Dear Ron Regehr:

Let's not be naive here -- why would the military / CIA tell the truth 
about what they saw in the pictures? If the U.S. military is capable of 
denying that flying saucer(s) crashed in 1947, despite plenty of eye 
witnesses, what makes you think the military would be inclined to tell you 
the truth about they saw in a message? 

Come on guys, you frustrate me when you ponder this kind of nonsense. Get 
with the program. The military only reveals what they want you to know. End 
of subject.

Regehr Responds:

If there were only one side to the cover-up, and if there were no decent
folk in the "trenches" then your observation would be totally correct.
However, it has been my experience (after about a 1,000 FOIA requests) that
there are some folks who really don't give a damn one way or another and
will respond honestly.  Let's face it--FOIA officers aren't on the forefront
for promotions and plum jobs in any branch of the service.  So the "clerk"
types get the FOIA-response jobs.  They're just like you and me--some
believers, some doubters, some skeptics.  And, like you and me, sometimes
the really screw up!  So, we persist.  Do I expect the USAF to roll over and
say, "Dammit, Ron Regehr figured us out!  Better send him our truckload of
ROSWELL stuff."?

Nope, don't expect that at all.  I do know, however, that precious gems and
gold only result from hours of intense mining--we're just mining where the
gems and gold are expected to be.  Who knows?  This I do know--we will never
get anyone in authority to send us anything unless we ask!
