Welcome To My Mother's Website                                                   Updated 11/03/03

Here's a brief history of it's development.

May 10, 1998 September 25, 2000 November 3, 2003
This Homepage was set up for my Mom. I started it on May 10, 1998 as a Mother's Day project.  When I set up the site, with Yahoo, back when they had dedicated neighborhoods. I choose Area 51, because she was the kind of thing she was in to then. I had the idea that if I got it started she'd learn web page design and take it over. So I made it mushy and pink, so not my Mom, that she'd want to change it.
I was wrong.        She liked it.
Latest update: Sept. 25, 2000
It's been over two years later and time for the site to be updated. I've keep the color scheme, but moved it to a more appropriate neighborhood. This site used to be located in Area 51. Because, I thought she'd take over the site and devote it to the paranormal or government conspiracies, maybe even both.

I was wrong she still likes mushy stuff.

November 3, 2003, this is the next update of this site. The biggest change is the color scheme. I couldn't take the pink and pansies any more, so we're down to just  pansies. Well, if she doesn't like it she can learn web-page design, and maintain this her self. 

While much has changed the rest remains the same.



About Mom

Photo Galley

Favorite Links


Guest Book


The Three of Us

Favorite Links


First of all I'm one of a trio, three daughters. No, we didn't always dress alike. It's just that most of the pictures taken back then were on special outing and mom dressed us like. I have this strange feeling it was so that if any of us got lost she could point to one of the remaining two and say "Just like this one only bigger/smaller".


Kids and Cats

Mom's New Home


Being sisters we often fought like cats and dog, but then slept together like kittens and  sometimes with them. Her new home is just about finished.



Our Halloween costumes were all made by mother. This isn't your ordinary Santa Clause, it's my mother.



Birthdays:                    Your not getting older,  your getting more candles.


These are pictures of mother, when she was a little younger.

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