What is a Hudson Leick convention going to be like
     in the year 2046?

The idea for this story came from an observation that I had about Star Trek. In that it only became this fan fantasized juggernaut after the original show went off the air. And that since Hudson Leick goes to so many conventions that I thought that she might attend some more in the future, the far off future.

Setup:  In the years since 1998.  Xena fandom has spread world wide.  With millions of Callistophiles and Xenites circling the globe.  Convention attendance is at an all time high.  So much so that some of the former cast have come out of retirement to say a few words on their roles in the Xena tv series.

Scene:  Inside a large convention hall a roaring crowd awaits the appearance of their favorite guest star on the Xena Series.

Announcer:  You might remember her from her roles on Melrose Place, Guiding Light, and Law & Order, but she is today remembered for her role on Xena: Warrior Princess as the evil and psychotic Callisto.  Who fought and tormented Xena for a record holding number of episodes.  So, without further ado here's Hudson Leick!

Out steps Hudson in her regular fabulous attire to a deafening roar of fans.

    Hudson: Well, hello.

Again the crowd rings out in another explosion of cheers and claps, chanting the name "Callisto!, Callisto!, Callisto!"

    Hudson:  I thank you again.  Well, I came here today to talk about my past role as Callisto.  So, if you'll let me. I will explain my feelings about how my life has gone because of that role.

This time the crowd gives a more mild applause of approval.

    Hudson: Ok, when I first started my role as Callisto I thought it was going to be just another role that I was going to play in my acting career.  But it soon turned out to be something much more then that.  After that first episode aired people on the internet automatically made me into a star and posted web pages of all kinds on the internet about me.  This all seemed to happen rather fast for me because I was busy doing other roles while this was going on.  In what seemed like a short amount of time people started to ask some very personal questions about me.  I in turn answered some of these questions thinking that they would help to relieve the pressure that was being put on me for knowledge about my past.  Like where I came from and what was it like when I was growing up.  But over time these questions became more and more personal.  There was a time in 1998 when I had changed my hairstyle and people criticized me for what I had done.  I guess what I am trying to say is that I needed to have a life outside of acting that the public should not know about, because it is my life!  So, I guess in summary I would just like to say that I wish that people had given my more slack instead of criticizing every choice that I made.

-Right about now I am imagining myself sitting in the front row with my mouth gaped open in shock over what she had just said.

    Hudson: Oh, and Edward. Up yours for all of that stupid jabbing you did at me and my real friends and fans.

Editors note:  This was meant as a sattire of all of the Xena conventions that have taken place. And is meant to show what could happen if people do not give Hudson more room in her life.  So, lets all give her some space.  Also this story apparently points out that my work on the internet will become much more dark and jaded.  Apparently this will happen after the allure of Hudson fades away, just kiddin' :-)