
yup you may ask why I have been degraded to this it's because I'm sick and I feel like having a big ripe orange here to get rid of all the little bugs that are growing inside me. Yes the bugs, the bugs are growing inside me, why aren't there songs like that, "OOOOOOH THE BUGS ARE INSIDE ME GET THEM OUT BEFORE THEY EAT MY BRAAAAAAIIIIIN!!!!" I'll tell you why, because they wouldn't make a penny, because it is too sad to be bought by the happy people and too realistic to be bought by the sad people, hell I don't know if you want to prove me wrong go write the song and get a band and play it all over the world and then you'll die because you didn't listen to me and didn't eat your oranges.

Yup little bugs and oranges, oranges and little bugs little orange bugs, they come out on halloween and look like very very small jack-o-lanterns because they put on a big smile with the crocked teeth and smile all night so they can jump little kids and steal their candy, yes look out for the bugs that are orange, Oranges are orange see it's all fitting together very nicely. and if you don't think it does then go eat an orange because you're sick like me and that's my excuse.

I still have that image of little bugs with big smiles.....think about it, big smiles but no teeth because bugs don't have teeth they have gums like little old mean and babies, yup little old man bugs smiling on your doorstep or just little old men smiling on your doorstep, and you wonder why these little old men are sitting and smiling on your doorstep

"do they want money?" you ask. no these little old men are not sitting on your doorstep begging for money, they don't care about money they are old and have millions stashed away in a safe spot like my bank accont (I suggest everyone hides there money there) or in their legs, you see old mens legs are actualy hollow so they get as many bills as they can as big as they can and hide them in their legs so that nobody can find the money.

so far this little thing I've been writing is about bugs and smiling old men but not much about oranges, why you ask? no of course you didn't ask why......I'm waiting.....come on ask it......why? well it goes like this, there is a small orange sitting on my desk and it's just sorta sitting there and any moment now I'm sure that it will jump up and try to do something horrible to me. like pull a juicer on me (the truth is that I'm not very scared of a orange with a juicer but that little orange thinks it's the scariest thing in the world) so that orange is going to jump up and without any hands or legs it's going to pull a juicer out of it's lack of pockets and look at my straight in the eye, with it's lack of eyes (because it is and orange and not a potato), an say to me with it's lack of a mouth..... absolutely nothing, it's just going to stand there on it's lack of legs and point that juicer at me without any arms and stare at me without any beedy little orange eyes. now that's a scarey thought, aren't you glad that there isn't an orange sitting on your desk right now. because you know it has a juicer around somewhere and you know that it's going to just pull it out and Yell...


That Orange will say that because all it has ever read is my Us History book and I don't know why but that's what the book is open to...."FOR THE CONFEDERACY" that little orange will shout and suddenly you will see it's little arms and legs sprout out and the little beedy eyes are there and what do you's holding a hand juicer.

now if this ever happens I suggest you go straight for your hand blender, because we all know what a hand blender can do. You just stick that hand blender up to that orange with the juicer and suddenly you have little orange bits all over the room, and you can use that hand juicer (as soon as you repair it because it was just flung across the room in an act of self defense) and stick all of the orange bits in it. and hit Frappe, because my sources say that although hand blenders do not have this button, little hand juicers do...go figure, who would've thunk.

Now that this one lone orange is in your stomach you'll have more trouble finding oranges to eat because they can smell the juice of their departed ally and they will scream "THE SQUARE OF THE TWO LEGS OF A RIGHT TRIANGLE IS EQUAL TO THE SQUARE OF THE THIRD SIDE" because these oranges have been on desks too, and they will shout things like that and other outrageous things in other languages that you can't possibly understand because well they are in foriegn languages like swahili and they don't teach us that in school, and these little fruits will comunicate in swahili and plan thier counterattack, and pull the remains of their fallen brother out of you. and you should run whenever you hear swahili all because you thought you could take out that one lonely orange.

but you remember those little orange bugs?

Suddenly out of the dairy aisle the little orange bugs with big gummy smiles come charging to teh rescue aided by there massive knowledge of kitchen appliances like HAND BLENDERS!!!! the little orange bugs have hand blenders!!!!! "yes the little bugs wil save me" you cry but no they are here to help the oranges because all you ever gave out for halloween we pennies and they didn't like that they waited all night for food and every time, pennies, they wait again, more pennies and more pennies . well these little critters are fed up, they didn't like your pennies very much to eat so they used them to buy there own new hand blenders and figure that they could attack your shoes with them, (they are little tiny bugs after all they aren't going to go lacerate your face) so now you are covered with orange juice and your shoes are a little scuffed and covered with orange pulp (it turned out that the oranges master plan was to jump at you in a kamikasi fashion and try to knock you over but they only succeeded in crushing themselves and falling on the little orange bugs, which coincidentaly died because well they are allergic to oranges, that's why they are orange it's like an early warning system, they know that they can't go near oranges so they stand out and ussualy get killed (there goes anouther theory) surprising that they lasted this long and were able to get their tiny little hands on blenders....oh well that's life, however strange it might be.