Sailor Star's Spirit Page for

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Sailor Star.

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Please keep in touch! If you have a cheer you want me to post here for Stormy's Legends include that too, and I'll put it up! Hugz...^_^*

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Thank you fairies!

OObsessed :)
RREALLY obsessed :)
YY can't I think of something....
SSometime, please vote for us :)

Where's the place where dragons fight
With knights of old both day and night?

Where's the place where spirit soars
as mighty as the lion's roars?

Where's the place where unicorns play
In enchanted forests every day?

Where you ask, can it be?
STORMY'S LEGENDS come and see!!

Who has spirit? STORMY'S LEGENDS, that's who!!!

Thank you to all my wonderful supporters!

Emmy's web site
Lizzy's Kermit World
Mr. Sanders' Hidey-Hole
Weezie's FoxHole
Runtell the cat
Forge in the Forest
Laura's Star Solutions

Stormy's Legends Mascot

My Site Fight Updates
Here's how I'm doing...

Aug. 6: Ok, yeah! It's my birthday, just thought I'd let all of you know...other than that, this is my first week with Site Fights!!! I'm so excited to be on a great team, and to be able to meet new people. Now for the REAL info. Right now I'm in Crystal Cliffs, but I already have 4 crystals which means next week I'll be in the Enchanted forest! I'll be sorry to have to leave the cheery glimmer of the crystals, but on to bigger, more exciting places ^_^*

Aug. 9: Yeah! I've moved up! I'm officially in the Enchanted forest now! Thanks to all my supporters for helping me get there! I'm not sure how I'll do here cause the votes aren't based on how many you get, but how you do in relation to the other people on your team. Well, we'll see, keep voting! ^_^*

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The Site Fights Egg

Thanks Runtell!

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers

Thanks Runtell! Thanks Wee One Surachild!Thanks Wee One Meow

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers

Thanks Wee One Strawberry!

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers

Thanks Sharon!

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Thanks Kimmarie!

Watch my spirit flowers grow!

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