The Return
By: BBallGr124
Chapter One: Jake
It was a boring day. No mission, school closed due to snow.
Mall closed. Visser three was on the blade ship, so it was absolutely NOTHING
to do. So that's how we all found ourselves in what Marco had nicknamed,
"the hell hold," or just "the hold," which is a nickname for Kara
and Tobias's house. Kara….well lets just say, she's not the neatest person.
I know it drives Tobias crazy having her junk all over the place. He just
ignores it though.
So, there I was, sitting on the floor in front of the couch, being propped
up by some training equipment that I had never seen before. Around
me, my fellow animorphs were clueing Kara in on some of our missions.
"So then I broke into the nuthouse in Grizzly morph, and told him that
this was the last time I was going to rescue him," Rachel said, concluding
a story.
Cassie rolled her eyes. "Jake's still mad at you for that one," she
said, glancing in my direction and smiling.
Rachel just shrugged, and put on a look of pure innocence. "I did
nothing wrong," she said smiling.
"Not all our missions were fun though," Tobias said seriously.
"Right," Cassie agreed. "Like the time Jake became a controller,"
"Or the whole David situation," Marco chimed in.
"Who's David?" Kara asked. I sighed.
I filled her in on all the details. How he had stumbled on the blue
box. How he had turned against us, how we had to make him a nothlit.
As I finished up my story, I noticed Kara was pale. "What?" I
asked her.
"Y-Y…you made him a nothlit?" she asked looking scared.
"Yeeeaaahhh," I replied slowly, not liking the look on her face.
Kara never got scared, and when she did, it was time to run.
She then said some words I can't repeat seeing how it would probably be
censored anyway. Then she exploded. "HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL
ME THIS??!!!" She demanded.
"Why," Rachel snapped. Rachel didn't like being yelled at.
Kara turned her head to the window, her face still red with rage. "The
cure," she said, finally finding her words, "When I made Tobias human,
all the nothlits in this world were cured,"
Rachel paled. David had been aiming to hurt her the most. "You
mean, he's better?" She asked, a look of pure shock on her face.
Kara nodded. That's when the fear began.
Chapter two: Rachel
I was scared. Not that I would let the others know, but I was terrified.
I knew David. He would come back with revenge. He couldn't
tell Visser Three, seeing how he was on the blade ship, but he could hurt
me. He and I both knew that.
I turned away from everyone. I knew that they were scared too.
I felt Tobias grab my hand.
"You O.K.?" he whispered. I nodded, and pressed up against him some
more. I needed some comfort right now.
"Well, what should we do?" I asked meekly. "He should be back in
town by now. I mean, he can morph to golden eagle or something."
Kara shook her head miserably. "I don't know. I guess we wait
till he finds us."
"Are you Insane?" Marco snapped. "We don't want him to find us!!
If some people had trapped you inside the body of a rat, you would be slightly
mad, wouldn't you?
"I don't like this anymore than you do, Marco," Kara said. "But it's
the only thing we can do." The others nodded sadly in agreement.
"Well, I might want to be getting home, its going to be harder with all
that snow," Marco said.
"Marco, its three inches," Kara said, raising one eyebrow.
"We never get snow here!" Marco said innocently.
We all laughed. Laughed like any other teenagers, just having a good
time, going to school, and saving
yourselves and the ones you love from
people who want me dead. And my mom wonders why I don't spend a lot
of time with the
"C'mon, Cassie," Jake said, "I'll walk you home." With that He and
Cassie got up and left. Marco joked around some more than left a
few minutes after, mumbling something about his dad. That left me.
I glanced at the clock, it was getting pretty late. Tobias read my
"I'll walk you home?" he offered. I nodded. It was nice having
him back. Now I didn't have to worry about him.
We walked in silence for a little while. Then he slipped his arm
around my waste. I rested my head on his shoulder. Like I said
before, its so nice having your boyfriend or whatever we were with you.
Wait a minute. What were we?
We never officially said anything about being a couple. We just kind
of gotten all cuddly right off. I guess I had just assumed that we
would be a couple. I realized suddenly, that while I was in deep
thought, I had pulled
my head away from his shoulder.
"What?" he said, looking at me. I shrugged it away, and smiled.
"Nothing," I said. "Just a thought," He knew me better than
I thought.
"No seriously, what's bothering you?" he said, now concerned.
"Its just-" I hesitated. "What's going on between us," I said at
"What do you mean," he said, looking slightly uncomfortable.
"I mean, what are we? Are we a couple, or are we just good friends
that occasionally snuggle? I mean, are we just dating without dates
and free to spend time with other people, or what?"
