A  B  C  D  E  F
G  H  I  K  L  M
 N  S  T  U  V  W

Acid Hands

Range:  Touch
Duration:  1 melee round
Saving Throw:  Dodge
Damage: 1 pt per level
Level: 1
PPE: 2
     Once cast, a corrosive acid sprays out from the wizard's fingernails and
outstretched hands. The spray reaches three feet forward from the thumbs, and
extends 60 degrees  to the right and left, gradually shortening until the spray stops.
Arcane Bolt

Range:  60 feet
Duration:  Instantaneous.
Saving Throw:  None
Damage: 1d6 + (1pt / level)
Level: 2
PPE: 4
Bonuses: +2 strike

     This spell causes a bolt of magical energy to fly from the hands of the wizard and
striking the opponent.

Range:  3 ft. per level
Duration:  Instantaneous
Area of Effect:  20-foot radius
Saving Throw:  Dodge
Damage: 1d4/level
Level: 3
PPE: 10
Bonuses: +4 strike.

     This spell is identical to fireball except that it inflicts acid damage instead of fire.


Range:  Touch
Duration:  1 hour per level
Area of Effect:  Book touched
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 4
     This spell covers the print on the pages of a book and replaces it with the illusion
of blank pages. For the blank pages to be convincing, the pages in the book must be
seen by the caster during the casting, otherwise the blank pages might not match up
with the real ones. Also, individual pages may not be blanked. This is an all or
nothing spell. The caster concentrates on blankness while passing her left hand over
the book and muttering the proper words. Leoric developed this one, to his master's
chagrin, while he was still an apprentice.
Boil Water

Range:  1 ft.
Duration:  Permanent
Area of Effect:  One Container
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 2
     With this spell, the wizard can heat the water (or water-based liquid) in a
container of up to a quart to boiling. The wizard must concentrate on the container
during the entire casting. The cantrip is used mainly by herbalists, who use it to
create poultices and draughts quickly.

Range:  30 ft.
Duration:  Instantaneous
Area of Effect:  Special
Saving Throw:  Standard
Level: 1
PPE: 3
     The wizard creates a number of small bugs equal to his level.  If they are made to
appear within the pockets (or open orifice) of an individual, a saving throw versus
spell may apply to negate the spells effects.

Bleeding Touch

Range:  30 ft.
Duration:  Instantaneous
Area of Effect: One Person
Saving Throw:  Standard
Level: 1
PPE: 4
     This spell causes a bleeding wound to appear on the victim. Wizards do not have
to attack their chosen victim to hit. The victim must save versus magic or suffer 1d6
points of damage for every two levels of the caster.
Bleeding Wounds

Range:  90 ft.
Duration:  1 melee per level
Area of Effect: One Person
Saving Throw:  Standard
Level: 2
PPE: 6
     This spell causes any existing wounds (as in painful wounds) to start to bleed
badly. Wizards do not need to strike their intended foe. If the victim fails a saving
throw versus magic, he will suffer 1 point of damage per melee, not including any
damage he may take in combat. The DM may choose to have the blood get in his
eyes, make it difficult to keep a hold on a weapon, or possibly make the ground
slippery, if he so chooses.
Blood Burn

Range:  120 ft.
Duration:  4 melees
Area of Effect: One Person
Saving Throw:  Standard
Level: 2
PPE: 7
     By means of a blood burn spell the caster is able to make a creature's blood boil.
Creatures without blood are immune to this effect.
On the first round of the spell, the blood becomes warm and the creature feels
uncomfortable and feverish. During the second through fourth rounds, the blood
increases temperature until it is burning internal organs. Note this is treated as fire for
resistance and regeneration purposes.
Damage is as follows:
round 1: no damage;
round 2: 1d4 HP damage;
round 3: 2d4 HP damage;
round 4: 4d4 HP damage.


Range:  None.
Duration:  1 melees per level
Area of Effect: Up to 5 miles
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 3
PPE: 5
     A ray of light of any colour springs from the caster's palm. It can be up to 5 miles
long. This ray inflicts 2 points of damage per level of the caster to any creature
directly affected by sunlight.

Bone Lock

Range:  20 ft.
Duration:  1 melees per level
Area of Effect:  Sight
Saving Throw:  Standard
Level: 3
PPE: 5
     This spell causes the bone joints of a creature to lock, effectively immobilizing it
for the duration of the spell unless it makes a successful saving throw versus death
magic. Even if the saving throw is made, the creature is slowed. Obviously, a
creature must have a bone structure in order for this spell to be effective.


Range:  Touch
Duration:  Instantaneous
Area of Effect:  10x10x10 ft pile of clothing touched
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 3
     This spell removes all small particles from most cloths instantly. All that is
required is that the caster touch the pile of cloths and mutter the short verbal

Range:  Touch
Duration:  1d6 melees
Area of Effect:  Special
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 3
     This spell causes a glowing arrow to appear in the cupped palm of the wizard. It is
a light green in colour, and wavers around in the general direction of north. The spell
will work underground, as well as at sea.

Range:  Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect:  3 cubic feet per level.
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 2
     Count verbally announces the number of objects in the specified area (with a
minimum of one cube yard), like grains of sand or
pieces of silver. Count can count 10level+1 things, i.e., a 1st-level wizard can count
100 things, a 2nd-level one 1000 things, a 3rd-level one 10,000 things, and so on.

Range:  30 ft per level.
Duration: 1 melee per level
Area of Effect:  One Person.
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 4
     This spell chills the victim, lowering its body temperature and slowing reactions.
Any creature that fails its saving throw suffers a -2 penalty to initiative and is -1 to
strike, parry, and dodge. Any creature without a normal, living body is immune to
this spell (golems, undead, elementals, etc.). Creatures immune or resistant to cold
are also immune to this spell.

