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     Hi! My name is Roxana Verduzco.   I'm from Mexico and I came to North Dakota (freezing hell) State University as an exchange student.  I'm 22  (pretty young, ha?)  and I love to party, so ... if you guys have any idea.. let me know.

   Have you seen the movie Fargo??   Well, it's just like that!  Because I am actually in Fargo.
Like I said it is really cold here, but it is cool though...  We don't have that wonderful night life but we have some bars where we can party with our friends, before 1pm of course...

  You can go at Chub's Pub (it's my favorite place to go on thursday night), and you can go on weekends to downtown to some of the bars.  Sports, Rooter's, Lauerman's, etc. and finally to OB, a good place to dance...

   I came last August and it has been amazing. (Well, what do you expect..) Just kidding...  I'm taking 15 credits and I'm working for the ITS office at NDSU.  I'm really happy. My co-workers are fun (even when they're teasing me the most of the time and making fun of me).  Whatever...  I think I'll survive.
They're always like:  "No laughing in the office"  but it is just impossible (for me at least).


         This is one of my favorite jokes:
         Indications:  Read with an ITALIAN accent
         Just dumb people can't understand it, so try to make it fun...
         Just kidding...
         Jason haaaaaaaacker didn't like it.


            One day ima gonna Malta to bigga hotel (remember the italian accent). Ina morning I go down to eat breakfast. I tella waitress I wanna two pissis toast. She brings me only one piss.  I tella her I want two piss. She said go to the toilet. I say you no understand. I wanna to piss onna my plate.  She say you better not piss on ona plate, you sonna ma bitch!  I don't even know the lady and she call me sonna ma bitch.

          Later I go to eat at the bigga restaurant.  The waitress brings me a spoon and knife but no fock. I tella her I wanna a fock.  She tella me everyone wanna fock.  I tella her you no undestand.  I wanna fock on the table.  She say you better not fock on the table, you sonna ma bitch!

          So I come back to my room inna hotel and there is no shits onna my bed.  Call the manager and tella him I wanna shit.  He tell me to go to the toilet.  I said you no understand.  I wanna shit onna my bed. He say you better nor shit onna bed, you sonna ma bitch!  I don't even know the man and he call me sonna ma bitch.  I go to checkout and the man at the desk say: "Peace on you".  I say piss on you too, you sonna ma bitch! I gonna back to Italy!

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