to my Fan Fiction Page.

Greetings, my name is Keith Leighton. this web site is one I have dedicated to my few works of Fan Fiction. Now I hear a few of you asking: "What is Fan Fic"

For those of you who asked, Fanfiction, or fanfic, is fan-generated fiction -- stories, poems and scripts, but usually short stories -- inspired by a movie, television show, or comic book series.

So without any more hesitation, here is an index of my Fan Fiction:

EMERALD LEGACY: Two years ago, Kyle Rayner was walking out of a bar into an alley to get some fresh air. there he met the sole remaining member of the Guardians Of The Universe, Ganthet. with the words "You will do.", Ganthet gave Kyle an emerald ring. That was two years ago. Now Kyle is Green Lantern, using the ring to continue the Emerald Legacy

NIGHTWING DCL: Elseworlds I have recently joined a group of writers in a project labled The DC Legends Fanfiction Project. The DCL Universe diverges from the DCU after the Kingdom Event (February 1999) in the real DC Universe. I've been granted the pleasure to write my version of how Richard Grayson's story should go for them.

HEART OF THE STORM In the past I've also written for a group called DCFUTURES!. I wrote the title Heart Of The Storm. One of my more ambitious works. However due to the effects of my Real Life, I was unable to meet their "deadlines" and my series was dropped. I hope to finish the last two issues one day.


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