you.  And I will."
      "Well, duh, but why?"  I couldn't believe we were having this talk.  Rachel was my friend, kind of.  She always seemed to resent me.  And the whole time I had her up agenst the wall with one of my hands sipping a diet coke.
      "I don't need one, dearie.  You kill for a living, and then you joke.  You are evil."
      NOW I was pissed, I spun her around and shoved her so that she was dangling a foot above the floor.  "Evil?  You can me evil?  At least I don't crave the fight with my soul, addicted to it, wanting it." I pulled out my knife that I have stashed around the house and put it to her throght.  "Believe me, you don't have the strength to stop the murdering."  I shoved her back on the couch and called Jake, and got Tobias.


        "Its called the Harpnok" Maggie explained "It will take a persons soul and magnify the anger to the one person the Harpnok hates the most."  She grimaced "That'd be me."
          I looked at her with suprise "How wawawa do youuuuu know this?"
          Marco rolled his eyes "Roughly translated: How do you know this Buffy?"
          Buffy.  A name that Marco had been calling Maggie lately, like the way he calls Rachel Xena.
          She smiled a smile that did not look happy, "Well, Joker, I have fought this guy five or six times in my life and he hates me for it."
          Jake did not look directly at Maggie, but seemed to talk to her, "Why didn't you tell us about this guy?"
          Before Maggie could answer Tobias interrupted her, "Who freaking CARES!!!  We need to help Rachel before the Harpoky or whatever it is called hurts her!"
          Maggie grinned at Tobias "Rachel would love this answer."


        This was insane!  I mean we've done some stupid stuff but this just tops all stupidity.  Maggie started to look worried then looked like she was trying to decide if the situation was funny or dangerous.
          "Well" She started "The only emotion in Rachel's body at the moment is hate.  Some we have to give her love."  That's when Maggie started to laugh, "Unfortunately the only people who qualify for this task is Cassie and Tobias because those are the ones closest to her, and who she loves the most."
         Cassie let out a sigh of relief "Oh, well then I'll do it."
         That's when Maggie really started to laugh "No you won't, Tobais has to.  Its a really long story and I'll tell it to you when we have the time.  Let's just say that the person who helps her must be a different kind of love than
a friends' love."
         Tobias looked thoughtful "All right then, what do I have to do?"
         Maggie smirked, "You have to go into her body"


        My body!  No way was Tobias going into my body.  Hi, its Rachel, Maggie was a tad off when she explained the hate thing.  My body was being controlled by hate but I, the real Rachel was still alive.  And she was getting really embarrassed.  So was Tobias.  Then Maggie told us the worst part of the plan that even she couldn't laugh at.
     They would have to go to  the Yeerk Pool to get the device that Maggie wanted to preform whatever she
was going to do to poor Tobias.
        I felt like crying.  The hate inside of me kept on growing, I felt like I was about to lose control and surrender to it.  I hated Maggie, what she said to me.  I hated Jake for knowing what was inside of me, Cassie was a
fool who cried for her victims, and Marco was a prick who wouldn't fight if it wasn't for his Mother.  And Tobias....well Tobias I wouldn't kill, Tobias was good.
        It would go back and forth like that evil, to normal, evil, to normal.  Then I totally lost control of the hate
inside of me.  The last thing I remember is Tobias kissing me and promising to save me.  The fool, no one could save me now.


        I was worried sick about Rachel, I had seen the look she gave me when I said good-bye to her.  Maggie kept on glancing over at Jake and I knew why, she liked him.  And Marco told me something else, Jake liked Maggie.  I hoped that Maggie wouldn't mess Cassie and Jake up, even though I knew that Maggie considered Cassie a friend and wouldn't break them up, deliberately.
        Maggie was a smart girl, as you know.  She showed us how to get around the Yeerk bio-filters.  Which helped us a lot.  Then the battle begin, Maggie and I were alone together I was in my Elephant morph and Maggie was herself. 20 Hork-Bajir! 30 Taxxon and who knows what else.  I turned to Maggie < Let's do it! > She screamed.
        The fight was awful, Maggie disappeared when 10 Horks jumped on her.  The rest of them attacked me, one of the blades blinded my left eye.  I started jumping up and down, using my trunk, ANYTHING to stay alive.  Maggie on the other hand was taking down her pack with ease.  Once those 10 were dead she went after the Taxxons, slicing them up in no time.  She was a wonderful fighter or maybe a terrible fighter. Everytime I saw her fight I had to look away.  She helped me with the rest of my Hork-Bajir.  Once that was done we ran to the others.


