January 1, 2001: KEITH'S VIEW -- Played a New Years Eve party at our friend Warwick's yet-to-be opened bar. The Kill-a-Watts also played, and were pretty damn good. Our set was marred by the drunken crowd actions of Tony "the Slob" Schwab, who is in my other band Sagger. He kept running into me, fucking up my gear, knocking down my mic stand and not picking it up, and being a complete moron. I got pissed off, which sorta turned our planned rock assault into absurd performance art (been there, done that!). Lots of standing on bar stools and flailing about. We played a new number called "Cannibal Chew Cud" which kind of fell apart after a knocked-down mic stand eliminated the "vocal cue" at one point. I remember playing "Beverage You Are" despite the fact that my guitar was terribly out of tune. We launched into "Beadpans For Deadpans" which morphed into another new-ish number called "Coffin Dodger" for the ending. I was angry and frustrated after the set, but the other guys in the band and the audience seemed to be content with the performance. Much drinking was done by all... NO SHIT!!! |