Welcome to my Guestbook!

Friend Sarah - 11/07/00 23:08:55
My URL:http://Sarahsworld1.cjb.net
My Email:Sarahsrose_99@yahoo.com
Where are you from??: Tulsa, Oklahoma
How did you get on my page?: The Rumbles
Do I know you?: No (don't think so)
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Human! Duh!
What your fave color?: Purple, Pink
Why are you signing my guestbook?: Cause I am a one of the Rumbles Friends
*Friend Sarah*

Pixie Stardust - 10/24/00 21:50:04
Wishing you luck in the Rumble,,,*S*

Bobbi - 10/02/00 03:18:54
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/bobs1981/
My Email:bobsehs2000@aol.com
Where are you from??: Ohio, USA
How did you get on my page?: Rumbles
Do I know you?: I don't think so
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Pixie
What your fave color?: Purple
Why are you signing my guestbook?: Just Because!
Nice site! :)

Kathryn - 09/05/00 00:46:58
My URL:http://hs4p.cjb.net
My Email:birdygirl2001@hotmail.com
Where are you from??: Texas!!!
How did you get on my page?: Rumbles
Do I know you?: I don't think so... :)
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Human... lol!
What your fave color?: Sniddledopie hehe
Why are you signing my guestbook?: To be friendly!
Well good luck at the Rumbles! I am comepeting with you there and I wanted to tell you just how GOOD your site is!!! Geocities Rocks!!!

Reggie - 09/04/00 21:22:46
My URL:http://reggieweb.tripod.com
My Email:NJ
Where are you from??: NJ, USA
How did you get on my page?: I have my ways.
Do I know you?: Nope.
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): I'm the leader of all the gnomes, trolls, dwarves, elves, etc. out there... you do the math.
What your fave color?: Red
Nice site, keep up the good work!!

Pixie Lacey - 09/01/00 21:15:19
My URL:http://www.therumbles.net/events/Pixies.html
My Email:bubble_gum_41@hotmail.com
Where are you from??: USA
How did you get on my page?: the rumbles
Do I know you?: nope
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): pixie
What your fave color?: purple
Why are you signing my guestbook?: to dust your guestbook ^_^
kool site!! good luck in the rumbles!!

U. N. Owen - 04/29/00 16:44:10
My URL:http://-
My Email:et tarvi
Where are you from??: tasivaskellua
How did you get on my page?: otin suosikeista.
Do I know you?: valitettavasti
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): minbari
What your fave color?: ja ne sanovat MINULLA olevan ongelmia!
Why are you signing my guestbook?: Kommentoidakseni.
You were right. I do like these pages. And of course it hasn't anything to do with that fact that the pages are blue... HYVÄÄ VAPPUA. Luulen ostavani Darth Vader-, Yoda- tai Nasu-ilmapallon. Pikatchua en ainakaan. Eino Leinon keksimän Lallin tyttären nimen lyhennys.

Anssi (Artemis) - 04/17/00 12:50:24
My URL:http://pelu.jns.fi/~apirtti
My Email:artemis_w@artic.net
Where are you from??: Joensuu, Finnland
How did you get on my page?: Just put the address on screen...
Do I know you?: I bet you do.
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): mentally sick faery
What your fave color?: Purple or black
Why are you signing my guestbook?: I want to! ;)
Why am I doing this in English... Did you get my mail, about the graphics in my pages? Well...I´m not going to talk about it here. Well, what to say. I´m sorry I can say nothing in English. Wonderful work, I think I have to someday learn to code HTML all by myself. *laughs* Yeah!;) Vi ses...:)

Pörrimöykky / ^Darwandra^ - 03/29/00 08:06:47
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ab/elina0211
My Email:elina0211@hotmail.com
Where are you from??: Hämeenlinna
How did you get on my page?: vieraskirjastani :)
Do I know you?: Öh...en mie tiiä...
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Itseasiassa en ole varma..
What your fave color?: musta
Why are you signing my guestbook?: Kunhan tässä vierailen...
Tulin tänne söhläilemään kuten tapana on... olit käynyt joskus kotisivuillani ja tulin sitten käymään täällä *virnu* Mutta nytpä pompin pois... Heippa!