Range:  90 ft.
Duration: 2 melee per level
Area of Effect:  One Person.
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 4
     This spell forces the victim to save versus magic or suffer from severe stomach
cramps which will cut that creature's movement rate in half and put it at -1 on all
their combat rolls. Creatures without a normal metabolism (such as undead and
elementals) are not affected by this spell.

Crier's Boon

Range:  Touch
Duration: 1 minute per level
Area of Effect:  One Person.
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 2
     This simple spell grants the recipient the ability to effortlessly speak in a loud clear
voice for the duration. Persons as far away as 200 feet can hear the recipient of
crier's boon over a normal crowd as if they were standing next to him. Exceptionally
noisy areas can reduce the distance the recipient's voice will travel, as determined by
the DM. Crier's boon has been used for countless years by town criers
and nobility alike to address large numbers of persons.
Cloud Walk

Range:  Self
Duration: 1d6 minute +1 minute per level
Area of Effect:  Self.
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 2
PPE: 4
     This spell allows the recipient to walk on any form of fog, cloud, or smoke as if it
were solid. The recipient may move at normal movement rate, plus the movement
rate of the smoke. The smoke must be reasonably thick, reducing visibility


Range:  10 ft per level
Duration:  10 minutes per level.
Area of Effect:  40 ft radius
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 6
     This spell can be cast upon an object to create a temporary forty-foot sphere of
darkness. Non-magical light will not penetrate. Infravision will not work. Ultravision
will work, however. This spell may be used to cancel a light spell.
Detect Poisoning

Range:  Touch
Duration:  1 minute
Area of Effect:  Special
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 5
     With this spell, the wizard can determine if a corpse has been poisoned. One
corpse can be checked each melee. The wizard can determine the means by which
the poison was administered and the place at which it entered the body, and he has a
5% chance per
level of being able to identify exactly which poison was used.
Detect Illusions

Range:  Self or others.
Duration:  1 minute per level 
Area of Effect:  Sight 
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 2
PPE: 5
     The wizard can see what is illusion and what is not, and can pass this ability to
others by a joining of hands.
Dispel Silence

Range:  30 ft per level.
Duration:  1 melee per level
Area of Effect:  15 ft radius sphere
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 2
PPE: 5
     When cast, this spell automatically dispels any magical silence within its area of
effect. Furthermore, no silence spell will have effect within the area of effect for the
duration of the spell.
Electric Blades

Range:  Touch
Duration:  Special
Area of Effect:  Two Blades
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 2
PPE: 8
     This spell must be cast with a metal blade of some sort in each hand. Both blades
then acquire a flickering blue glow. When a hit by either blade is scored it causes
1d12 extra points of electrical damage. If both blades hit the same target in the same
round the victim must save versus magic or be stunned for one round, and damage is
doubled. Each blade only shocks once and then is normal again.

Ferment Grape

Range:  Touch
Duration:  Permanent
Area of Effect:  One Grape
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 2
     By use of this spell an Leoric can converted the contents of a grape into
fermented wine. It did not change the skin of the grape, so it kept its shape. This
spell was created by Leoric because he was  tired of the same old food from his
teachers who did not approve of alcohol.


Range:  10 ft.
Duration:  1 minute.
Area of Effect:  One person.
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 2
     This spell allows the caster to speak with one person at a time completely
understandable by subvocalizing (whispering under your breath) the message. Who
he is talking to can be changed, as long as all of the talking takes place within the
one-minute time limit. I recommend that DMs actually time the message to one
minute. This will eliminate hassles about whether or not there is enough time or not
to say something (like "the solution is...").

Frost Touch

Range:  Touch
Duration:  1 melee per level.
Area of Effect:  Creature touched.
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 4
     This spell delivers 1d6 points of damage. In addition to this, add 1 point of
damage for every level above first. Cold based creatures are immune to this spell,
while fire based creatures take double damage.

Fiery Eyes

Range:  30 ft
Duration:  2 melees + 1 melee per level.
Area of Effect:  Self
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 2
PPE: 5
     By means of this spell, the wizard causes his eyes to glow with an unnatural light,
causing beams to shoot forth up to thirty feet, causing a single creature or object
1d12 points of fire damage per melee.
Gem Access

Range:  Touch
Duration:  Permanent, untill used.
Area of Effect:  Touch
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 3
     This spell allows the wizard to read anything which is stored within a single gem
by another spell called gem write. This spell allows the character access to one gem.
The gems have to be determined during casting. All gems which contain information
or other material may be accessed.

Range:  2 ft per level
Duration:  1 hr per level.
Area of Effect:  One person or object.
Saving Throw:  Standard
Level: 1
PPE: 2
     This spell causes the object or person affected to emit an eerie glow. The colour
ranges from blue to green. It cannot be dispelled but it can be negated by a darkness
spell. The glow is not bright enough to read by, but is easy to spot in the dark.

Range:  Touch
Duration:  1 hr.
Area of Effect:  Pebble touched.
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 2
     This spell causes any smoothed, ordinary pebble to glow with enough light to see
about 20 feet well. The spell requires a pebble held in the caster's hand while arcane
words are muttered. Unfortunately, this spell works only on small, rounded stones,
which are consumed by the spell.
Ghoul Touch

Range:  Touch
Duration:  2 melees + 1 melee per level.
Area of Effect:  Self
Saving Throw:  Standard
Level: 2
PPE: 5
     Casting this spell changes the casters hands into ghastly clawed terminals, much
like a ghouls. The wizard may then attack with these
decayed hands. The damage is 1d8 per claw + Strength bonus. A saving throw
versus paralysation must be rolled by the creature hit. Those failing the saving throw
are paralysed for 1d4 melees. Note that the caster can attack with both hands with
appropriate penalties.
Elves, slimes, undead, and automatons are immune to this spell. Spellcasters may
cast other spells while this spell is going, but any other touch spell will negate the
ghoul hands.