I took a deep breath. I actually felt worse from when I started,
but oh well. He looked straight ahead. Finally he spoke as
we approached my door. "I always figured that we were a couple, but if
you like someone else, just go ahead and say it. That's it isn't
it, you like someone else." I was too shocked to say anything.
"Don't say anything. Go ahead, I understand. Just whatever you do,
don't let it be Marco," and he walked off. I wanted to call after
him, but I couldn't. Something got in the way. Finally he was
out of sight.
I unlocked the front door to my house. My sisters and my mom were
out visiting my grandma. I had the house to myself. My mind was swirling
with what Tobias had said. Did he really think I had feelings for
other people? Who would I like, Marco? That thought sent a heavy
feeling in my stomach. Yuck! Boys can be so dense, sometimes.
(Author's note to the boys who might be reading this* C'MON!!
You know its true!)
I continued up the stairs to my room. I shut the door behind me.
My window was open. I smiled to myself. I always use to leave
the window open, hoping Tobias would fly in. Now all he had to do
was open the door. I should call him, maybe invite him over to eat
and watch some tv. Suddenly, a familiar voice rang out in the emptiness
of the bedroom.
"Hello Rachel," it said.
I spun around, eyes wide. David.
And then I saw the knife.
Chapter three: Tobias.
I found some nearby woods, and morphed to hawk. I felt horrible.
I had always assumed Rachel had liked only me. I just hoped it wasn't
Marco. He gets on my nerves sometimes, and the thought of those two
holding hands sent chills up my spine.
But as I was soaring high on winter themals, I realized something.
Maybe Rachel was just asking if we were a couple. I mean, not everything
she says has a meaning. I turned around in midair, and flew towards
Rachel's house. I noticed her window was open, but I wanted to deal
with her as human. I morphed to human, and walked in her front door.
I walked up the stairs to her room. "Rach!" I called softly.
I knew no one else was here. I walked into her room. I gasped.
She was scared. She shifted her eyes from her attacker to me.
"Tobias!" she screamed. "Get out of here,"
Her attacker than turned towards me. I gasped. It was David.
I picked up a lamp, and threw it at him. Rachel ran towards me.
I pulled her out of her room, and practically pushed her down the stairs.
We ran out the front door, and didn't stop running until we were by my
apartment. Being scared makes you do that.
She stopped, and looked up at me. She didn't say anything, but I
knew. She was upset with me. So I did the only thing I knew
to do. I grabbed her, and hugged her. She hugged me back.
We walked up the stairs to my apartment. Kara was waiting for us.
"Something's very wrong," she said darkly.
Chapter four: Marco
It took us all a little time to get back to the apartment and listen to
Rachel and Tobias's run in with David. I really hated that kid.
Just then, we heard a knock at the door.
"Prince Jake, It is Axim- I mean Phillip- illip, puh." Kara
sighed and rolled her eyes, then got up to let him in. Ax's strangely
attractive human morph walked in. He looked in the direction of the
refrigorator. "FOOD!" he
cried joyfully, then raced off to get
to the refrigorater.
Kara's eyes widened. "NO!" she cried. She hurtled over the
counter and guarded the fridge. "Ax, get control," she said as calmly
as she could. Just then, someone I didn't think I'd ever have to
see again interrupted us. There stood David. All the Animorphs
sent out identical yelps, and backed up so we were against the same wall.
Kara ducked out of site. Ax didn't morph back to Andalite because
David could attack him midmorph.
David raised a knife over his head. "I got you now!" he yelled, his
expression portraying a mad man. Just then, Kara came into focus,
behind David. I smiled in spite of myself. Kara would take
care of him.
She walked up calmly behind him, and tapped him over the shoulder.
He turned his head around, knife frozen in position, kind of like an insane
"Hi," Kara said cheerfully. "I don't believe we've met!
I'm Kara," then her expression went from cheerful to mad. "And
I'm Tobias's sister," she said smugly, and with that, punched him.
He went down very hard, with his face looking kind of like- well, lets
just say he looked like Hanson on a bad hair day.
"Took ya long enough," snapped Tobias, wrapping his arm around Rachel,
and glaring at Kara. Kara returned the glare.
"Oh puhlease!" Kara said, obviously irritated. Just then, her attention
went back to Ax.
Ax had discovered refrigerator. Heaven help us.
Kara walked over, and pulled the half-eaten Popsicle stick out of his mouth.
We all gathered around her to look at him. I started giggling.
He had ice cream all over his face. It was halarious to look at him.