Toni Kainulainen - 03/10/00 19:46:51
My URL:http://www.kolumbus.fi/toni.kainulainen
My Email:toni.kainulainen@kolumbus.fi
Where are you from??: Finland, Europe
How did you get on my page?: Well ,it was link on some page
Do I know you?: No i think
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): It depemds, sometimes just a lazy student, or totally different kind of party-people
What your fave color?: blue
Why are you signing my guestbook?: I don"t really know
Nice pages

T - 03/10/00 19:44:38

Duchess SnowFaerie - 11/16/99 17:58:43
My URL:http://www.therumbles.net/mysticfaeries/
My Email:DuchessSnowFaery@netscape.net
Fairy nature and luck to you
With worries far and few
the sparkles dancing to and fro
you can remember the glow
That sprinkles tend to show
As a heart as light as dew.

^Tár^/Anssi - 11/12/99 07:24:58
My URL:http://www.kolumbus.fi/anssi.pirttijarvi
My Email:apirtti@kolumbus.fi
Where are you from??: I´m from Finnland...Joensuu
How did you get on my page?: I put your URL into my IE
Do I know you?: I really hope so=)
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Half-Elven(I´m not quite sure...how was it after all?)
What your fave color?: Black, Green, Red, Violet...
Why are you signing my guestbook?: Of Course I have to do this. I wonder why I haven´t already...
Well...this looks Very Nice!;-) One day my homepages will be as brilliant! (The day someone like you makes them;-) What about the graphics? Well...I don´t know if you remember them. Vi ses igen...:) Fare well, my sister;-)

Lady Chasity - 11/08/99 18:56:50
My URL:http://geocities.com/a_packard
My Email:ladychasity@hotmail.com
Where are you from??: Cape Cod, MA
How did you get on my page?: The Rumbles
Do I know you?: nope:)
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Human
What your fave color?: baby blue
Why are you signing my guestbook?: because I'm nice :)
Great Job on your site! I love all the faeries:) Good Luck in the Rumbles:)

Lior - 09/04/99 07:41:39
My URL:http://surf.to/liorsland
My Email:klior@usa.net
Where are you from??: Israel
How did you get on my page?: *luck*
Do I know you?: no
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): human
What your fave color?: black
Why are you signing my guestbook?: coz I want to!
hi! Cool site! please visit mine and sign my GuestBook...

Lady Sparklez - 08/18/99 23:00:14
My URL:http://www.therumbles.net/mysticfaeries/
My Email:ladysparklez@therumbles.net
Where are you from??: the rumbles
How did you get on my page?: the rumbles :)
Do I know you?: yep!
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): unicorn :)
What your fave color?: purple!
Why are you signing my guestbook?: just cause
Hello!! I'm stopping by to wish you good luck in the rumbles this week!! I hope you are having loads of fun, and if there is anything I can do to help, just let me know :)

Lady Spencer - 08/02/99 04:43:12
My URL:http://listen.to/TheVoicesInsideYourHead
Hey! Please visit my page and vote for me!!

Neysa - 07/30/99 13:28:06
My URL:http://www.onward.to/Neysa/
How did you get on my page?: surfin
Do I know you?: nope
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Human
What your fave color?: blue
Why are you signing my guestbook?: cause i can =Þ
Hiya! Loved your site! Please visit mine lots of new updates =) Always open to new ideas and new links! Peace!

Ithil^Yanta - 07/29/99 04:35:10
My URL:http://kirahvi.joensuu.fi/~anairola
My Email:airola@kolumbus.fi
Where are you from??: Joensuu.
How did you get on my page?: Eksyin.
Do I know you?: Öööh.. En tiedä. Olet ehkä kuullut. Et tunne.
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Haltia.
What your fave color?: Musta. Tummanvihreä.
Why are you signing my guestbook?: Koska tahdon.
Hei. Eksyin sitten tännekin. Tuo alkukysely mitä ilmeisemmin selvitti jo kaiken tarpeellisen. Tai jotakin. Minä vain kirjoittelen vieraskirjoihin. Ei sillä, että minulla mitään asiaa olisi. Tarvitseeko? Pidä huolta. Ithil.

