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Quzybuk's wargaming room

Welcome fellow dorks...I mean gamers, yeah...gamers. Noticing the apparent shortage of Necromunda stuff, as well as, Games Workshop's excellent attention to new Necro stuff, that isn't just reprints I'm going to have to see to it that there is plenty here whenever I get a scanner and free time. Right now we mostly have Shock Force related stuff up. Once again, free time permiting, I'll stick up more Space Marine stuff and down the road some Eldar. However, first I'll concentrate on getting up the rest of the Zinthrathi and putting up the Militia stuff.

As a sidenote I just had all of my Necro books rebound at Kinkos in a spiral notebook fashion. It's great! A neat binding and I was able to remove all the fluff and rearrange the pages to suit my needs. Since I also have a 40k 3rd ed. book equipped with detachable binding, I'll do likewise with that. I recommend anyone who also bought books such equipped to get them rebound in a similar manner. Being able to flip all the pages under save a good deal of space on our cramped playing area.

Finally, if anyone has any suggestions, questions, or comments please e-mail or post a guestbook listing. I know someone has been here a few times. either that or Maurice keeps loading the page to make me feel good about the counter.

people have been here since I put this counter up, March 15th, 1999.

Send e-mail to Quzybuk.

Disclaimer (of sorts): All of the copyrighted, reserved, and trade marked stuff (and the stuff that isn't too) is property of whoever it's property of. I don't want to step on anyone's toes, and whatever use of whoever's terms isn't intended as a challenge to their TM's or little C's with circles. Use of these products may be hazardous to your health, and any action whatsoever may contribute to the heat death of the universe.
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