These pages spring from my fevered brain because of my love of Werewolf: the Apocalypse from White Wolf Games Studio. I write this page because the pages that follow are all from the first-person viewpoint of characters that populate White Wolf's World of Darkness. Some are homid, some metis, even a lupus has found a place here. Other Changing Children have made themselves known as well. All are here, willing to share a bit about themselves.

    You may notice that the section on the Get of Fenris is a bit more extensive than the rest. There is good reason for this, y'see - the Get have always held a special place way down in the cockles o' my heart. Even your humble tour guide, my alter-ego Fist of Stone, is a Get Philodox. Because of her, alot of this site looks at the world through "Get-colored glasses" - and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Right this way to meet Fist of Stone.
Or go directly to the main page.

The Legal Stuff

    Werewolf: the Apocalypse, White Wolf, the World of Darkness, the names of the Tribes, breeds, etcetera, as well as the pictograms and any other logos are the property of White Wolf Games Studio. Any mention of said on the following pages does not represent a threat to that copyright. I'm doin' this for giggles, not to make a buck. Anything else on these pages: characters, the actual writing and stuff like that there, is copyrighted 1999 by FINO Publications. That being said, any problems, comments, kudos or criticism you have about this site, talk to the Get!