Stephanie - 07/22/99 22:26:31
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/Stephs
Where are you from??: OhiO
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): human
What your fave color?: pink
Why are you signing my guestbook?: I am a nice person :o)
Great page! I love it! You worked really hard on it...and it shows! Please check out my site too...if ya get a chance! :o)

Kimmy Smith - 07/19/99 14:29:28
My URL:http://www.kimmysmith.com
My Email:kimmysmith@kimmysmith.com
Where are you from??: Louisiana
How did you get on my page?: Link from a webring
Do I know you?: nope
What your fave color?: blue~like my car
Great site

rachel - 06/25/99 01:04:35
My Email:wonderwoman@twistmag.com
Where are you from??: texas, usa
How did you get on my page?: audreys photo gallery
Do I know you?: i don't think so
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): human,
What your fave color?: purple and green
Why are you signing my guestbook?: cause i'm bored and i thought it would be fun
i think finland is a really cool place and your site is pretty good

miitta - 06/22/99 12:06:23
My URL:http://miitta.cjb.net
My Email:miitta@hotmail.com
Where are you from??: parola-city
How did you get on my page?: toisesta vieraskirjasta..
Do I know you?: nope
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): faerie...:) no aika lähellä...
What your fave color?: lila, sininen, musta, valkoinen...
Why are you signing my guestbook?: muuten vaan
todella kaunista grafiikkaa..hienot sivut on ja hauskaa kesän jatkoo:)

Drim - 06/12/99 10:38:08
My Email:hymph@pp.inet.fi
Where are you from??: Somehwhere
How did you get on my page?: No-one knows
Do I know you?: Yah...
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): I think I am Human...
What your fave color?: black and blood red
Why are you signing my guestbook?: because I wanna to...
Plääh.. siihen löppui mun englannintaidot.. hmm... aika perkeleen hienot sivut sinulla on ystäväiseni... todella... palkintojakin läjäpäin saanut... hrr... *katoaa kateellisena jonnekin pimeyteen murjottamaan*

^Drizzt^ - 06/12/99 07:51:46
My URL:http://rivendell.fortunecity.com/krondor/638/
My Email:pietari@pohjoinen.net
Where are you from??: Finland
How did you get on my page?: Tulgojen linkki sivuilta
Do I know you?: no
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): dark elf
What your fave color?: blue
Why are you signing my guestbook?: I'm checking Tulgos members homepages.
Kivan näkönen sivu... kehityksellä siitä voi tehdä tosi hyvän.

Tigerlily - 05/25/99 10:17:36
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~tigerlilysclubhouse/
My Email:tigerlily178@hotmail.com
Where are you from??: Texas, USA
How did you get on my page?: webring! :)
Do I know you?: I don't think so!
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): BUTTERFLY!! :)
What your fave color?: Blue, Black, Silver, White, Dark Purple
Why are you signing my guestbook?: because it's fun :) and i like your page!
hi there! your page is very pretty!!!! I am really impressed! I thought I would sign your guestbook and tell you hello and that I love your page! Come see mine sometime okay?? Stay Safe, Luv, Tigerlily

Bonnie - 05/23/99 14:37:21
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SouthBeach/Sands/1126/
My Email:sillybonnie@geocities.com
Where are you from??: PEI, Canada!!
How did you get on my page?: from your ICQ info (:
Do I know you?: that's a yes.
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): human, I believe (:
What your fave color?: red or purple (I voted twice on your poll!)
Why are you signing my guestbook?: 'Cause I want you to smile!
Hey, this is a really nice site you've put together, Lxwana!!! I loved looking through it! I'll come back again to see the parts that were under construction. Take care of yourself, Sis, and SMILE!!!!! (:

Smiles & hugs from Bonnie / S s Smiley

Taymour a.k.a }{ade§ - 05/21/99 18:51:25
My URL:http://fly.to/Taymour
My Email:taymour@hotmail.com
Where are you from??: Here
How did you get on my page?: u gave me the url!
Do I know you?: smart question , do u?
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): look at my nick!!
What your fave color?: dark blue, black
Why are you signing my guestbook?: cuz u r a great person & u deserve it
this is great LX...keep up the good work. u have a very nice layout ...but try to update regularly

