The Rescue

By Xelbree-Zecus-Chalday


    My name is jake.hopefuly, you should know the drill by now.The yeerks, we fight them, blah blah blah.And you know us all,Me,Marco,Cassie,Rachel,Ax,and Tobias. But did you know that there is one more? Yes, another
animorph.yes it happened the day we went to the mall, to get parts for the yeerk disstress beacon.

chapter two.


My name is Kelsey, as you know.I would say that i was all the animorphs then run in a personality blender. I have sense of responsibility,(sort of.)Rachel's insanity, marcos humor, cassies caring,Ax's intelligence,(sort of,) and tobias's coming from a messed up family. My mom was a photograpger in south america.I think the most important thing she did for me was give me a name.She died of malaria when i was about two.My dad was a tribe warrior untill he died in a battle.I was about three.I say about because i dont even know when i was born.
    And you thought that Tobias's life was messed up.
    Anyway, before she died, my mom gave my dad a scrap of paper with designs on it.The Chief of my tribe
tatooed them on my arm.After my mom died,the tribe changed my name to Ulpeili, wich means 'no one'.
    After my dad died, sciencetists came. they figured out that i was half american so the took me to america.
cant tell you where,though.I guess they thought i would be happier there.I have live there for thirteen american years.
    The town was not bad.there was a mall.many good things to eat in a mall.
    One day when i was in the mall, i saw three boys running out of radio's shape was shifting,like in on of the the tribe's story teller's storys. After it took one its real shape,it was blue,with a powerful tail and extra eyes on the top of the head.
    Then,i got an idea.It seems that my ideas always get me in touble.
    "Shifter!" i called.It looked at me."If you dont hurt me, i will help you get out."

chapter three.


     I took a step closer to the human girl.she was very tall, with very long brown hair.She was also dressed very odly.
    "Come, i will help you." We dashed to a very interesting store,and led me through the back door.
    "If you shift to a bug, you can ride on me and i will take you to  the place that you live.But first, Ineed to know yor name."
    < Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill,but my human friends call me Ax. >
    "Ax, nice to meet you. I'm Kelsey."
    Once i morphed to fly,I hid on her shirt behind her braid. I led her to cassie's house. When she knocked on the door, i spoke to cassie in thought speak.
    < cassie!It's me, Ax.This human is helping me get back to my scoop. >
    "Ax?" Cassie wispered.
    "Follow me."she said.

  chapter four


     I led them quickly to the barn.
    "Ok,Ax, you can demorph now.My parents arent home.I waited until Ax finished demorphing.
    "Who are you?"I asked the girl with the very long braid.
    "Arece.Your probably Cassie."
    "How do you know?"I snaped.
    < I told her.She offered to help me get out of the mall so the human police would not get me. >
    Arece sat down on a bale of straw.
    < Maybe you should contact Price Jake and let him know that i am here and safe. >
    "True, that would be a good idea.Come in the house. It will be safer."
    I led them into the house.
    Then I called Jake.
    "Jake, hi."I said casualy.
    "Oh, hi, cassie."
    "Our friend, Phillip, stoped by, and I thought that you might want to see him. Bring Marco too."I said.
    "Ok,cool, i'l bring marco.See you in about half an hour."He hung up. Then I called Rachel.

   chapter five


     The phone rang.My mom anwsered it.
    "Rachel, the phones for you!Its Cassie!"
    I ran downstairs.
    "Yeah.Guess what?Phillip's in town, and I thought that  you might want to see him."
    She tried to sound casual, but i could tell that something was wrong.
    "I'l be there soon."I said,and hung up.
    "Mom,I'm going to cassies."I yelled.
    "Fine, but be back at six for dinner."
    I found my bike,and I think i made a new record on my bike to Cassie's house.

  chapter six


     After we were all in Cassie's barn,we sent Rachel to find Toibias.After Tobias was found, we all figured the problem.The girl just sat on a bale of hay in the corner and said nothing.I just listened to the rest of them argue.Finaly, I steped in.
    "She saw Ax morph,right?Then she can either swear to not say anything, or we can make her one of us."
    They all looked at me.
    "The last time we used the box, It didnt work to well."Rachel stated darkly.
    < Or we could vote,like we always do whenever we have a hard problem. >
    In the end, we voted, one to five.Me,Ax,Cassie,Tobias,and Marco against  Rachel.
    So we had a new animorph.Kelsey.We used the blue box,and explained to kelsey about the yeerks and andalites. Then we got her a bird morph.Cassie had a sparow hawk and a barn owl. Kelsey couldent decide, so she got them both.
    Then, we took her to the gardens to get a battle morph.
    This was interesting.

  chapter seven


     Whoever knew that this place that we live on has so many animals. In the end, I got a cougar and a Jaugar.Both very butiful animals.I knew the jaugar very well.
    But they wernt realy what I wanted.I wanted an andalite. I was just afraid to ask Ax if I could have his image.
He seemed very formal and nervous. I dident think that he would like having two of him in battle. I would just have to wait.

 chapter eight.