Kara rolled her eyes, then helped Ax to his unsteady feet.
"Stay away from the food!" she tried to snap, but ended up trying to conceal
a smile. Then I looked over at where David was laying.
He was gone.
Chapter five: Tobias
"Look everywhere!" Jake was instructing us. We had been divided up
into four teams. Rachel and I were walking through the woods to the
river to try to find David. Cassie and Jake were going to morph wolves
and try to pick up David's scent. Kara and Ax were going to bust
into a sharing meeting to see if that's where he went, while Marco to volunteered
to stay and "guard the fort," as he put it. He was really to chicken
to go anywhere where there would be possible danger.
"I've got it," Rachel said impatiently, "Lets Go!"
So we set off. It was strangely quiet in the woods. No birds
chirping, no leaves rustling from the wind, no anything. I could
sense Rachel was cautious too. She narrowed her eyes. "I don't
like this," she said aloud. I nodded my head in agreement.
I knew better than anyone that the forests were not quiet. Suddenly,
I felt a sharp pain at my head, and then I fell into a world of darkness.
Chapter six: Kara
Aximili and I made our way quietly to the back of the Sharing. Two
controllers were out there smoking. "Don't they know smoking kills them?"
I asked to no one in particular. And trust me, I didn't mean by lung
cancer or whatever.
I pulled out a gun I had tucked in between my belt, and loaded it with
these tranquilizer caplets I had stolen when I was aboard the Monta Ray
death ship, but that's a really funny story that your not going to get
to hear!! I
raised my gun, and pointed it at one of
them. "Ax?" I whispered harshly.
< Yes Princess Kara?
> I took a deep breath, I hate it when people used to call me that.
Part of the reason I left my station was because of that. I personally
don't know how Jake stands it.
"When I say go, run over and sting that controller. Got it?" and
with that, I crouched down on the ground and scooted over a few feet to
get a better firing range of the first controller.
"The one standing,"
I said, not taking my eyes off the controller. Boy, was she in for
a surprise. I raised my gun and fired. She went down. Not a
yelp or anything, just down.
"Hey!" the other controller with her said. Then Ax appeared.
He stung her with his tail.
"Good!" I said cheerfully. "Now, we need to acquire these people,
and get inside. Make sure that you do not call me by my real name,
or Visser Three will recognize it. O.K?" Ax nodded. Then
I knelt over, and acquired this controllers DNA. I noticed the ciggerette
still in her hand, burning. I stepped on it quickly. Like I
said, smoking kills people.
Thank gosh these people were dressed in tight clothing. It made it
a lot easier to morph them. "Strange!" Ax said in the female voice of which
he had acquired. "The female is different from the male of your species.
There are different physical traits as
well as emotional traits."
"Ax," I said, when I had finished morphing. "Ask Jake about that
one," and with that, walked calmly inside. I followed a bunch
of hallways, until I came to one that a lot of controllers were going down
into. I walked blindly for a few minutes, with Ax walking closely
behind me. Suddenly, I heard voices.
"Visser three is in a meeting right now, discussing the possible location
of the time matrix," said a controller, a boy about my age said to a thirty
year old man. The man nodded, and pointed down a hallway.
"We'll close off this hallway to ensure the Visser is not disturbed," he
said. The young boy nodded.
"Ax!" I hissed. Then I motioned him to follow me. I checked
to make sure the hallway was clear, then pulled him into a closet. "Demorph,"
I told him, "Then remorph into a fly. Then fly ahead back to
that hallway we were just at. Let me know if anyone's coming, do
you understand?"
< Yes Princess Kara > I clenched my teeth. < What will you
be doing? >
"No time to explain. Just do it, O.K?" Boy I hate bossing around
people-or aliens for that matter. Luckily, he was still hooked on
that Warrior thingy, and actually listened to me. He left.
I was alone.
I began to demorph. I had no other choice. This controller
that I had acquired was taller and heavier than I was used to dealing with.
I couldn't do what I needed to do in her morph. When I was myself.
I looked around. I
was in a janitors closet. I looked
up at the ceiling. Perfect, I spotted a vent. I grabbed a mop
and swung it up at the vent covering. It came off easily. I
jumped up, and swung myself into it. I started crawling, until I heard
< EXCELLENT! > A loud thought speak voice boomed inside
my head. Great, Daddy Alloran. I would recognize that voice
anywhere. < You will be upgraded, Innis 596! You will now
be Sub Visser 79! >
"Thank You Visser!" A man in his early twenties said, bowing.