Samantha - 05/20/99 14:37:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/MsSamantha
My Email:samanthasplace@angelfire.com
Where are you from??: Mississippi
How did you get on my page?: The Mystic Faeries Site
Do I know you?: Nope I don't think so
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Human I think
What your fave color?: Purple
Why are you signing my guestbook?: Because I'm wishing you good luck..lol!
Just wanted to let you know that you have a great site and I wanted to wish you... Visit my homepage and don't forget to sign the guestbook

Gandalf the White - 05/19/99 18:50:22
My URL:http://rivendell.fortunecity.com/darkearth/456/kilta/kilta/
My Email:Gandalf_valkea@hotmail.com
Where are you from??: From Middle-Earth
How did you get on my page?: From Tulgos homepage. There are place called links...
Do I know you?: Yes, I think so.
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Maia
What your fave color?: Gandalf's favorite color is white.
Why are you signing my guestbook?: I don't know. Just for fun. *grin*
Nice page. Could you add link to the Wizard's Guilds homepage? Thanks.

Ms. Pandabear - 05/16/99 21:15:31
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Paris/Parc/3764
My Email:you@know.com
Where are you from??: BC, Canada
How did you get on my page?: SOLP Guestbook Blitz
Do I know you?: Yes
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Angel
What your fave color?: Purple
Why are you signing my guestbook?: Blitz
Gift for my Sisters
Sister Ginny
A gift for you to celebrate our first SOLP GC Guestbook Blitz
May 15, 1999
Love, Sister Ginny
President, SOLP Greeting Committee
Vice-President, SOLP

Sister Shauna - 05/16/99 16:26:09
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/LdyButterfly
My Email:lilbrat@Tir.com
Where are you from??: Michigan
How did you get on my page?: Guestbook Blitz
Do I know you?: Yes
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Human
What your fave color?: Purple
Why are you signing my guestbook?: Guestbook Blitz time :)
Cute page :) - Sis Shauna - Guestbook Blitz

CApandaGrl - 05/16/99 00:14:00
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/fabioln/capandagrl
My Email:4amanda4@home.com
Where are you from??: CA
How did you get on my page?: SOLP Guestbook blitz
Do I know you?: nopers
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): wait, let me check
What your fave color?: Blue
Why are you signing my guestbook?: SOLP

tape - 05/13/99 18:19:33
My URL:http://narnia.tky.hut.fi
Where are you from??: Espoo, Suomi/Finland
How did you get on my page?: gb
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): goblin
What your fave color?: purple
Why are you signing my guestbook?: fun

Thank You Sis!
Kiitos kun toivotit minut tervetulleeksi Nettisiskoihin ;-)BR> Sulla on todella siisti saitti, onnitteluni!

Ayelet - 05/13/99 11:08:10
My Email:ayelett@hotmail.com
Where are you from??: Israel
How did you get on my page?: from you
Do I know you?: yes
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Human
What your fave color?: Purple
Why are you signing my guestbook?: because you want to (billie's song)
cool page!

Lacey - 05/05/99 14:47:19
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/hollywood/picture/6396/index.html
My Email:thebuffstur@juno.com
Where are you from??: USA
How did you get on my page?: someone's link page
Do I know you?: nope
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): superhero!
What your fave color?: lavender, babyblue
Why are you signing my guestbook?: to let you know I dropped by
Hey what's up? Interesting guestbook questions you have here. lolz. Anyways you're doing a nice job with your site. You really know your html! If you wanna link up or something, feel free to send me an email. Welp I gatta bounce. Take care! ~ Lace

Leyne - 05/03/99 20:39:16
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh2/leyne/index.html
My Email:Leyne2001@yahoo.com
Where are you from??: Ohio
How did you get on my page?: From the Site Of the Week Contest
Do I know you?: Nope
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): human last time I checked
What your fave color?: green
Why are you signing my guestbook?: because I'm nice
Nice page! And your pixie is very cute! Keep up the great work!

alice - 05/03/99 14:32:40
My URL:http://www.alices.bored.org
My Email:alicek@gurlmail.com
Where are you from??: England
How did you get on my page?: Audrey's Awards
Do I know you?: ermmmm... I don't think so
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): I am uncatagorizable
What your fave color?: babyblue/purple/powder pink
Why are you signing my guestbook?: because... oh I don't know stop trying to confuse me!
Very good site- I really liked it! Visit my site if you have time: ~~<><>ALICE*S PLACE<><>~~