Gem Write

Range:  Touch
Duration:  Permanent or untill read.
Area of Effect:  Touch
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 2
PPE: 5, 12(2 of which are permanently lost)
    This spell allows the wizard to store any information within a single gem. This
spell allows the character write to one gem for every 3 levels of experience.  The
material component needed is a single gem worth at least 100 gp. This gem has to be
cut exactly in half, hollowed out and then to be filled with a single drop of blood
from the caster per gem which is to be written to (up to the maximum of one per
three levels).


Range:  Touch
Duration:  Instant.
Area of Effect:  1 object or person touched.
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 3
     This spell allows the wizard to "tune in" to the psychic impressions left on an
object or small area. This power gives the wizard the ability to divine hidden
purposes, prior owners, secret compartments, and powerful alignment bends. The
spell will not identify a magic item per se, but would for instance tell the wizard that
the ordinary looking golden ring he holds is in fact the signet ring of a long deceased
noble house. Further, use of the history spell doubles the chance that the value of an
antique or relic will be correctly guessed.
This spell is usually used on non-magical plunder, books, and items sold at auctions
(to verify claims made about their antiquity).

Human Torch

Range:  Self
Duration:   3 melees.
Area of Effect:  Touch.
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 4
     This spell causes the wizard and all his clothing to become engulfed in flames.
These flames do not harm the wizard or his equipment but cause 1d4 points of
damage to anyone within 5 feet and an additional 1d6 to anyone who actually
touches him. The flames themselves are only about as hot as a torch but the
surrounding area will feel like a blast furnace.


Range:  Self
Duration:  1 minute.
Area of Effect:  Self
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 3
     This spell allows the wizard to impersonate any speaker with nearly perfect
ability. The wizard can only speak in languages he knows, and must possess a small
item recently in close proximity to the original speaker (for example, an article of
clothing). The wizard's audience will probably be greatly amused if they can see who
is speaking, or completely fooled if not.
Invisible Scribe

Range:  3 ft
Duration:  20 minutes per level.
Area of Effect:  Special
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 4
     By casting this spell, the wizard brings into existence a field of force able to write
on normal materials with a quill pen. The wizard must sit quietly for the duration of
the writing, and simply speaks what is to be written. The invisible scribe writes in a
handwriting vaguely like the wizard's in any language the wizard knows how to read.
It is fairly slow.


Range:  Self
Duration:  2 melees per level.
Area of Effect:  Creature Touched
Saving Throw:  Standard
Level: 1
PPE: 4
     By means of this spell, all sounds made by the recipient become inaudible -
breathing, talking, walking, and the like. Items on the wizard's person are likewise
silenced, but thrown or dropped items may make noise once released. While under
the effect of this spell, the affected creature cannot cast any spells. An unwilling
victim receives a saving throw against this spell. Unlike a silence spell, inaudibility
masks only the sounds made by the recipient and items in his possession, so it
provides no defense against sound based attacks such as harpy singing, a horn of
blasting, etc. The spell remains in effect until it is magically dispelled, until the
wizard, or until its duration has passed.
Infected Wounds

Range:  90 ft
Duration:  1 Day
Area of Effect:  One creature
Saving Throw:  Standard
Level: 2
PPE: 8
     This spell will cause any wounds to become infected, be they scratches or large
wounds. Wizards do not need to hit their intended victims. The victim must make a
saving throw versus  magic, and if he fails, his wounds will not heal naturally.
Healing and herbalism will also fail to heal these wounds. The use of magical healing
will heal the infection, no damage will be healed, but the infected wounds will be


Range:  90 ft
Duration:  1 hour per level
Area of Effect:  Special
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 3
PPE: 8
     The Illumine spell acts as a multiple light spell. The wizard may create two globes
of light, with an additional globe per two levels of experience of the wizard.
Immediately after casting, two globes appear where the wizard wills. The wizard
may permanently dispel some or all of the globes at any time during the duration of
the spell. These globes are 10 watts per level of caster and can be dimmed

Know Quality

Range:  Touch
Duration:  Permanent.
Area of Effect:  One Bottle
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 3
     By casting this spell, an apprentice or wizard is able to tell what quality of wine or
champagne he is drinking. This spell will let the caster know by quickly flashing a
colour, on the surface of the drink, corresponding to the level of quality. It will also
warn of possible spoilage (but not of poison). The colour black means poor or bad
quality. Blue means good or average quality. A light blue means very good and white
means excellent. If the flash is black and red, the wine is spoilt. This spell was
developed by Leoric who was tired of getting poor-quality wines for dinner. He also
didn't want to be ripped off in pubs.

Leoric's Mask

Range:  Self
Duration:  10 minutes.
Area of Effect:  Self
Saving Throw:  Special
Level: 1
PPE: 3
     This spell causes others to not see the details of the wizard's face. Anyone paying
attention to the wizard is entitled to a saving throw versus spell. If the saving throw
succeeds, they realise that they cannot discern some detail in the wizard's face;
careful attention will then negate the spell.
Leoric's Luminous Eyes

Range:  Self
Duration:  1 minute.
Area of Effect:  Self
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 1
     This spell causes the caster's eyes to become luminous (not a light source worth a
damn, but pretty impressive).


