The World is a Big and Scary Place,
But not the biggest or the Scariest.

This page will be better later on.  For now, Courage.

Those of you invited to play, the info here is all for you.  That doesn't mean if you wandered here by chance I'm asking you to leave, it's just an apology for the poor quality to follow.

Now, for the game:  My players, you will all be creating a character that is attached to a Bounty Hunting ship, the  Last Sunrise. Whomever you are, you have, with the other characters, inherited an equal portion from the recently deceased Hunter, Daryl Signer.  The Ship is not paid for, so you may be with it to make money for payments, keep the others from destroying it, because it is a free place to live, or any other reason you give me.

Most of you will Want a License for Bounty Hunting, giving you more legal powers.  The Classes of Licenses are as follows:

Class One: Can hunt a bounty after Contacting the MCA to state who you are after.  Legal to use Armor, Electro Laser, Heavy Laser Pistols, and Laser Rifles.

Class Two: Can Hunt 5 Registered bounties after MCA Contact.  Class One Weapons, as well as Blaster pistols, Electro Laser Rifles,  and Military Laser Rifles.

Class Three: Generally only given to those with Military Experience or a very good record.  Can hunt any bounty, without registering.  Can use Assault Rifles, Carbine Blaster Pistols, Gauss Carbines, and High Capacity Military Laser Rifles.

Next, We need to figure out who you think you want to be.  Some suggestions:

A trained Bounty Hunter, Private detective, or Mercenary Soldier.
A thug or Hired Muscle.
A Merchant who wants to use the ship for trading, if it isn't destroyed first.
A specialist, such as a mechanic, Hacker, Pilot, Physician, ect.
A psychic.
Some rich kid with two much time on his hands.
An average guy who sees this as his chance to live out his fantasy.
An undercover agent from Shadow or MCA watching the other characters.
A criminal on the run, hiding in the nest of Lions.
A stow-Away.

The Story So Far
The Last Sunrise, the Ship
More Info about Space in General
An incomplete History
Standards of Living