Kimberli - 05/01/99 18:06:16
My Email:inusfear@hotmail.com
Where are you from??: KY
How did you get on my page?: GEMINI search
Do I know you?: not yet
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): white
What your fave color?: magenta
Why are you signing my guestbook?: want price to join if any
i am gemini married a gemini would like more info on this website please. Is there a fee to join? especialy liked your page guardian photo

Kimberli - 05/01/99 18:04:35
My Email:inusfear@hotmail.com
Where are you from??: KY
How did you get on my page?: GEMINI search
Do I know you?: not yet
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): white
What your fave color?: magenta
Why are you signing my guestbook?: want price to join if any
i am gemini married a gemini would like more info on this website please. Is there a fee to join?

Sini - 04/29/99 18:29:11
Do I know you?: valitettavasti
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): sininen
What your fave color?: same
MISSÄ ON LAAVALAMPPU!!!!!!! KUOLE! Rakastva ystäväsi Sini.

Colleen - 04/27/99 01:19:05
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Hollow/3434
Where are you from??: Canada
How did you get on my page?: An Invite *S*
Do I know you?: You do now
What your fave color?: Violet
Hi Lxwana, You have a great site here. I have enjoyed my visit very much.

Nokkonen - 04/24/99 12:27:13
My Email:blackness@angelfire.com
Where are you from??: Enpä tiedä...
How did you get on my page?: kirjoitin ossun ja ilmestyin
Do I know you?: hmm.. ehkä...
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): aah.. en tiedä.
What your fave color?: valkoinen johon on sotkettu hiukan mustaa
Why are you signing my guestbook?: riittääkö syyksi, halusin ?
Ihanat sivut.. minä pidän.. =) vaikka sanoinkin tän jo sulle toista kautta niin kuulutampa sen nyt muillekin käviöille.. jatka samaan malliin.. =) *katoaa lehdon suojiin*

Susan - 04/16/99 13:41:45
My URL:http://www.susanm.com
My Email:ziggy@isn.net
Where are you from??: CANADA
How did you get on my page?: your infor ICQ
Do I know you?: not yet
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): ANIMAL
What your fave color?: like many
Why are you signing my guestbook?: because I am nice

Kirsten - 04/15/99 00:08:21
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Lane/5365/
My Email:kirstenmia@geocities.com
Where are you from??: USA/Indiana
How did you get on my page?: your ICQ info
Do I know you?: SOLP
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Momish
What your fave color?: bright blue
Why are you signing my guestbook?: You asked me to!
Lxwana, Your page is cute. You look like you have great friends. I'm glad to be your new Sister of Love and Peace, you can be another of my daughters... LOL.
Dear Friend,
Please accept this gift from me to you

Sisters of Love and Peace border="0">
Sisters of Love and Peace

If you have a moment please stop by and visit,

Kirsten @ Kid's, Kats & Khaos
Sister Kirsten

SheCat aka dil - 04/06/99 06:00:12
My URL:http://victorian.fortunecity.com/verona/514/index.html
My Email:SheCat@fcmail.com
Where are you from??: Boston
How did you get on my page?: SOLP
Do I know you?: Not yet:):)
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Cherokee
What your fave color?: Claret Red
Why are you signing my guestbook?: Why do you ask???
Hi Lxwana, youre pages are coming along nicely:):) I enjoyed the pictures and drawings:):) I hope you enjoy being a member of SOLP:):):) SheCat:):):)

SheCatPROductions logo

Sisters of Love and Peace Logo

Easter plate

Sis Marlena - 04/06/99 04:36:21
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SouthBeach/Marina/5090
My Email:palm_tree@geocities.com
Where are you from??: Nanaimo, BC, Canada
How did you get on my page?: From Sisters of Love and Peace
Do I know you?: You might...we're also both Net Sisters, on the Membership Committee?!?!
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Hopefully human! *hee hee*
What your fave color?: Forest green or sky blue...
Why are you signing my guestbook?: To say hi on behalf of SOLP, and because I've been meaning to come here for a while now! :^)
Greetings, Sister Lxwana...it's your Sister of Love and Peace Marlena here! :^) I just wanted to stop by and personally welcome you aboard into this wonderful group of ladies! I hope that you will find many sources of everlasting friendship and support here, like I have! I've also noticed we're both Net Sisters, too...COOL! Count on me for anything you might need, 'cuz that's what sisters are for! *grin* Anyways, it's a pleasure to "cyber-meet" you, and I'm looking forward to getting to know you bet er! In the meantime, take care, welcome to SOLP, and I'm proud to be your "cyber-sister!" *Love and Hugs* from your Canadian SOLP and Net Sis...Marlena (a.k.a. PalmTree)! :^)

