
Nice to see that at least some people bother to go and putter
about on web pages they know are gonna suck, just cause people
they know put them up. *grin* Anyway, if your here, then you
are either from the mud, or you're actually someone I know
(yeah, your someone from the mud, you can't fool me)
But go ahead and take a gander at what I have so far, I
promise it will eventually get better. *purr*

Yes, I imagine this is the main reason you are here. You want
to know a little bit about that little line of text you see
every night that reads " Wylikat tells you: Hihi! *purr* "
So this is it, a nice, consise, orderly, type written file on
how my life works, or in some cases, does not. *heh*



All right, I'm sure you've heard of these, perhaps even
actually seen them.... Then again, considering about 52.5% of
the population is female, chances are good that you may in
deed be one. *heh* Anyway, look in here for opinions,
complaints, lynxs, and other various things about women.



Yep... you guessed it, this space is filled with
places to see and people to do. Look in here for places on
the web I think you should go, and this is also where I keep
my lynx for friends, family, and other such assorted nonsense.



Pictures!! *whee*
Well, not a lot of explantaion needed for this
section... so unless your a gimp you'll have figured
out that this contains pictures of *me*, my good
friends, and if I had any pics of my family,
I suppose they could go here too.



! Dax J. Finley ! ! Wylikat's Den ! June 3, 1999 !

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