Image with the word 'Weblog' coming soon
All updates for the month of August, 2001

5:56 PM PST Over a month later I make a reapperance. Hmm... there seems to have been only one update last month. Oh well... that's me. I don't give up on my site, I merely neglect it. Here's a little news though: I have a new drawing I'm working on. It's incredible. Strangely enough, watching Jurassic Park 3 influenced me to do it. I was thinking about what I'd like to see more of in film. And that was pretty obvious. Dragons! So I started sketching and it looks really good so far. I don't know if I'll "finish" it but it will appear on this site.

Now, the real reason I actually bothered to do a little work. I have a new link. A new dragon link after so long. Apparently people actually look at my site and will go throuh the effort to send an e-mail. Thanks again. Go look. The site is titled Loving Dragoncharm and it's dedicated to the book of the same name. I encourage you to read it.

In the mean time... I'm playing around with font.... and maybe I'll get a new link banner made.

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