Please accept this gift from me to you, as my Sister of Love and Peace, and Net Sister:

Sister Tammy - 04/05/99 19:54:43
My URL:http://homepages.infoseek.com/~justtammy/index.html
My Email:sniper@webhart.net
Where are you from??: CANADA
How did you get on my page?: SOLP newsletter
Welcome to the SOLP....You will love being part of this wonderful group. Keep up the great work on your homepage!!!

Love and Hugs, Sister Tammy

¤naLLe¤ - 04/05/99 14:11:59
My URL:http://www.anglfire.com/on/KyynelNalle
My Email:sokerikyynel@artic.net
Where are you from??: SpeiS...
How did you get on my page?: Kävelin vain
Do I know you?: Kyllä sinä aina minut
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Se_möNkijä
What your fave color?: BlaCk
Why are you signing my guestbook?: Haluan niin
Minäkin tulin sinun maailmaasi. Kuulia. Toivottavasti törmäillään niin vielä jossain. *toivoo syvästi* *halauS*

marsha - 04/05/99 01:51:34
My URL:http://members.aol.com/shyanny
My Email:shyanny@aol.com
Where are you from??: IL
How did you get on my page?: my guestbook
Do I know you?: nope
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): human
What your fave color?: red
Why are you signing my guestbook?: because i like signing guestbooks any you asked me to
nice web site i'll come back soon

Ali - 04/04/99 12:03:22
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/
My Email:ali1000@zdnetmail.com
Where are you from??: IL
How did you get on my page?: SOLP family!!! :-)
Do I know you?: Not really...but you will!!
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Hopefuly an Angel to be.
What your fave color?: Black
Why are you signing my guestbook?: Cause I wana let you know how great I think this site is!

Welcome to SOLP sis!!! :-) This guestbook is sooooo much fun!!!
Your site is beautiful! And I'm just so happy to be able to welcome you into our SOLP group. I'm sure you'll just LOVE it here! So please, do let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do to help! *HUGZZZZ*

tom horne - 04/04/99 07:20:06
My URL:http://home.att.net/~tomhorne
My Email:tomhorne@yahoo.com
Where are you from??: dayton oh
How did you get on my page?: clicked
Do I know you?: Oh yeah
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): android
What your fave color?: sunny
Why are you signing my guestbook?: You told me to
Had fun visiting...come and apply for H&H Tutorials award...Tom and Faye

Sister Heather - 04/04/99 00:15:06
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SouthBeach/Lagoon/3093/
My Email:heather385@hotmail.com
Where are you from??: Texas
How did you get on my page?: SOLP
Hi, great page! I have enjoyed my visit. Welcome to Sisters of Love and Peace. :) Keep up the great work.

Sister Heather - 04/04/99 00:13:27
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SouthBeach/Lagoon/3093/
My Email:heather385@hotmail.com
Where are you from??: Texas
How did you get on my page?: SOLP
Hi, great page! I have enjoyed my visit. Welcome to Sisters of Love and Peace. :) Keep up the great work.

Rhonda/aka Fanci - 04/03/99 20:29:59
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Cottage/4195
My Email:fanci65@ris.net
Where are you from??: Colorado
How did you get on my page?: SOLP ring
Do I know you?: Nope
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Angel
What your fave color?: Purple
Why are you signing my guestbook?: Of course!!
Hi there!! I just came to welcome you to our wonderful ring of sisters! The SOLP ring is a great group of ladies who are here to support and just be there for each other in general. We have some teriffic ladies and are glad that you decided to join us. Keep up he good work on your site! **Big Welcome Hugs** Rhonda

