download deckmaker and virtual cards
to download DeckMaker the way i like it, just click on one of the two links below (but you need both zip files to run the program). no need to right click and hit "Save Target As...", because if you do that it won't work. if you're like me and you have a folder in your computer dedicated to Star Wars, make a subfolder in there called Deckmaker and put both these zips in it. you'll need pkZip or WinZip to unzip them. then just start up the program, and it should compile all the sets and have you off and running. These sets were compiled by "Lord Nader", who can be reached at . anyway, follow the directions in the readme file in the sets zip file. also once you start the program check the box for "Combine White Border" or else it might not work right. ok? have fun.
Oh and enjoy the Virtual Card sets i've got posted on here for your convenience. they should be a lot of fun...
Players Committee Rules Update
last updated January 30, 2003.