Leoric's Forgery

Range:  Self
Duration:  1 minute per level.
Area of Effect:  Self
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 3
     With this spell, the wizard is able to perfectly duplicate the any style of
handwriting of which he has a sizable sample. The forgery is good enough to fool
even the closest scrutinisation, although it does radiate faint magic. The wizard
merely casts the spell, and begins writing. His handwriting will perfectly match that
of the sample, for the length of the spell's duration. Those watching the wizard write
will believe that the handwriting on the page is actually that of the wizard, unless of
course they witness the casting of the spell, which may make them rather suspicious.
The wizard need not be writing the entire duration of the spell; he is free to stop and
resume writing any number of times within the duration. Also, the wizard only needs
the handwriting sample to be copied during the initial casting of the spell. The sample
of the handwriting to be copied must contain an example of every letter in the
alphabet to be used.
Leoric's Mystic Bolt

Range:  10 ft per level
Duration:   Instantaneous
Area of Effect: Target
Saving Throw:  15 or better
Level: 1
PPE: 3
Damage: 3 per level.
     This spell conjures a bolt of pure magical energy, which leaps from the caster's
outstretched hand out to the stated range  instantly. It is coloured as the wizard
desires. It is impossible to damage inanimate matter with this spell, as it can affect
only two sorts of targets: living beings and magical effects. Living beings are
automatically struck by the spell, but can save versus magic for half damage. The
base damage of this spell is a flat 3 points per level of the caster. It does not leave a
physical wound, as it directly attacks the life energy of the victim. In this regard, it
ignores armour and shields. Magical effects, including conjured matter, magical
shields, golems, and other magical effects with physical existence, can be targeted.
Golems and magically animated things can be dealt damage directly, with no saving
throws. Magical shielding spells are reduced in duration by one-fourth per 10 points
of mystic bolt damage inflicted.

Leoric's Mystic Shield

Range:  Self
Duration:   1 minute per level.
Area of Effect: 6 inches per level
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 8
     This spell can be used to block magical attacks, being a shield of pure protective
energy. It is coloured as the wizard desires, and can be manoeuvred to block any
portion of the wizard's body. Area effect spells cannot be blocked . The shield can
absorb up to 5 points of magical damage per two levels of the caster before being
destroyed. Magical attacks, bolts, rays, and so forth can be blocked with this shield,
and do full damage to the shield (any excess damage penetrates to the caster). Other
spells do 8 points of damage to the shield per level of the spell (for example, a
blocked flesh to stone does 48 points to the shield; if such a spell penetrates with
"excess damage", the caster saves versus its effect with a +4 bonus). The mystic
shield will not block physical attacks at all.
Leoric's Secret Writing

Range:  Self
Duration:   Special
Area of Effect: 1 Piece of Paper
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 3
     Leoric's secret writing allows the wizard to enchant a piece of paper with two key
words. The wizard then writes a message on the paper and evokes the first key
word, rendering the papers contents illegible even to the writer. The paper remains in
this condition until the second key word is spoken, either by the caster or the paper's
designated recipient. No spell, except for a negate magic spell, will reveal the nature
of the paper.
Leoric's Treacherous Tripwire

Range:  Touch
Duration:   1 minute per level
Area of Effect: Tripwire touched
Saving Throw:  Standard
Level: 1
PPE: 4
     One wire (up to 10 feet long) can be stretched across a hall, or such. The wire
becomes camouflaged - undetectable without find traps. The first creature to attempt
to pass must save magic or be caught when the wire springs free. The wire will twine
tightly about the ankles of its victim, tripping him. It must then be tediously
untangled (or sawed loose) which takes at least 30 seconds under ideal conditions. If
hacked loose in combat, it will take 1 melee, and the victim will take 1d4 points of
damage.Note that a wire is required for this spell.
Leoric's Fire Arrow

Range:  Touch
Duration:   5 hrs + 2 hrs per level
Area of Effect: One Arrow
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 2
     When cast on an arrow, this spell enables that arrow to ignite itself as soon as it's
in free flight (shot, thrown, fallen, etc.). As soon as nothing is in touch with the
arrow any more, it will spring to fire and act like a normal burning arrow. The arrow
radiates light in a 30 foot radius, just like a torch does. But when it hits a target, it
delivers damage as an arrow, +1d6 due to the fire. After the arrow ignite, it will burn
for 10 melees, setting fire to all combustible materials which comes into contact with
the arrow, unless the fire is extinguished.
After the arrow is used, it is completely burned up. If it was extinguished, it will
disappear. If the arrow wasn't used, it will become an ordinary arrow after the spell's
duration expires.
Leoric's Lock Pick

Range:  Touch
Duration:   4 hrs per level
Area of Effect: Self
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 3
     This spell gives the spell caster the ability to pick locks. The wizard's chance at
succesfully picking the lock is 40%+3% per level. Add +15% if lock picks are used.
Leoric's Last Word

Range:  10 ft per level
Duration:   1 melee per level
Area of Effect: One tongue
Saving Throw:  Standard
Level: 1
PPE: 5
     Leoric created this spell as a way to deal with insults in taverns. Being Suloise,
dressed in black, and not at all personable tended to draw the hecklers.
Unfortunately, there was little for him to do short of killing the person, which would
be too much of a nuisance. Thus he made this spell, which is essentially a "silence,
2-inch radius" spell. Typical use is to cast it on someone's tongue, rendering all
articulated speech impossible (spellcasting too), although deep-throat moans might
still be possible. The victim can still hear, though, a necessity in getting in your last
word. The sphere is mobile with the object it was cast upon.  A successful saving
throw against spells completely negates the effect, but the victim will not know that a
spell was even cast, due to the innocuous nature of the spell. This was specifically
designed to prevent secondary insults regarding the failure of the spell ("Hah! Your
feeble magics cannot affect me!"). Magic using thieves can also use this spell by
casting it on a lock to cover up lock picking noises, while still keeping an ear out for
guards' footsteps. Creaking hinges are another good use.
Leoric's Distant Bandage