Christine - 04/03/99 19:47:25
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SoHo/Nook/3642
My Email:dolce784@hotmail.com
Where are you from??: OK, USA
How did you get on my page?: SOLP
Do I know you?: I don't think so....
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Asian-Human!
What your fave color?: Blue
Why are you signing my guestbook?: 'Cuz it's the nice and cool thing to do
Welcome to the SOLP. I hope you like us. Very nice and pretty page. :)

D - 04/03/99 19:18:48
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SouthBeach/Docks/2569
My Email:angelic_sweetz@yahoo.com
Where are you from??: Ohio
How did you get on my page?: SOLP
Do I know you?: Not yet
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Human
What your fave color?: Blue
Why are you signing my guestbook?: SOLP Greeting Committee
Welcome to SOLP! I hope you enjoy this group of ladies as much as I have =o) Now how bout some flattery?? Hehe Well I love your page...It is quite beautiful *hugz*

Stacey - 04/03/99 12:40:06
My URL:http://come.to/staceyl
My Email:staceyl.@usa.net
Where are you from??: SOLP
How did you get on my page?: SOLP
Do I know you?: nope
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): of course human
What your fave color?: green
Why are you signing my guestbook?: welcome you to SOLP
Just dropping in to say hello and welcome to Sisters of Love and Peace. Hope you enjoy being part of this very special group of ladies. If you ever need anything, just give a yell. I will be glad to help you in any way I can.

Please accept this gift from me to you

President of Graphic Committee

If you have a moment please stop by and visit

Lady sL's 
My Personal Homepage

Lady sL's Graphic 
Need custom graphics?
Come here...I'll help you to make more than one

~sKippEr~ - 04/03/99 10:59:07
My URL:http://www.kolumbus.fi/aimle/Nettisivu.htm
My Email:skipper_anne@hotmail.com
Where are you from??: Ranzie-Citie..(Rantsila)
How did you get on my page?: sää tota kirjuit mun kotisivuille tän ossan ja kai sä oot kirjeis sanonu sen....
Do I know you?: no joo
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): alien..*nauru*
What your fave color?: sininen,vihree,musta...
Why are you signing my guestbook?: no sää pyysit!
tää sivu paljon hillitympi ko mun..*heh*mää muuten painoin äsken enteriä ja tää lisäs tän jo sun vieraskirjaan vaikkei tää ollu vielä valmis...höh!!!älä ihmettele jos mää on kaks kertaa sun sivuille kirjunu ja toinen on kesken...juuh...hianot nää on...:) *halitus*

~sKippEr~ - 04/03/99 10:57:33
My URL:http://www.kolumbus.fi/aimle/Nettisivu.htm
My Email:skipper_anne@hotmail.com
Where are you from??: Ranzie-Citie..(Rantsila)
How did you get on my page?: sää tota kirjuit mun kotisivuille tän ossan ja kai sä oot kirjeis sanonu sen....
Do I know you?: no joo
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): alien..*nauru*

Scaru - 04/03/99 08:27:38
My URL:http://www.kolumbus.fi/aimle/Nettisivu.htm
My Email:karzu_83@hotmail.com
Where are you from??: Suami
How did you get on my page?: You signed our guestbook
Do I know you?: I suppose not
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): ...
What your fave color?: Black and Blue
Why are you signing my guestbook?: because of fun
Okei, oli ihan pakko tulla nyt sit tsekkaan nää sivut, ku olit linkin jättäny meijän (sairaitten) sivujen vieraskirjaan... no comments... (vielä ainakaan) ku mulla on tää paha tapa kirjottaa ensi vieraskirjaan ja katella sivut loppuun vasta sitte... =) No joo... *jatkaa matkaa*

Linda - 04/03/99 08:06:10
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Wellesley/Garden/5689/
My Email:x_stitch53@yahoo.com
Where are you from??: Canada
Stopping by to welcome you to B*I*T*C*H.

