Curious now, you politely ask the Leopard (you don't want to piss off a two hundred pound cat. That would be bad.) what she knows about Jareth. A throaty, purring laugh is what you receive as a response. The large charcoal cat wraps herself flirtatiously about your legs as she speaks.
"Jareth? What do you want to know about Jareth?"
Large emerald green eyes look up at you with a gleam of mischeif.
"I could tell you ANYTHING about him."
More laughter from Ms. Kitty. The laughter dies off slightly as she catches sight of the pendant you've picked up.
Explaining you found it, the leopard disentangles herself from your legs.
"That is Jareth's amulet you know luv. He's not going to be pleased if you don't have a damned good reason for having it."
You get the feeling that she isn't too pleased about it either, then for no reason at all, she laughs again seriousness dropping away.
"At any rate, I'll let you deal with that. Now then," she purrs grinning carnally, "what do you want to know about him?"
First, you ask who he is.
"General, cripes luv, too general..." she sighs, sides heaving as only a cat's can, though she continues anyway. "Jareth is King here, and has been for some time. He's an excellent ruler you know."
You wonder wryly if that means he's some sort of carpenter's equipment. There is a proud tint to her voice that is rather funny, but laughing out loud might not be such a good plan. Well, now you know he IS king. Pausing momentarily, you inquire as to who SHE is.
"Why luv, I'm Tourmahline. The late Goblin Queen." She laughs at her own joke, which to you is not amusing in the least. Then it clicks, she's the late goblin queen, she's proud of Jareth...
"You're his mother?!" You blurt out without thinking.
"Fab deduction luv. Fabulous!" The leopard purrs eyes twinkling. Funny, she doesn't SOUND that old, but then again, she's probably not a cat either. As if in answer, the form of the massive burnt alabaster cat shivers, wavering like an illusion and then is gone. In the cat's place stands a regal, extremely tall woman. Her hair is spun gold and cut in a mod, boyish fashion. Everything about her is sleek and not at ALL old. She looks to be no more than a very good thirty at most. The lines of her face are angular as Jareth's, muted slightly in a more feminine way. An expensive and very modern dress hugs her form like a second skin.
Your jaw drops.
With a beringed finger she shuts your mouth for you and smiles.
"Shut your trap luv. It's impolite to stare." she chuckles, still purringly. "Now, do you wish to hear more about Jareth?"