Range:  15 ft + 5 ft per level
Duration:   Instantaneous
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 5
     When this spell is cast, the wizard is able to bind the wounds of a creature up to
15 feet away plus 5 feet per level. The bindings are only able to tend to someone's
bleeding wounds. They have no power to hinder a creature's movement. The
creature on which the bindings are used immediately stops bleeding from serious
wounds but does not recover any hit points. Hit points must be recovered normally.
This spell is very useful if nobody of the party can reach the character who just
reached 0 or less hit points. Leoric often meets this problem because he travels with
a bunch of suicidal maniacs who always manage to get themselves below 0 HP and
this always happens when that person is as far away from the party as possible. A
piece of bandage must be in the wizards hands when this spell is cast and then be
thrown toward the injured creature. While the piece of bandage flies toward the
target it grows and grows until it reaches the exact size needed to stop the wound
from bleeding. Then the bandage wraps itself around the wound and stays there until
someone removes it.

Leoric's Appraising

Range:  Touch
Duration:   Instantaneous
Area of Effect: One Object
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 5
     The value of gems and art objects can be determined by the means of this spell.
Objects must be well cleaned, which typically takes 5 melees per object. Up to 3
items per level of the caster can be appraised. The chance of success is 50% + 5%
per level of the caster.
Leoric's Mapper

Range:  Touch
Duration:   6 minutes + 1 minute per level
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Level: 1
PPE: 4
     This spell will create a map of the wizard's path for the duration of the spell. The
map will record basic features (doors, stairs, windows, cliffs, rivers, etc.) on a piece
of vellum provided by the wizard. Unusual or special features (statues, paintings,
smells, and noises, for example) can be added at the will of the wizard.
Leoric's Wind Bolt

Range:  60 ft + 10 ft per level
Duration:   Instantaneous
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Level: 1
ppe: 6
     This powerful spell can inflict a great deal of damage, but it harms the wizard in
the process. With this spell, the wizard himself becomes a channel for a bolt of raw,
destructive energy. The wizard, however, becomes greatly damaged by this
channelling; the more powerful the bolt, the more damage the wizard takes. When
this spell is cast, the wild wizard takes 1d4 points of damage per level he posses, plus
an optional 1 HP per level (the caster need not use all the optional damage). For
each point of damage the wizard takes, the bolt does 1d4 in damage to the target.
For example, a 10th-level wizard with 38 HP uses a bolt with an additional 7 points
of damage (he is guaranteed at least one hit point left). The wizard rolls 10d3+7, and
gets a total of 29. The wizard takes 29 points of damage, and the target takes 29d4
in damage. Note that there is no saving throw for the wizard or target to reduce
damage. The wizard can cast this spell as if at a lower level in order to reduce
damage taken. Certain spells will offer some protection against the bolt (for the target
only). The damage incurred from a wildbolt, for both the caster and target, can be
healed normally.
Leoric's Accuracy

Range:  Touch
Duration:   Instantaneous
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Level: 1
PPE: 2
     When cast upon a missile weapon, the weapon becomes more accurate. It gains a
+1 bonus to strike, and an additional +1 for every 4 levels of the caster. For
example, a 4th-level wizard confers a +2 bonus. The maximum bonus is +4. It may
only be used on normal missile weapons. The weapon gains no bonus to damage or
speed factor. Once the weapon has been shot, the bonus is lost, thus ending the
Leoric's Dryness

Range:  90 ft
Duration:   1 hour + 10 minutes per level.
Area of Effect: 1 cubic foot +1 per 3 levels
Saving Throw: None
Level: 2
PPE: 4
     This spell keeps one to several cubic feet of material (organic or inorganic)
impervious to water and related liquids. The spell forms a
minute film of air around the desired object that slowly denatures and collapses
allowing water to seep in as the spell ends. This spell is
useful in protecting valuable items like spellbooks and bows from liquids that could
ruin them.


Leoric's Enhanced Daggers

Range:  90 ft
Duration:   1 hour + 10 minutes per level.
Area of Effect: 1 cubic foot +1 per 3 levels
Saving Throw: None
Level: 2
PPE: 4 +2 per additional dagger.
     With this spell the caster can turn ordinary daggers or knives into energy bolts.
Each of them can then be thrown, to inflict 3d6 HP, plus one hit point per two
levels. Strength bonuses do not apply to the damage roll. The caster can turn into
bolts a number of daggers equal to his level, up to a maximum of ten. The weapons
can be made from wood, bone, obsidian or steel and after the casting are considered
magical. The caster touches all the weapons, one after the other. Thereafter, if they
are thrown at a target, they are transformed into white energy balls. The weapons
can be thrown by the caster or any who can put a hand on them. After this time, or
if the duration elapses,  the weapons melt with a sudden emission of heat.
Leoric's Curse Detection

Range:  Touch
Duration:   1 melee per level.
Area of Effect: Object or creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Level: 2
PPE: 5
     When a wizard casts this spell, he can detect the magical radiation given off by
cursed objects/creatures. He must be touching the object in question.