     Wow!This was a girl I liked.As in follow around the world in a hypnotic trace like.And what a morpher!I guess that living in the rainforest gives you the animal "sense".have you ever seen a human's body with jauar teeth, claws,spots and a tail?Most likely not.I wondered what other morphs would be like.

  chapter nine


    I knew that Marco liked Arece.As in  LIKe.The main problem was, so did Ax.I dident know that Ax liked humans.As in LIKE.
    This was not going to be good.

  Chapter ten


    The next day, Kelsey came over to my house, by way of sparow hawk morph.She said it was urgent.She flew in the hayloft doors and landed on the floor and demophed.
    "What it so important? You could just call Jake."
    "Well,two things, realy.First, there are two people looking to adopt me, and second in much less urgentcy, I feel very out of place.I have no american clothes.I know that you hate the mall, but Rachel would not help me. Pleeese?I have money.From the caretaker."
    I laughed.
    "We have spare bikes.Come on."

  Chapter Eleven


     The mall was very crowded.I had to wait for a very long time to get into the place that i wanted to be in. A hair cuting place.I was going to cut my hair to my shoulders and dye it dirty blonde.Cassie also asked me several times if this was what i wanted to do.
    "Yes!I am sure!Why would i be doing this if i dident want to?"I told her after she asked me seven times.
    Dying my hair was very exciting, and the best part was seeing the shocked look on peoples faces.I like to do things for the shock value.I also had american clothes, which was better than my usual rainforest apparl.

 Chapter twelve


    Kelsey's hair startled me.It did not seem like her to do that.
    As i was running back to my scoop, i let my ming wander,I thought about kelsey's hair.I felt sad that she had cut it.She taught me to braid her hair, and i was just getting the idea.
    Suddenly, i heard a whisper,
    "Thats one of them.Once He's infested, the others wont take long to find or kill." POP!
    There was a burning sensation followed by intense pain.
    Then there nothing.Darkness.

 Chapter Thirteen


    Looking for Ax in never easey.He is rarely at his scoop, and he likes to go for long runs.But after three days of being missing, we were very worried, thinking the worst.But no one was as worried as Me and Tobias.Ax is Tobias's uncle, and Ax was my friend.
    Jake planed a mission to the yeerk pool see if Ax had been captured by the Yeerks.I couldent tell if I wanted to find him there or not.

  Chapter fourteen


     We were very tense night of the mission.All of us made unique morphs of all of us, like Ax.Rachel and kelsey had to make two, Rachel because she had marco's hair, and kelsey because she got to much of Rachel, and had this insane optimisim for war.They laughed at the same time, then remembered that they were enimes, and glared at each other.
    kelsey carried a back-pack, wich contained a portable CD player with speakers and Ax's favorite CD,10,000
mainiacs.Dont ask me where he got his taste in music.We also had Backstreet boys, who Ax hated with a
passion.Arece said that if the 10,000 mainiacs didnt draw him out, the Backstreet boys would.
    This would be interesting.

 Chapter Fifteen


     At the yeerk pool,we positioned the speakers so that the whole place could hear.Then, after this whole thing was going,we hoped the entire place would go into insanity.Then while every thing was crazy,we would figure out our battle plan.The tipical Animorph mission,but usualy, we didnt have music to fight to.
    Once the music was going, and we were all cowering with our hands over our ears, kelsey and Cassie pulled a micraphone out of the back-pack, pluged it in, and started to sind kareoke!
    I was jealoue of Rachel and Tobias because all this time while the misic was blairing, they remembered to bring ear plugs.
    Once they got going, some of the human hosts in the cages started to sing too.

