Gimme Shelter
A resource page for Deadlands: Hell on Earth and home of the "Razing Arizona" Posse

"Oh...a storm is threat'ning my very life today...if I don't get some shelter...oh, yeah...I'm gonna fade away"
- Rolling Stones
Giving Shelter since 9/5/99
Questions? Comments? Submissions  Welcome!
What's New? - Update: 7/8/04
7/8/04 - Yes, the Shelter is still open for business despite the lack of action for awhile!  This quickie update is just to ensure that the site remains "active" and therefore "open".  Meanwhile, there's still a lot of great resources available for your HoE game here.  Take a look around and enjoy your visit.  Thanks to those of you who emailed to let me know the Shelter had been temporarily taken offline, and who have reported broken links to other sites.  It seems the Shelter is one of the few remaining HoE sites left...even the webring is gone.  Sad, but these things happen I suppose.  I'll fix the links as soon as I can.  Meanwhile, happy gaming, fellow Wasters!
/House Rules/  /Archetypes/

Edges & Hindrances/

Gear/  /Powers/  /Beastiary/

Marshal Tools/  /Timeline/
/Rough Map of Arizona (2094)/

Dango, AZ/

The Librarian's Almanac/

Otherworlds/     /Adventures/
/Current Posse/  /Toxic Dump/  /Toxic Waste/

Storytellers/  /Gallery

Other Links/
Deadlands, Weird West, Wasted West, Hell on Earth, the Deadlands logo,
the Pinnacle Starburst and the Pinnacle logo are Trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
Copyright 1996-2001 Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.  All Rights reserved.

This DEADLANDS- Hell on Earth Web Ring site owned by Matt Steflik.
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All of the supplementary gaming information including locations and characters that is presented on this site was created by Matthew Steflik unless otherwise noted. All material is considered Copyrighted by its respective authors.