Michelle - 04/03/99 06:13:29
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/michshell/index.html
My Email:michpav@juno.com
Where are you from??: Florida
How did you get on my page?: webring
Do I know you?: no
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Human
What your fave color?: Blue
Why are you signing my guestbook?: Because it's a nice thing to do..
Hey, I enjoyed my visit. Even though still in contruction. Keep it up!:)

Yava - 04/03/99 05:55:56
My URL:http://i.am/yava
My Email:yava@naz.com
Where are you from??: Ohio
How did you get on my page?: SOLP
Do I know you?: not yet:):):)
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Part Wolf
What your fave color?: mauve
Why are you signing my guestbook?: Cause your cute!!
Hi there, I would like to welcome you to Sisters of Love and Peace.I know you will make many new friends. I would also like to give you a little gift. Stop in and see me sometime



HarleyAngel - 04/02/99 21:48:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak/harleyangel
My Email:harleyangel@angelfire.com
Where are you from??: alaska
How did you get on my page?: B*I*T*C*H
Do I know you?: nope
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Elfin
What your fave color?: Hot Pink
Why are you signing my guestbook?: Welcome to B*I*T*C*H
welcome sister

LadyJ - 04/02/99 19:20:27
My URL:http://www.ladyj.nu
My Email:jgood@mis.net
Where are you from??: Kentucky
A big hello and welcome to my new B*I*T*C*H Sis! We're so honored to have you as a part of our wonderful group. This is a warm and friendly group of ladies and I know you'll love being a member. Just yell if you need anything and I'll be glad to help if I possibly can!

Kim - 04/02/99 15:05:33
My URL:http://www.bmts.com/~kramsay/
My Email:us@bmts.com
Where are you from??: Ontario, CANADA
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Not sure yet
What your fave color?: Yellow
Why are you signing my guestbook?: Its my favourite thing to do while drinking my morning coffee - LOL -
Welcome to SOLP - My name is Kim and I suppose now we are sisters huh? Your homepage is coming along nicely - I loved it! Feel free to stop by mine and sign my guestbook. Take care and keep smiling. *Huggs* Sister Kim

Valisha - 03/30/99 20:30:23
My URL:http://www.chickpages.com/buddyblasts/valisha
My Email:valisha@chickmail.com
Where are you from??: Pennsylvania,USA
How did you get on my page?: Bitch Webring
Do I know you?: Not Yet!
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Human
What your fave color?: red
Why are you signing my guestbook?: So you know I was here and so you can visit me!
You have an interesting page her with lot's to do. I know keeping up with it all can get tiring. Come visit my site when you get a chance, make sure you sign the guestbook so I know youwere there!

Darle - 03/28/99 07:29:52
My URL:http://welcome.to/darles
My Email:darleking@yahoo.com
Where are you from??: usa
How did you get on my page?: NetSisters
Do I know you?: nope
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Fae
What your fave color?: purple
Why are you signing my guestbook?: hehehe *smile*
Hi..Great website you have here...Didn't have a chance to welcome you earlier...sorry..
Enjoyed my visit...thanks!

Welcome to Net Sisters.
Welcoming Committee- Jade Sister
Birthday Committee - Gold Sister
Sisters Aide-Hiddenite Sister-Guestbook Team

Wednesday - 03/26/99 18:30:55
My URL:http://personal.inet.fi/koti/ronkanen
My Email:tarja@bigfoot.com
Where are you from??: Savonlinna, Finland
How did you get on my page?: Ssshhh! It's a secret!
Do I know you?: Yes, you do! I'm your boss! Well, not really, just a kinda boss - hehe! :-)
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Is there a race called goofy? That would be me... Yup, no doubt about it. LOL
What your fave color?: Pink (isn't that lame, oh my... )
Why are you signing my guestbook?: Because I want to let you know I've thought about dropping by at your homepage for ages and now I *finally* made it! 'Cause we're one of the few (to my knowledge) Finnish Net Sisters and that's why we should stick together, right Sis?! :-)
Hmm... Taisin jo sanoa kaiken tuossa edellisessä sarakkeessa - hehe! :-) Laitan sitten tänne vain lahjani. Terkkuja Savonlinnasta!!! :-)
Flowers for You!

Anki - 03/23/99 12:35:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ia/IininIhmemaa/
My Email:anki_kender@artic.net
Where are you from??: Finland...
How did you get on my page?: I was just surfing...
Do I know you?: No,I´m arfraid you don´t
What race are you?? (for example Human, elf, ...): Kender
What your fave color?: Green
Why are you signing my guestbook?: Because I want to..and you can´t stop me!
Hi!I don´t know you but you have done pretty good job.I came here by someone elses guestbook.

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