Daddy's Little Girl

Cortny from 0 to 15 years old

What can I say about my baby
girl,well shes the most beautiful
girl in the world.She was
born in Lafayette,Indiana
on March 23rd,1983.
As I watched her enter the
world for the first time,
I had no idea she would
be my best friend,not just
my daughter.She was always
a bit of a ham and one
of the funniest people I
know.People say she is just
like me,which is fine with
me and she says she is proud
of it too,go figure.
She is an honor roll student,
and the class treasurer.
She has been in band for 5 years,
she plays the trombone and
is first chair.She is
involved with girls volleyball,
and is a wonderful singer.
Ok enough about those things,
what I want to tell about her
is the real her.
Since I have became so ill,
her and I have became very close,
she means so much to me
and has grown into such a
great young lady.
We talk about thinks all the
time and really hear each
other,she knows no matter
what she does,
I'm behind her always.
I love my little girl more
then life itself,she has
a boyfriend now,that was
hard but he is a real
nice young man,atleast he
better be.hehe.She is
going on to collage and
wants to either be a lawyer,
because she says she argues
so well,or she will
go for music which is her
real art.I know I'm very
proud of her and everything
she does and always will be.
I just pray all the time,
that I live to see her
married and having children.
Cort you are a perfect daughter
and my best friend and you
are turning into a wonderfully
talented young lady,
but you will to me always
be daddy's little cowgirl.
I love you baby.

Cort and her boyfriend Justin.

Cort and her boyfriend Justin agian.

Daddy and his baby

My Daughter

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The Phenomenal Men Of The WebŪ
The Phenomenal Men Of The Web

Cort used to give me
butterfly kisses all the
time when she was little
I wish I still got them.

The background on this page
was made by me,
Please do not steal it
If you want some e-mail me