Leoric's Awsome Dissarm

Range:  90 ft
Duration:   Instantaneous
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Standard
Level: 2
PPE: 5
     This causes an opponents weapon or other item he is holding to burst into flames.
This is merely an explosion and the creature holding the item receives 1d4 points of
damage +1 per level of the caster and must roll a saving throw versus spell with a -4
penalty to the check whether the item is to be dropped. If the creature holds the item
with two hands, the penalty is negated. Creatures immune to fire are unaffected by
this spell.
Leoric's Accurate Arrow

Range:  Touch
Duration:   Instantaneous
Area of Effect: One Arrow
Saving Throw: None
Level: 2
PPE: 7
     When cast, Leoric's accurate arrow enchants one missile weapon (i.e., sling stone,
arrow, quarrel, etc.) to automatically hit any target normally within the weapon's
range. Effective with "called shots", and situations of that nature. The missile's
enchantment does normal damage as it were an unaided hit of the same nature. The
enchantment instantly wears off upon the arrival at the missile's destination.

Last Image

Range:  Touch
Duration:   Instantaneous
Area of Effect: One corpse
Saving Throw: None
Level: 2
PPE: 5
     When the wizard casts this spell, he sees whatever the recipient corpse saw at the
very instant of death, with the intent of learning the identity of the murderer, or at
least the location of death.
Lesser Invisible Object

Range:  Touch
Duration:   2 minutes per level
Area of Effect: One object not larger than 3 cubic feet
Saving Throw: None
Level: 2
PPE: 6
     This spell causes an object to vanish from sight. The spell lasts only 2 minutes per
level of the wizard or until the wizard wills it to end. For example, a quiver of arrows
or a bow could be made invisible and carried, and when desired, a moment's thought
could make them appear. Note that not even the wizard can see the invisible object,
so if he is to use it most effectively, it may be necessary to make it visible.
Leoric's Void of Frost

Range:  None
Duration:   5 minutes
Area of Effect: 20 ft + 5 ft per level
Saving Throw: None
Level: 3
PPE: 6
     This spell brings forth a wave of supernatural cold, rolling forth from the wizard's
outstretched arms to the maximum area of effect. Its cold vacuum kills all normal
vegetation in the area except for trees, which have a 50% chance to survive. This
cold inflicts 6d4 damage  to all living creatures within the area of effect for every
minute they stay.

Leoric's Shadowfire

Range:  None
Duration:   Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 5 ft per level
Saving Throw: Standard
Level: 4
PPE: 10
     This spell calls forth a seething black shadow shot through the hands of the spell
caster. All creatures in the path of the spell will suffer 1d4 damage per level of the
wizard, up to a maximum of 10d4. A successful saving throw versus magic will
result in only half damage. A creature that is immune to fire or to energy drain will
suffer only half damage (a quarter if a successful saving throw is made). If the
damage rolled exceeds a target's remaining hit points, that target is disintegrated.

Leoric's Hail of Hell

Range:  10 ft per level
Duration:   1 minute per level
Area of Effect: 25 ft  radius +5 ft per level 
Saving Throw: Standard
Level: 4
PPE: 15
     Leoric's Hail of hell is a fire version of hail storm. As a storm, it causes only 3d8
for damage per melee. Large fiery stones drop from above. On impact, they ignite
flammable materials and break fragile containers on impact, perhaps igniting the
contents. The storm is not likely to burn a table, large logs, leather objects and the
like, because the storm doesn't last long enough to light them. The fires rages 4 feet
high in the area for the duration of the spell and may block vision. The crackling of
the flames makes communication across the field difficult if not impossible. Animals
won't enter the burning area and will try to flee from the fire zone immediately.

Leoric's Greater Vision

Range:  Self
Duration:   Special
Area of Effect: Self
Saving Throw: Standard
Level: 4
PPE: 8
     This unusual spell gives the caster an elevated view of his surroundings. The
caster must stand still with eyes closed for the duration; he is then able to look down
from a point hundreds of feet directly above the spot where he is standing. Needless
to say, the spell's utility is limited by visibility conditions - it does not grant the ability
to see through trees, clouds, smoke, etc. It will not function at all if cast indoors or
underground. Trees are not a barrier to the spell's operation, but it does not lend any
special visual acuity, so fine details of things on the ground may not be picked out.
The duration is limited by caster concentration.

Leoric's Awareness

Range:  Self
Duration:   3 minutes per level (Triple if caster remains still and concentrates)
Area of Effect: 100 ft radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
Level: 4
PPE: 10
     This spell grants the caster the ability to know when any spell is being cast within
the area of effect. Additionally, the direction and distance of the spell activity is
known as well. If a saving throw versus magic is made by the caster, he is granted
some additional information about the spell, such as its level. Under no
circumstances, however, does Leoric's awareness detail what particular spell is cast
or who the caster is.

Minor Mimicry

Range:  10 ft per level
Duration:  Special
Area of Effect:  Touch
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 6
     This spell allows the wizard to make the creature touched to appear as something
else for the duration of the spell. The illusion has visual and minor auditory (such as
crackling of fire, mumbling, etc.) components only. The form is chosen by the
wizard, and unwilling creatures get a saving throw. The illusion can be as small as
half the size of the creature masked, and as large as something that would fit within
3 cubic feet + 1 cubic foot per level. Once the form is taken, it remains almost
stationary, with only minor movement possible; for example, a troll illusion could
growl and make threatening motions but could not walk and attack, and a fire could
dance and crackle but could not spread. For this reason, objects are the forms most
often chosen.Movement is not possible for the recipient creature if the spell is to be
maintained, as this would break the spell. If the recipient remains still or nearly still,
however, the spell will last so long as the wizard maintains faint concentration (spell
casting and taking damage breaks the spell, but talking and walking do not), and
remains within 3 feet per level of the location of the recipient (obviously not a
problem if the wizard and the recipient are the same person). If the spell is broken
for any reason, it will last a further 1d3 rounds + 1 round per level of the wizard.
The illusion does not follow any movement made by its recipient.


