Okay, this is really a Link Page... Sorry to disapoint you Msnbc.com
Great site for getting the news
Great site for getting political cartoons
Great site for seeing graphic pictures of dead animals.
Yahoo! Games
I like to play Graffiti because I am an arteest.
Mary's Garden
Who is Mary and why is her garden on the Internet? I guess you'll just have to click to find out.
This is a "hey look at this crazy stuff" site. The ultimate community based link portal.
If you can tolerate the occasional advertisement this is really a good music site. It adjusts to your personal interests. It used to be way better but then Yahoo bought it and it's gone downhill from there. Maybe I should write a letter of complaint. Or I could just complain to my friends, parents, siblings, coworkers, waitresses and therapist.
World Rulers
Everything you've ever wanted to know about the rulers of the world provided that all you really want to know is their names, the dates of their ruling and perhaps what they looked like.
Mars Topography
At first it might seem like your typical clickable topographical map of Mars provided by the Mars Orbital Laser Altimeter... but when you make the highest resolution possible topographic map with this like I have you'll find that you have way too much free time and interest in Mars.
Moon Topography
Have you ever looked at the moon and thought "I wonder if the dark parts are deeper...no? Oh well. Moving on...
For any other maps or movies of other planets that you might care to look at. Can you tell that I like this kind of thing? I'm such a nerd sometimes.
Map of the 20th Century
Okay, I'm not too into history or maps... oh wait a minute... yes I am. But even if you aren't this site is incredible. Use it for a report or something. This site can't go to waste.
Noncanonical books
In the 7th Century AD the Emperor Constantine demanded that there be a canonized bible. But this left out many wonderful books. Considered Apocryphal today we can now read most of these books thanks to the library at Nag Hamadi. I suggest the Infancy Gospels
Metalman50's webpage
Are you looking for some good Tin Man pictures? They're here.
That's right, I have the entire book of Dune, written by Frank Herbert, on my webpage (that is he wrote it, but not on my webpage. He has his own means of publication). It's hella long but it's a good book. What one might call Classic.
Yet another Solar System Exploration Site
(Thanks to my good friend Erin from Kiwibox)This site is pretty cool because it has all the launch dates for all the missions to Mars...but that's just the tip of the noodle. Check it out
