


The sun is beginning to go down for the night and a few stars are already shinning. The sky begins to get darker so you quiken your pace.
It isn't long before you reach the home of Summer. You find the mare in the middle grazing. She lifts he rhead and smile sat you. When you reach her, you stop and smile back.
"Ah, a visitor! How wonderful, do make yourself at home. I am Summer but you probably already knew that. This is my home as you can see. I was just in the middle of a meal. Would you like? the grass is quite lovely this time of year." You shake your head no and tell her that humans don't eat grass. "Oh yes, I forgot. What a pity, it really is good." You chuckle and then tell the mare that you want to visit the other unicorns and place before nightfall. "Oh yes, go along then. Perhaps you'll come again?" You nod and then exchange good-byes.


Name: Summer

Age: adult
Parents: ???
Mate: n/a
Gender: female
Offspring: n/a

Summer as a hatchlingSummer as a youthSummer as a teen

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