The object in which you want the time altered is placed on the Object Transubstantiation Device. This will scan the object recording its structual information into a computer. The object is then removed from the OTD. The OTD then creates a duplicate of the objects structer and stores it in a light format. This light, containing the information of the object, is stored in a black hole. Now ontop of the OTD is the object that you want to be transferd in a format where the gravitational field will not destroy it once activated. Now an Anti-Gravitational Vortex is created around the light information, the singularity, and the destination. This will allow the gravitational field to be created inside and it will not effect the surrounding objects. It basically contains the gravity inside. Once the field has been created, the Gravitational Controling Device is activated. This will have a preset variable determining the density of the singularity. The more dense the singularity is the faster the light will travel causing the object to vary the amount of time it travels. Once the GCD has been activated it is immediatly deactivated before the light reaches the singularity. This causes a sling shot effect making the light continue to travel in the same direction. To stop the light from going beyond the Object Compilation Device, the GCD is reactivated for a split second with the exact amount of gravity to stop the light from going too far. Now the light, having gone much faster than the speed of light, is in a different time. If the light has reached a time before the creation of the OCD, the object that you sent will be stuck as light in a different time. This is because the light exist in a time before the OCD was invented. If you are accurate to the exact x y z coordinates and the light exist at the point or after the point of the invention and placement of the OCD, the OCD will detect the light and recompile the information accordingly. The object now exist in the time you are currently in and the time in which you sent it. Although not provable, I believe that the object sent through time can not effect the world in the present, yet the 2 objects, the one sent through time and the one existing in the present, will have 2 entirly different existances. For example, it you yourself went through time, you would be able to change the world in your exitance but if returning back through time the world will remain unchanged. This is because I belive time does not actually exist. Time is a unit of mesurement or an illusion.