Name Picture Information
Tedan Tippedai Security Robot The Tedan Tippedai security robot is a cheap and versatile machine. It is fast enough to chase a Kreper and intelligent enough to pilot a Hunter. The security robot can even scale walls and buildings without any handholds.
The Kajakunban Plant The leaves of this remarkable plant are strong enough to deflect most weapons, including a shot from a borobdin. The rest of the plant isn't nearly as strong and can be destroyed easily.
Zeiramoid A zeiramoid is a clone that Zeiram created from another living organism. These creatures differ a lot from their base organisms and come in various sizes and shapes.
Gren Zeiramoid This particular zeiramoid was cloned after Iria's brother, Gren. It was responsible for killing Dr. Touka's kidnappers, killing Komimasa, and nearly killing Iria. But in the end Iria was able to incinerate the monster with a shot of her cannon.
Emergency Rations Emergency rations are obviously not the food of choice for Iria. They are bascially a vacuum-sealed insect, which can last for years. Usually it's the only food Iria has time to eat.
The Dirty Angels A group of kids who came together in order to survive. They fool people through trickery that is meant to scare or distract people. Never by harming them. Komimasa was their leader.
Regeneration Bandages A bit like a huge bandaid, except much more powerful. After her first battle with Zeiram on Myce, Iria used these to recover within five days.

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This page is owned and maintained by Confetti Yeti. Started: March 7, 1999.