Tri-Color Cats
Did you know that a calico is a white cat with patches of red and black, while the tortoiseshell is black with patches of red and sometimes white? Nearly 99% of these calico cats are female. The gene producing this color is sex-linked. The males are generally sterile because of the genetic abnormality.

Calicos are popular, possibly because of a widespread superstition that they bring good luck. In English folklore, they are referred to as 'Money Cats.' The good luck cat of Japan, the Maneki Neko, is a calico. If a statue of this cat faces the front door, Japanese tradition says it will bring good fortune and money.
That's me.  ManekiNeko.
A feline calico furry, female, living in Furcadia.
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Side note: Because my links keep disappearing on these pages... please click on the Back button, or the ManekiNeko title at the top of a page to get back to this page. *sigh*
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