Humalites: Humans and Andalites

Story I: A New Hope


       {Aristh Elfy, get to your quarters at once! This is NO time for games! GO!} Captain Leb-Darc-Lintel shouted at me.

       {But…but sir! I could be of assistance! Having another Andalite fighting could strengthen the odds of winning against that Blade Ship out there!} I said in reply, hoping, that for once, I wouldn't have to stay back this time.

       {I do not need another inexperienced Aristh like yourself running around getting yourself killed. Now, forget your quarters, go to the dome and stay there before I kick you off my ship. GO!} That's how Captain Leb was. Never wanting any inexperienced creature to help him out. Nope, he was too good for that.

        I stood and looked at my Captain for a moment before turning away. How could he do this? How was any Andalite supposed to get higher than an Aristh if your Captain never let you go anywhere?

        I marched to the drop shaft that was taking every warrior to their fighters. I sighed and waited for all of them to clear out. Then, I went up. Up and up to the dome. To be alone once again. I walked around eating as I wished my fellow crew good luck secretly.

        As all of the fighters were launched from my dome ship, Infiniti, I saw the Blade Ship. That evil Yeerk slug ship. Carrying, must likely, Visser 3. He was the only Visser that would must likely be stationed around Earth. But then, I saw something behind the Blade Ship….something I had never seen before… looked like an Andalite dome ship… was! We would outnumber those slugs! But then, the dome ship opened fire on the dome ship, Infiniti.

        As I shuck around, I though to myself, Why would they open fire on us? Did they not know it was an Andalite ship? Then a terrible thought came to mind…What if they were…traitors.

        Before I could dwell anymore on my last thought, I could see out of the top of the dome that I was falling towards Earth. We were going to crash! What could I do? I had to stop it! But, I was no Technical Officer, I had no idea how to stop such a ship! So, I did what I could do. I ran to the drop shaft. Down and down I went...into the fighter bay. Yes! Just as I had thought! Must Captains order an extra fighter…just in case. Well…I needed it.

        I jumped into the fighter…and got her off the ground. Trying to open the hatch, I realized they were stuck. Not now, not now, not me! I thought. Too late. I would have to go through them….CCCCRRRRRRUUUUUUUUNNNNNCCCCCCCCCHHHHHH. Well…now we had a big hole in the side of this dome ship….but…tough. Maybe if Captain Leb hadn't left me behind….

        Just then the controls froze up in the fighter. Perfect. Just great. And all of a sudden, that little blue-balled planet called Earth was about to get a whole lot bigger….

Chapter I:

        I awoke on what looked like home. But, I knew it wasn't...that would be impossible. Where was I? Then it hit me. Of course! This was Earth! I had heard that Earth was much like the Andalite homeworld. I never though it would be this much alike.

        I started walking around. I was the only Andalite on Earth. At least, that was what I had thought then. I walked to the edge of these clumps of trees. In the distance I could see a small rectangular building, what could that be used for? Humans were a strange race. It could have been used for anything. Just then, I saw a group of human youths together. And, a strange animal…resembling the familiar kafit birds of home, only looking very silly with just two wings. But that's not what shocked me must. Standing in the middle of the group was a blue animal. An Andalite.

        I couldn't believe my eyes! Had another Andalite been on my ship when it went down? No, there had been no other Andalites in the dome, and that's where all Andalites not fighting were to go. I had to talk to this Andalite. For the first time since being in that dome, I didn't feel has lonely.

        Hiding in some thick clumps of trees, the Andalite came back into the area I was in. Now was my chance. I started to step out, but stopped. The Andalite was talking! But not to me…to something else…I looked around. A bird! That funny two-winged bird! That was what the Andalite was talking to. But wait, no, this wasn't right. How did a bird have the power to thought-speak?

       {Hey Ax-man! Where ya off to?} I believe that was the bird.

       {Off to? I am 'off to' no where.} The Andalite said in reply.

       {I meant where are you going? You ran out of that last meeting pretty quick.}

        {Yes. It is just that I feel something has happened. I feel like I am more closer to home. And I do not know why.>

       {Closer to home?}

       {Yes. I feel has if I am once again together with my own kind.}

       {Hmmmm...well...look, I'll be right back, I still haven't eaten anything yet.}

        With that, the mysterious thought-speak-speaking bird flew off. Now was the time. It was now or never.

        I saw the Andalite swerve his stalk eyes around. Almost has if he sensed I was present. Then, I stepped out into view.

        The Andalite stood there, staring at me, like he couldn't believe his eyes.

        {My name is Elfy-Sirinal-Shamtal.} I said to him. {I believe I have fallen, several light-years from home.}

Chapter II:

        The Andalite just looked at me for a moment. Then he said, {Who are you? How did you get here? Why are you here?}

       { it safe for me to talk about this here? The yeerks are strongly present on this planet.} I managed to speak to him.

       {Come. Follow me.} He turned and walked deeper into the trees.

        I followed him and soon we were by a stream of water. It looked exactly like home! I couldn't believe it!

       {Now, please explain yourself.} He told me.

        Should I? Was he a yeerk? Would he kill me? Right then, if this Andalite had been a yeerk, I would have made the biggest mistake ever. But, thankfully, he was not. Because right then, I just blurted everything out, not even thinking of the possibility that he could be one of them.

