

Movie Clips

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Video Creator Section!!

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Planet Vegeta Extreme DBZ

The Saga Continues! Let the search for the Dragon Balls begin on Dragon Ball Z

Feel your power level rise with each battle...

This site was last updated 9/20/99 5:38 P.M.

September 20,1999

Alright!!! the...Planet Vegeta "Extreme DBZ" Video Creator Section!! complete. Take a look.

Major Updates

September 1,1999-- Gallery 5 was added to the Images section.

September 1,1999-- A new layout for the main page was made...

September 6, 1999-- Five new videos were added to theMovieClipssection...

September 20, 1999-- Yes I finally added it!! The ...Planet Vegeta "Extreme DBZ" Video Creator Section!!... is up and running. This is the section where you send me a dbz picture and I turn it into a movie for you!

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DBZ for all your freaking needs

My scouter reads that your power level is......No way, that's Impossible!!(running since July 29, 1999)

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