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Under Heavy Construction
Last Update: Feb. 8th, 1999
New pictures by Khadgar and Marty Woods in the Miniatures Section;
update of the link section, new scenarios and more to come soon;

Nightwalker Ezekiel's Stronghold

I am He-Who-Walks-The-Night,
The Lurker in the Dark,
The Haunter in the Shadows,
To behold me is to behold Death,
Fear me for I am the Nightwalker.


What is this place?

This is my personal site dedicated to the great Dark Fantasy Tabletop Game by Target Games. If you want any of your Chronopia related material or miniature pictures posted on this site, please mail it to me.

I'm having some trouble with getting pictures of my minis. Putting them on the scanner doesn't seem to work and camera pictures always come out blurry. I've already recieved some good advice from Bugnutz (thanks again BTW) but I'd be glad if any of you could help me too. Just mail me any (foolproof) tips you have.
Oh, and if somebody feels the urge to send me a DigiCam for absolutely no reason, why don't you go ahead and do so. :)
What's inside?
  About Myself
  Miniatures (Chronopia and otherwise)


  Player List

 Other Stuff


  Ideas, Questions, Critics, Postings, Links, Whatever: Email Me
Chronopia, Warzone and all character names and distinctive likenesses thereof are Trademarks of Target Games AB.
Warhammer, Warhammer 40.000, Necromunda and all character names and distictive likenesses thereof are Trademarks of Games Workshop.

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