Back Into the Hallway

The doors close by themselves, with a metallic clink behind you, leaving you in the middle of the endless hall again. As you stroll rather aimlessly, you come upon a pair of doors that seem to lead right out into thin air. Curious you pull them open, to find yourself staring at the outside. Great steel grey mountains mar the landscape in majestic peaks and lows, like the vertebrae of a huge fallen beast. A chasm below your feet gapes like a hungry mouth, blackness waiting patiently in it's bottom, so deep you cannot even judge the depth. The pleasantly chill air rushes past you in a tickling whoosh, carrying the fresh smell

You take a deep breath. Yes, the smell of flowers... but where on earth is it coming from? There isn't a speck of green about those mountains, and below you is only air. Your foot scuffs the edge dangerously close, and a few tiny bits of stone fall. The pebbles suddenly stop, hanging in thin air a foot down from the down sill. Amazed and shocked, you reach down to touch them. Your foot slips, and you tumble forward to what seems certain death. But no, you wince as you fall hard against something clearly made of stone, yet looking down, you see you rest in thin air, with the pebbles. The dizzying height makes your stomach churn, yet the comfort of having the rough sensation of stone beneath you counteracts the feeling. Carefully, you inch your way away from the door, sliding on what looks to be thin air. Suddenly the mountains, the chasm all vanish.

All around you, a multitude of blazingly bright and wildly coloured flowers. Every shape, height, and size grace the artfully sculpted beds, a stone path you see, looking behind you, clearly leads to the castle. Someone has taken great pains to see this garden is unfound. Tall abstract carvings from marble rise from the grasp of deep green ivy, their smooth surfaces begging to be caught under the sun in a gleam. As you survey the grounds, a bush catches your eye.

Preternatual roses, as stark and free blue as the clear sky lift perfectly petalled heads to the light, glossy leaves, lip shaped climb the long graceful stems. You are enchanted.

Pick one

Find Another Way Out of The Garden.