"And may the Kadrona ray shine and strengthen you!" I rolled my eyes.
My gosh, even aliens were suck ups.
The man left. < This will be great! > The Visser said to
no one in particular. < I will go back in time, and make it so that
the I can discover who the Andalites really are, and destroy them all!
This will be fantastic!!
Who knew, the location of the time matrix
would be right here all along, right under my nose. Tomorrow, I will
go to the river, and make my plan a reality!! > I smiled in spite
of myself. 'Yeah' I thought, ' sure you will,'
This actually was very disturbing news. I really didn't like all
that was going on lately. It made me miss my base where all I ever
did was train all day. Nothing ever happened. If it did, I
rarely ever got to fight in it. I guess that's what made me rebel.
Maybe that's why everyone's dead now, I don't know. I told Ax to
meet me outside, and then I left.
Chapter seven: Tobias
I awoke in a room that looked like it had been abounded a long time ago.
I rolled over and groaned. I saw Marco, sitting in a corner, chained
there almost, looking like I felt. He also looked incredibly mad.
I could
understand that.
"You're up," was all he said. I nodded. Then I realized something.
"Where's Rachel?" I asked suddenly. Marco pointed behind me.
I turned.
She was laying on her side, eyes closed. I got up, and slid over
to her.
"Hey baby, wake up!" I whispered, lightly slapping her face to get
her conscious.
"No mommy, let me sleep a little bit longer," she said rolling over.
I smiled. Then she opened her eyes.
"Where are we?" she asked, sitting up, rubbing her head. Just then,
a door opened.
"Awake yet?" said a familiar voice. David!!
Rachel was growing mad. I could see her start to morph grizzly.
David noticed too. He pulled out a gun, and leveled it at my
"You know, your sisters got quite a collection," he said smirking at me.
In spite of myself, I felt the urge to giggle.Heaven help him when Kara
found out he had been through her guns.Trust me, she would kill me! Imagine
what she would do to someone she didn't like! Rachel stopped morphing.
I really couldn't blame her.
Then David spoke again.
"Rachel come with me,"
"Why?" she asked her eyes narrowing.
He smiled an insane smile. "I need some company," was all he said.
Then it occurred to me what was really going on. That pervert!!
I grabbed her arm.
"Don't do it," I hissed. For once, Rachel listened. She grabbed
my hand.
"I don't think so," she said cooly.
David lost that evil smirk, and now carried an expression of anger, you
know, the look that comes from reaction.
"Let me rephrase that," he said, pulling the safety down and pointing it
at my head. "Come with me, or your honey gets another hole in his
head!" Rachel looked scared. She leaned over, and gave me a
quick hug. Then she walked slowly towards David. Everything
was happening in slow motion.
"Rachel!" I cried after her. She kept a steady focus on the ground.
I turned and glared at David. "You hurt her, and I'll kill you,"
I said through clinched teeth. He laughed. Then he grabbed
Rachel, threw his arm around her waist, and put his head over her shoulder,
holding the gun to her so she wouldn't squirm.
"She's cute isn't she?" he said with that evil smirk, looking in my direction.
Rachel on the other hand looked like she was about kill somebody. She picked
up her foot and brought it down hard on his toe. "OW!" he
screamed, releasing his arm from around
her waist, and grabbing her arm so she couldn't get away. Marco laughed.
"Score one for Xena!" he said smiling. In spite the situation, I
smiled too. David was flushing angrily. He hated being made a fool
of. He grabbed her, and pulled her out the door. I heard the
door lock behind him. I went up to the door, and banged on it a couple
of times. To my surprise, it opened. It was David.
"One more thing," he said. "Try to morph out of here, and your precious
Rachel dies." Then he slammed the door.
I cursed under my breathe. I looked around me. It was a room
painted a hideous sherbert orange. From the look of it, I think it
was an aboundand house. We were in the maid quarters.
I took a deep breathe, and slammed my fist hard against the walls.
Chapter eight: Rachel
David pushed me into a room, followed me in, and locked the door behind
us. It was a really wide room, with walls that held no escape painted a
Navajo white. There was a few chairs and something that looked like
chairs, and something that resembled a…..Oh my god! It was a bed!
I shifted my glare to David. That *******!!!! I was about to
morph to grizzley when I realized that he wouldn't kill me, he would kill
Tobias. That made me change my mind. On the other hand…
No one has ever called me a "dumb blond," and survived, but David didn't
know me. The only private conversation we had ever had was when I
was trapping him as a rat. He didn't know me as I was know. Meaning,
that in the process that I was stuck in this box with the Rat previously
known as David, I could make
him mad in the process. I think
I knew just how to do it.
