The Symbiotes


chapter 1: Jake

"What the HELL do you think you are doing!" Rachel
screamed, lunging at
me, rolling me out of the Yeerk pool. Suddenly
noticing the Yeerk
already squirming into my ear, she stomped over
to my head, and
litterally pulled it out; and after she did so
she slammed the writhing
slug into the tile floor  and STEPPED on it! "You
stepped on it!" I
yelled. Rachel's reply was this; "I trusted Cassie
with MY fiance, she
trusts me with hers, so THERE!" "Fiance?!" I
yelled/asked. "What do you
mean, fiance?"

chapter 2:Cassie

While Rachel was handling Jake, I handled Tobias,
which is logical, I
guess: 'cause I'm a vet, she's a
warlord.< Cassie? > Tobias groaned. < Is
that you? I can barely see. > "Yes, it is me." I
said, carressing the
wounded bird, while thinking: uh-oh!; A hawk that
can't see well is not
a good sign.< I-I think my wing's broken > I felt
them. He was right. His
left wing was broken in three places. I quickly
constructed a simple
splint out of shards of wood and strips of cloth
from my shirtsleeve and
put it over the wing .
I made a splint out of shards of wood and
strips of cloth and put it
over the injured wing. "Um, Tobias, I'll fill you
in. You've got a medium
sized gash on your torso, okay thats all." yeah, I
thougt, medium for a
human, fatal for a hawk.< oh man, oh man, oh
man > Tobias prayed. About a half a second later,
Rachel came in dragging
Jake. She obviously used her Yeerkiller on him.
"Let me see him, Cass."
she begged. "Okay." I said, leading her to Tobias.
"Tobias!" she sobbed,
throwing herself onto him, leaving only his left
wing and part of the
gash visible. She lifted her head to breathe,
showing that she had blood
on her face. Somehow the wound faded, little by
little, until it was
gone."AW, SH**!" I yelled. Rachel got up, looking
drained, Tobias flew to
her shoulder, cooing soft words of comfort to her.
Cooing soft thought-speak words to her
< Rachel... > Tobias said and
let it hang. "I-I had all ships fire their lazrs
at all Yeerk pools.
They're all dead."

Chapter 3: Tobias

One year later...
Rachel gave me a home! We're getting married! A
   < Rachel, I need one more day as hawk, okay? >
"Okay, my love, but
please be back by our wedding?" < I will. > I flew
off. There was a rat to
kill. Unlike other rats, he had a name. And he'd
scream when attacked.
   < David? > No answer. New rat. < David? > No
reply. < David? >
HHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! > I swooped down grabbed him,
squeezed him in my talons
until he practically burst, ripped his flesh
apart, ate it. < AAAHH! YOU
CAN'T DO THIS! YOU'RE DEAD! > < Hawks eat rats all
the time David, and
you're an animal, ergo it's not murder. > Those
were the last words he
ever heard.
one day later
   "Rachel? I have to tell you something. It has
to deal with family
issues." "Yes?"  "Well, remember Aria and DeGroot?"
"Yes I do" "And they read
me a legal document stating my true father?" "Yeah.
So?" she asked. "Well,
you once met him. So did Ax." "When?" she pressed,
sounding puzzled.
"Remember the construction site?" "Oh dear God." she
said, her eyes widening
in shock. All I did was nod.

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