        Maggie and Tobias came into few, Maggie covered in blood and Tobias looking shaken.  Maggie turned to me, "Look for a green sphere that has two lights on it."
        She turned to Jake and Marco "Keep a lookout and tell me if anyone comes near."  I saw Jake hide a smile, Maggie sometimes switched into leader mode when we were in a fight, she and Jake were like
co-captions.  I was worried that Maggie was stealing more than Jake's job. More like Jake himself.  Oh well I thought, think about that that later.
         Maggie looked over at Ax who looked confused < Why are you giving Prince Jake orders?  I thought that we all followed our Prince. >
         Maggie looked a little mad at that "I don't fallow anyone, Ax."
         < Then you share the Prince position with Prince Jake? Then I must call you Princess Maggie from now
on >
         From the other side of the room I heard Tobias snorting, trying not to laugh.  "You do that Ax-man."  Tobias said still chuckling.
         "Found it!"  I exclaimed  Maggie took the weird looking thing from me and held it up. "That's it" She
said giving me a smile "Lets go."


        The morons opened the door to the apartment just as I got free from my chains. Maggie ran over and tied me right back up. Tobias looked very nervous in the corner.
        "OK Maggie, what do I do?"
        She gave him a reassuring smile "Just place your hand on her head and concentrate.  I'll do the rest."
        "That's reassuring, what is that thing for?" Tobias asked, indicating the green thing that Maggie held in her hands.
        "It'll monitor the responses Rachel's brain is receiving and to make sure that the Harpnok doesn't go into your body."
        Marco sighed "Well senesce Rachel is temporarily evil, no big change there, I'll do the honors......Let's do it!"


        Oh this was sooooo not my idea of a fun, relaxing Saturday.  I cared about Rachel a lot and would do anything for her, but this felt like I was violating part of her.  I had a feeling she would be a very mad Rachel when she got better.  If she got better, I still wasn't sure what to do once I was in her head.  Maggie said that "You will know when it is time."  God, she sounded just like an Ellimist.
        I was in my room, trying to get some sleep as Maggie had said to do.  It wasn't working.  Then I heard Maggie scream out
        "Tobias!  Time to switch body's!"  Maggie never took anything seriously. I got up and went over to Rachel, Maggie told me what to do earlier so I knew (sota) what I was doing.  I placed my hand on her forehead and shut my eyes. I heard Maggie's voice as though it was far away
        "OK Toby, I'm turning on the machine...NOW!  You'll switch in 5....4....3....2...


        Suddenly I was no longer in control, it was like having a new person controlling your body, which really was what was happening.  I suddenly felt a mind push up from under this one...
        I was back!  Me the real Rachel!  Then I felt a surge of anger and hate as I began to lose control ... then I heard Tobias' voice
        < Rach?  Come on fight it! >
        < Help me > I managed to reply
        There were suddenly bursts of color and....love.  I saw all the times that Tobias had ever been loved and all the times that he had loved.  I saw the time he learned that Maggie was his sister and how happy he was.  I saw
when I helped him remember humanity.  And I saw our first real kiss.
        < I love you too Tobias >
        I woke up to see Tobias laying down, asleep next to me.  The others were gone and I was grateful for that.  I was untied, it was about time, my circulation was being cut off.  I smiled when I looked over at Tobias, he was
such a great guy.
        I got on top of him and kissed him as he slowly awakened.  I smoothed out his hair and smiled down at him.
        "Mind if I spend the night?" I had never loved him so much


        I had decided to spend the night at Cassie's to give Tobias and Rachel privacy.  I knew they wouldn't go that far, as in THAT far but I knew the feeling when you are awokened after Harpnok is in you.  I heard someone
behind me, Jake.
        "Hey Maggie, we need to talk."  I knew what he wanted to talk about.
        I smiled at him, "Listen, I'll make this easy for you.  We are friends that are both dating someone.  You love Cassie and that's all that matters."
        Jake let out a breath, "Your right, just friends."  We shook hands and separated.
        I hope he didn't see me glance back at him.

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