Range:  60 ft
Duration:  2 melees per level
Area of Effect:  Up to 50 ft cubic area per level.
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 4
     Mist creates a huge fog cloud that can be seen through, but reduces the range of
vision greatly. In normal use, all sighting distances are halved. Vision can be
decreased to a third of its normal range by reducing the area of effect to one cube
(with a 25-foot side) per level. The shape of the cloud must be rectangular. For
example, a 2nd-level wizard could create a mist of 100x50x50 feet.
Murder Weapon

Range:  Touch
Duration:  1 minute
Area of Effect:  Weapon touched.
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 3
     The caster of this spell can check one weapon per melee to determine if it was
used to kill a specific corpse, of whom he has a blood sample. A murder weapon is
one that reduced the victim to zero hit points, or delivered the poison which did so.

Magic Eye

Range:  Sight
Duration:  Special
Area of Effect:  One specific location.
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 2
PPE: 4
     By means of this spell, the wizard creates a "third eye", which remains in a
specific location once cast. It can be triggered in two ways, the first being a
predefined event occurring, such as some creature passing in front of it. The second
can be done from anywhere on the same plane, by willing it to activate. Once
activated the eye lasts 2 melees per level. The magic eye sees as well as the wizard:
if the wizard can normally see invisible so can the eye.
Mental Notepad

Range:  Self
Duration:  Permanent
Area of Effect:  Self
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 2
PPE: 5
     This spell allows the wizard to store information in the unused portions of his
brain for later recall. The information thus stored will be available for complete recall
as if the wizard was reading the information from a parchment in his hands. The
wizard is able to store up to two pages of information in the brain through the use of
this spell. If at a later time, the wizard wishes to add more information, or change the
information that is current in his brain, then the wizard will be required to recast the
spell and memorise the information again. There can only be one spell active in the
wizards brain at anyone time.


Range:  12 ft radius per level
Duration:  Concentration
Area of Effect:  Self
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 3
     With this spell, the wizard can put himself into a trance-like state in which he is
highly aware of the details of his surroundings. For the duration of the trance, the
wizard is at +80% chance to locate what he is looking for it it is within a 12 ft radius
of him per level., but is likely to ignore most attempts at communicating with him(ex.
A person, secret doors, traps, etc.). The wizard can break the trance at any time,
and can do so in response to a remark he "didn't hear", an impending attack, or
whatever - it is assumed that his subconscious will snap him out if really necessary.
Roll a 1d20 and subtract wizards level to determine how many minutes pass before
he finds what he is looking for, a result of less than one means he locates it within
the 1st melee.

Noise Filter

Range:  30 ft per level
Duration:  1 melee per level.
Area of Effect:  5 ft radius per level
Saving Throw:  Special
Level: 2
PPE: 5
     All creatures within the area effect at the time of casting will have their hearing
muted - they will not hear anything unless they have some other confirmation of its
existence. Thus, you can only hear people speak if you can see their face or know
precisely what they will say; background noise will continue if you know it should be
there but sudden noises from the next room will not be heard, etc. Once a creature
notices or becomes suspicious of the effect (by turning around and seeing a large pile
of broken crockery they did not hear break, for example), it will automatically be
dispelled with respect to that creature.


Range:  10 feet
Duration:  Instantaneous
Area of Effect:  One Creature
Saving Throw:  Standard
Level: 1
PPE: 2
     The victim of this spell will experience an annoying itch on some portion of his
body and must save versus spell or involuntarily attempt to scratch the itch for a
melee, or recieve a -1 attack, strike, parry and dodge for that melee.


Range:  Self
Duration:  1 hour per level.
Area of Effect:  30 foot radius
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 3
     This spell allows the wizard to "shoo" away annoying bugs and small pests. Not
magically controlled ones.


Range:  10 feet
Duration:  Instantaneous
Area of Effect:  One creature
Saving Throw:  Standard
Level: 1
PPE: 1
     The victim of this spell feels a forceful slap across the cheek(No Damage).
Creatures must save versus spell or lose concentration and be distracted for one
attack, dazed by the blow.

Range:  Touch
Duration:  Special
Area of Effect:  Person touched or self.
Saving Throw:  Standard
Level: 1
PPE: 4
     Casting this spell removes all effects of alcohol from the wizard or any one other
person he touches. It also instantly cures hangovers.  Unwilling targets are granted a
saving throw versus spell. The duration of this cantrip is permanent, until the subject
gets drunk again. If the spell is cast on the wizard himself, a saving throw at -5 is
required, since concentration is very difficult.


Range:  Special
Duration:  Permanentl
Area of Effect:  3 ft per level.
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 3
     This spell separates the specified amount of any mixture of dry materials: salt and
pepper, for example, or gold, platinum, and bronze. The spell does not affect living
things, and cannot be used to separate materials bound together, i.e., mortar, plaster
or stone.


Sand Glass

Range:  1 foot
Duration:  Permanentl
Area of Effect:  Special.
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 2
PPE: 5
     This simple spell allows wizards to create small glass objects (up to 3 pounds) out
of sand. If used creatively, it is a handy spell for many situations. The caster can
shape the glass in any way he wants, but trying to duplicate an existing object or
creating something complex or valuable will require the proper artistic proficiencies.
The caster can produce either transparent or translucent glass. Common products of
this spell are cups, bowls, vials, small windows, and so on.  It takes at least one
minute to prepare the glass, plus a
variable time for the shaping, dependant on the object's complexity (DM's
Snap Shot

Range:  Touch
Duration:  Instantaneous
Area of Effect:  One page
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 2
PPE: 5
     With this spell, the wizard causes an image of whatever he sees, even thermal
images and magical auras, to appear on a sheet of parchment or vellum.

