Chris' Radio-o-rama!
So the story goes like this. I'm a graduate of the radio-broadcasting program at Fanshawe College in London, Ontario and I'm lookin' for an on-air job anywhere. So if you own a radio station or are a program director, for the love of god hire me!
Radio Links!
Just a little sample of some of my favourite stations:
Fanshawe's station where I spent two years. I was also the head of the writing department here and won the CJBK Broadcaster of the Year Award.
What can I say? This is what radio was meant to be.
They play some pretty decent rockin' tunes. But don't get me wrong. Q107 is only a stand by when Edge 102's reception gets crappy.
Some Other Crazy Links!
Well, perhaps these links aren't so much crazy as they are not specifically related to radio. At any rate, on with the links!
One of my crazy fellow broadcasting grads from Fanshawe. In many ways, I think that she could be the devil. Although I said the same thing about 2 in 1 shampoo. You can hear her afternoons on London' Ontario's FM 96.
Last Updated September 13, 2004