n: an identifying and often superficial characteristic or device of Victoria

PLEASE NOTE!!!!! Viccoutrements has been moved and improved to
www.stas.net/zephyrshome/index.html Please up-date your bookmarks, if you have this site on it. This site will not be taken down, but it will not be up-dated either. Not everything here has been moved over as of yet, but I am in the process of transfering everything! So please teake a look at the new site and drop me a note to let me know what you think! :)

Web-Mistress Victoria

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See who's Been Kind!

Here's a small sampling of the things that you'll be able to find amongst my pages, granted that I'm allowed the time and energy...

Gaming worlds for Champions. CyberNarn and Teenage Champions (coming soon)

My works of fiction and poetry I'm willing to share with the world at large.

Links, links and more links, cuz let's face it, you haven't seen it all yet...

Here are some small things of inspiration that I want to share with all who wish to know.

Full of mischellany and fun. My Spirit page for the Site Fights, The Ethereal Pen, More About Me!, My Family, My Art, Cyber-pets and More! Be sure to check it out!

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There is a secret garden,
   That lives within my heart,
And in these pages that you see,
   There hides a special part.

For those of you with purest eyes,
   May see this hallowed place,
And take a piece of the surprise,
   To put into a special place.

So take the challenge and explore,
   There's alot that's here to see
And those who seek, there's far more!
   So come and set your spirit free!

E-Mail Me:

How many happy travelers have bounced (not poinged) through?

This web-page was started Jan 21, 2000.
Most recent update: June 7, 2000