"You know," I said as bubbly as I could. "This looks just like Tobias's
room." That was a lie. Tobias's room was a lot cooler than
this. "Except that bed. It's over here," I said pointing to
a different corner of his room.
"And he has more furniture, and more posters.
He has this big picture of him and me. I'm on his back, and we're
laughing. It's a great picture," I said, taking a bold look in his
direction. He might as well be green. This will be easier than
I thought, I told myself.
"Rachel, Rachel, Rachel," he said cruelly. I looked at him and narrowed
my eyes.
"Baby, step away from the bird and have a real man," he said.
He did not just call me baby! I could feel the rage growing inside
me. I couldn't think. Correction, I couldn't think of anything
other than the figure of my most powerful morph.
I was morphing into the grizzly.
I saw a flash of terror over his face. Then he raised the gun.
He pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. Just then, David went
down. He just crumpled. I saw Kara came into sight, standing
over the injured body of
David. She grabbed her gun.
"You forgot to turn off the safety," she said smugly.
Then I saw a tiger, a wolf, a gorilla and a red-tail come into view.
Tobias demorphed rapidly.
"You O.K?" he asked me, giving me a brief hug. I nodded. Then I heard
Kara curse.
"You people really have to pay more attention!" she snapped. "He's
gone again!" I looked at the spot where he had been lying.
Sure enough, it was empty.
We ran through the hallways. I wanted to cream that little jerk!!!
Suddenly, the hallway opened up into a big,
dinning room type thing. Suddenly, David
appeared. But not alone. Behind him, seven animals, exact
replicas of us, a grizzly, a panther,
a gorilla, a golden eagle, wolf, and a tiger(minus an andalite) Kara
"Who are they?" was all she said, a really nasty scowl crossing her face.
Slowly, we all began to demorph. Humans emerged from David's side.
He smirked proudly. "A rebel band of controllers," then he
pulled the blue box from his pocket. "You really need to hide these
things better, Cassie," Cassie turned pale.
Just then the crowd parted, and gave way to a girl who was, I guess, really
pretty. She had long red hair, green eyes, and a pale face.
Kara's eyes grew wide.
"Hello, Kara," the girl said, smiling an evil grin.
"Jezebel," Kara said, in a dull, monotone voice. "You know, you really
should have stayed dead."
"What?" Jezebel said. "And miss the fun of the party?" then
she shifted her glare to us. "I've see you've reacquired your
princess status. Funny, you act like you want this." Kara turned
her focus to a far wall.
"They don't know, do they?" Jezebel questioned, grinning that evil grin
again. "Why don't we tell them, Kara? tell them of all the
people you killed. All the innocent people," Kara half smiled.
"I'm stronger than you think," Kara said, smiling an evil smile at Jezebel.
"I know what your doing. I'm having the dreams. I have control over
your little mind games that you and all the rest of the "gang," are playing.
ahead. Haunt me. I was a monster.
I had no control over what I was doing. I am stronger than you though.
See, I fought the demon. I controlled it," Kara and Jezebel met each
others eyes. It was a staring contest.
"What the heck is going on? What is going on?" Marco whispered to me.
"Shhhh!" I snapped.
Jezebel looked away. Kara laughed. Then she drew out the gun.
A few seconds later, "Jezebel" was lying dead.
"See, she turned off the safety," Marco said, with a smirk in David's direction.
David flushed.
"Attack," was all he said. The began morphing.
Kara saw a weakness. She shot one of them directly in the head.
She got one in perfect firing range, and then discovered she was out of
"Perfect," she said, rolling her eyes. Then she side kicked a half
morphed golden eagle.
"Everyone, battle morphs!" Jake hissed, with his forty year old, mid-life-
crisis look. I morphed quickly.
I was ready to kick David's butt!!
Chapter nine: Tobias
The fight was very short. We favored it most the time. You
know how David had asked Jake about the lion and tiger and who would win.
Question answered-Tiger. Kara was able to force all the "Rebel controllers,"
to demorph. She had found some more bullets. Then she made
us leave the room. I really didn't think I wanted to see what was
going to happen to them.
The trouble wasn't over. Kara had seemed really upset when she got
home, and told me to call everyone, and tell them that at twelve midnight,
to meet here. I wasn't to concerned. What ever happened, We could
handle it.
That night I flew to Rachel's room. I demorphed. She was asleep,
and I didn't want to wake her. I just stared at her. She was so pretty.
Suddenly. I felt a flash. And what I saw next, would change our lives
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