Chapter Sixteen


    Once the human hosts were singing along with Cassie and kelsey, Marco thought this was halarious. Ishover past him and stood by Cassie.She handed me the words, and we sang 'Green Children'.It was'nt a bad song,
but I'v heard better.
    Just as the song ended, Ax walked out of a shed.You know the kind you get in the garden department of sears?One of those.It's wierd to see the Yeerks using stuff like that.Something normal.The yeerks are not normal.
    < Ah, yes!The Animorphs! >Ax said in wide range thought speak.Of course it wasnt Ax,he had been an Andalite controller for three days.
    < Do you realize how easey it is now to take the human race because of this host's information?You know have two choices.Die here, of be infested.It is very simple. >I watched as Hork-Bajir blocked the entraces.
    "We are in very deep."Marco comented.Out of the corner of my eyes, i saw Tobias and kelsey begin to change.Ax! they were morphing Ax!

 Chapter Seventeen


     After i was infested,I realized how bad it was for Prince Jake to bee a controller.The Yeerk in my head,Auker 361 was just as bad as visser three.She was in charge of the pool.
    The night that the others came to get me out ofthe yeerk pool was the night that my yeerk feed,so i was very hopeful. < Why do you still hope,Andalite?Icant belive that the mighty Yeerk Empire is in uproar because of four children and a dumb bird.When I catch them, shall I eat them, or make them hosts. >
    < Shut up, disgusting Yeerk filth! >
    < And how about kelsey, the human you love but dont want to admit it to yourself! >She taunted.
    < How would you know what love is?Get out of my head!OUT! Out!OUT NOW! > I yelled
    < Nope,sorry,no can do.Visser Three's orders.Anyway, why give up a nice andalite body for nothing? >
    Then we,-I heard the music blaring.
    We walked outside.

 Chapter Eighteen


     < Ax! >I yelled in thought-speak..< Ah,yes,the Animorphs.Nothing like a good battle, eh, Rachel?Especialy when your a sabatuor. >
    < Ax!fight it!Fight the Yeerk!Make things hard for it! >Tobias yelled.
    Ax was twitching voilently.
    < End  feeding....cylcle, tonight. >He stutered.
    < The Torf!The Torf! >I said to Tobias in privat speech.
    By now, the hork-bajir were rushing at us.Jake, and the others were doing their best to hold them off.
    Ax's tail shot twards me.Impulsivly, I blocked it.
    < Now! >I Screamed to Tobias.
    Ax crumpled like he was made of Jello.
    < Get Ax please,Rachel. >She scooped him up with her trunk.
    < Now where? >Marco complaind.He picked up the back-pack. < Lets go.We got Space-Boy back,lets leave here. >
    < Wait.The drop shaft.Remember, a way long time ago?Well,we can just keep him out there till' the yeerk dies. >Jake suggested.
    We ran from the sheds to the drop-shaft,and took a ride up.We tied up Ax and duct taped his tail to the concrete.
    "Duct tape.Wonderful stuff."Marco joked.
    "Uggggg.Marco,not the time.If you ever shut up, the world will end."I said, and went to sleep.I dont like missons that end at 10:30.I like to sleep way to much.

 Chapter Nineteen


     I demorphed to hawk then remorphed to Andalite,keeping my tail blade at Ax's throat just in case he woke up. While I was doing this, I was thinking veery hard.Why did Kelsey have an Andalite morph?Ax would have told me if she aquired Him.I decied to ask Her when she woke up.
    Sudently, Ax woke up and glared at me.
    < Animorph filth! >
    I was to tired to listen to a yeerk babling, so i knocked him out again
    "You'l give him brain damage if you keep doing that."Kelsey said.
    < yes, well brain damage is better than being a controller.Oh, i ment to ask you something.Why do you have an Ax morph? >
    "Well, I was saving it for emergency.I think that Ax wont mind once i can tell him."
    Ax woke up again.
    < The fuge.Be glad that you always have food availiable, filth. >He snapped.
    < People, wake up!Its happening! >I cried.
    The yeerk slithered out of his ear.
    He tried to stand and promptly fell over.
    < AHhhh!I'm free!But why cant i walk? >
    "You most likely arent used to controll after six days.Welcome back."Jake said.

 Chapter Twenty


    We all flew home.I think we were all grounded for a minimum of a week. Ax,Tobias, and Kelsey were the exeception.I think Kelsey lied and said she spent the night outside in a tent.
    I knew we would somehow be found by the Yeerks.But I still had hopes.And for the moment,we were all free.


!Authors note!
I am not doin' this for scholastic(Or however they spell their name.((It's to long and complicated.)))
Or 10000 mainiacs.OR backstreet boys.(shudder.)Or anything else that is registered in this story.Un-authors note.
!Anoter Authors note!
Soon there will be another part to this wounderful saga.I havent figured out the name of it yet, but it will be there.(I hope.It took me 4 months to write this.) 1