       {My name is Elfy-Sirinal-Shamtal. I am an Aristh on the dome ship, Infiniti. We were in a battle high over head this planet. My Captain, Captain Leb, ordered me to the dome because I was an inexperienced fighter. All of the Andalites aboard my ship went to fight the Blade Ship. I do not know if they succeeded or not. Another dome ship came out from behind the Blade Ship, and fired upon the Infiniti. I took a small fighter, attempting to get back to safe Andalite territory. I failed. And I have just now crash landed on this planet in this clump of trees.} It felt so good to speak of my worries to another Andalite.

       {I see.} He said. {I, too, know what that is like. The same happened to me. I am also an Aristh. I crashed in one of the Earths many oceans. Until I was rescued.}

        He led me to a small clearing. Then he said, {My name is Aximilli-Esgarrouth-Isthill. It is good to see another of my kind, here, on Earth. I have been without contact from my family for some time now.}

       {You said you were rescued. By whom may I ask? I just ask because I am curious to know if there are more Andalites here…..}I stopped. Suddenly I realized something. {You are one of the Andalite Bandits! My Captain has spoke of you many times!}

       {Yes. I am one of them….}He said.

        Just then the funny bird returned. He stared at Aximilli. Then at myself. Then he flew off. I don't know where he went. But he soon returned, followed by a tiger, bear, wolf, and ape. I had learned of these creatures from school. And soon, I was surrounded. Then, Aximilli spoke.

       {Prince Jake. She is OK. I assure you, she is no yeerk. She has crash landed.}

        Then, to my amazement, the tiger spoke. {Ax? How is their another Andalite here?!?}

       {Prince Jake. I do not know yet. But, I know for a fact she is no yeerk. I can sense that. Please, demorph. And she and us can explain.}

        Then, they all demorphed. All but Aximilli and the bird. What was his name again? Tobias?

        I stood their shocked. For, demorphing was not five Andalites. Rather, five humans.

Chapter III:

        I guess I stared to long. One of the humans spoke. "Yes, that's right, we're HUMANS."

        Then another replied. "Marco, shut up. When the Andalite first saw you how could it have known we were humans??"

        Yet another reply. "Rachel, Marco? Is this the way you really want to represent Homo Sapiens?"

        Aximilli, the funny bird, the five humans, and I walked to a small clearing covered with trees all around.

        "OK. We have to really sit down and figure this out. I mean, its not everyday that Andalites just come dropping out of the sky." Said one human.

        They all looked at me. "Why don't you explain first?" Said the one I believe was named 'Marco.'

       {Very well. My name is Elfy-Sirinal-Shamtal. I am a female Aristh aboard the dome ship, Infiniti. When we discovered that the Blade Ship was among several Yeerk bug fighters, our fighters set out to fight. My Captain, Captain Leb, ordered me to stay behind in the dome, because I was merely an inexperienced Aristh. Behind that Blade Ship, I could see another Andalite dome ship. I was happy, thinking we would outnumber them. But then, the dome ship for some reason opened fire on my dome ship. I fear they may have been traitors. I did what I could. I took a fighter out of the ship and tried to get back to Andalite territory. The next thing I new, I was here in this tree-clump area.} I blurted it all out at once.

"Wow." Said the same human. "Ax? How can we be absolutely POSITIVE this Andalite, Elfy, is no Yeerk?"

       {I assure you, Marco, she is not. I have a sense to tell when an Andalite is a Yeerk. It only works with Andalites, however. It was a technology recently out after I became an Aristh.} Said Aximilli.

       "Uh-huh…." Exclaimed the one who had used the Earth tiger morph a few moments before. "OK…now...Ax, should we tell her about us, or what?"

       {Yes, Prince Jake, I feel it would be an exceptional idea if we told your story to her. Perhaps, she could be of assistance to us.} Said Aximilli.

       "All right. Well…if you think we should…then we should." He turned toward me. "My name is Jake."

        Then the one next to him spoke, "And I'm Marco. The cute one."

        Jake pointed out the others. "This is Rachel and Cassie."

       {Seeing as how no one is going to introduce me, I'll have to do it myself. My name, Elfy, is Tobias. I am a nothlit.} Said the funny looking bird.

       {H-H-How do humans have the power to morph? I thought it was Andalite technology.} I spoke.

       "It was. You see, we just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time." Marco said.

       "You see, a dying Andalite Prince, Prince Elfangor, crash landed near us. He said that we could help our species. He gave us the power to morph...with that little blue-box. So, he gave us the power to morph. And as soon as he did, Visser Three came down…and…well…killed him." Jake said.

       {Prince Elfangor? He would never have done such a thing!} I said, not wanting to believe what I was hearing about the War-Prince.

       {Yes. It is true, Elfy.} Aximilli told me. {Prince Elfangor was my brother. It is a hard thing to accept….but…it's the truth. And, it is must likely a good thing it is the truth. Without these humans, Visser Three might have already won Earth.}

        I looked at the humans. Then, I sighed. This was reality. I was stranded on an unknown planet to me. Then I looked up. {How was it that you, Aximilli, came to be here?}

       {The same as you. I crashed in the Earth ocean. Soon, these humans heard my cry for help. They rescued me. And now, until I can return to my people, I will fight along side them.} he explained.

        What could I do? Here I was, light years away from home. With only one other Andalite that I knew of on Earth. Once again, I did the only thing I could do.

       {I wish to fight with you. Until I can be with my own people once again, I wish to fight against the Yeerks with you.} I told them.
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