Helpful sources.

Here are the best places I know where to go to find bot parts.


Joecrow is one of the best, in my opinion, people to get bot parts from. You might have seen his items on ebay. He sells repro parts, and even some originals at reasonable prices. He has supplied me with a whole truckload of crow parts and information on how to put stuff together.

Ed Miarecki

I haven't actually bought anything from him, but i've heard from many people that Ed miarecki has a wide supply of parts. He does, if you go to his website you can see for yourself! ed is an expert vacuformer, and has just managed to make a repro XL7 fg mask!!!

Sweetys candy

This candy store has a wide range of candy...and gumball machines! I've alredy purchased a genuine executive snack dispencer from this place, and they can even throw in an extra lid, if they have one lying around. Their website is mentioned in the bot parts link.

The search engine

This search engine has found me some pretty good sites. If you're looking for certain parts, or anything else MST3K like, here is where you should go!


A pretty good search engine which brought me to some good crow parts. It also found me places with instructions on how to build all the bots- including CAMBOT!!!