Shadow Bolt

Range:  100 ft +10 ft per level
Duration:  Instantaneous
Area of Effect:  Special
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 3
PPE: 7
     Use of shadow bolt creates black bolts of magical energy, one bolt plus one bolt
per level that streak from the wizard's hand. The bolts do 1d6 points of damage and
may be directed in a 60 degree arc. Thus not all hitting the same target.

Shadow Wall

Range:  2 ft
Duration:  1 melee per level
Area of Effect:  Up to 100ft
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 3
PPE: 5
     This spell creates an invisible wall, that forbids magical or mystical sensing
through the wall, as well as normal. Thus, clairvoyance, detect spells, mystical
detection abilities, a basilisk's gaze, etc. will not be able to pass through a shadow

Song of Fear

Range:  None
Duration:  1 melee per level
Area of Effect:  100ft  Radius
Saving Throw:  Standard
Level: 4
PPE: 15
     By use of this spell, the wizard sings a song of blood-curdling horror, inspiring
terror within a hundred feet his person. All creatures within earshot (including allies)
must save versus magicl or flee in panic until beyond the radius of effect.
Tree Swipe

Range:  20 feet
Duration:  Concentration
Area of Effect:  One Tree
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
     By use of this spell, the wizard can control a tree branch for the duration of the
spell. The wizard can make the branch wave, attack, fan a small breeze, etc. If the
branch attacks, it inflicts 2d6 points of damage per attack. This spell works only on
full size trees.


Range:  Special
Duration:  1 hr per level.
Area of Effect:  Self
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 3
     As with all spells, this one can be very useful, but not very powerful. It manifests
itself as a field of force that resembles an umbrella. It lasts for up to one hour per
level of the wizard at most, but if the concentration of the wizard is broken for more
than one melee, it will fade away. It actually does have some form and is has 6 HP,
but only magical weapons will affect it.

Vampiric Kiss

Range:  Touch
Duration:  1 melee per level
Area of Effect:  Creature touched
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 3
     When a wizard casts this spell, he must kiss the intended victim on the neck and
the victim must be able to receive a kiss (cannot be in combat). After the kiss, the
victim will lose 2 hit points per melee. The caster will receive one of those hit points
per melee if he is not at maximum hit points already.


Range:  10 feet
Duration:  Instantaneous
Area of Effect:  12 foot radius per level
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 3
     This spell removes dirt from all smooth surfaces in the area of effect. This
includes skin, dishes, and stone walls, but not wood (unless highly polished), a dirt
floor, etc. The caster sweeps her arm in a wide arc while muttering the arcane

Weasel Wire

Range:  Touch
Duration:  1 minute per level
Area of Effect:  One wire
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 1
PPE: 4
     Weasel wire allows a character to surreptitiously open a lock without having to
vocalize a command. Anybody may use the enchanted wire, not just the wizard. The
base chance to open a lock is 10% per level until tenth level. At tenth level and
above, the best chance to succeed can't exceed 98%. This can be modified up or
down by the quality or subtlety of the lock. This spell won't find traps or tricks, nor
disarm them. But if performed successfully the traps won't be triggered, just as if the
actual key had been used and used properly. A failed roll indicates the trap was
sprung and the lock unopened. Only one attempt per lock may be made. Failure
means the character can't open the lock with this spell. Weasel wire has no effect on
barred, bolted, or jammed objects, only on key-activated systems.
     To cast the spell, the caster holds a piece of brass wire, no more than 6 inches in
length and somatically gestures. This wire can be used by others or even be moved
by telekinesis to its point of use. The wire is inserted in the lock and wiggled. Note
that transport or sale of an effective item is limited by the spell's duration. It is also
worth considering how legal this spell is. While beneficial to locksmiths, its misuses
are obvious.
Water Proof

Range:  Touch
Duration:  1 hour + 1 minute per level
Area of Effect:  Creature touched
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 2
PPE: 4
     This spell creates an invisible, thin membrane around the recipient and any
objects in his possession, through which water cannot pass, except at the mouth. Its
purpose is to protect and keep dry objects that could otherwise be damaged or
destroyed by water (spellbooks, torches, tinderboxes, etc.), since precipitation
merely beads and rolls off the recipient and bodies of water do not penetrate the
barrier. The spell does not confer any special abilities to survive or breathe
underwater, but it will keep the wizard and his possessions dry while there. The
wizard may affect an additional man-sized creature for every extra level of


Range:  Touch
Duration:  1 hour + 1 minute per level
Area of Effect:  Creature touched
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 2
PPE: 4
     By this spell, the wizard causes "wings" to appear out of the affected creature's
back. The wings are magically attached to the back area, but are not attached in the
sense that the person can be wearing clothing or armour. They are not part of the
creature. The spell has no effect on creatures that already have wings. If there is no
room for the wings to grow, for example because of clothing, the spell is lost. The
wings can support a total of 200 pounds + 20 pounds per level. They fly at a rate of
120 speed.

Wound Closure

Range:  Touch
Duration:  Instantaneous
Area of Effect:  Creature touched
Saving Throw:  None
Level: 2
PPE: 8
     This spell closes the wounds of the recipient to prevent bleeding and infection,
incidentally curing 1d4 points of damage. All of the victim's wounds will be closed
by a single casting, but further application is possible to increase the healing effect.
The spell can be used on corpses to disguise the cause of death.