On A Letter From Lynn
Like the last living member
of a marooned starship, hoping
when he hears after years a
voice, a beacon of humanity in the void
of Death.
Or like Richard Dreyfus,
whose maddened quest for a close encounter
drove him over sanities edge, when above
that edge the answer unexpectedly
winked and dragged him back.
Or Thor, mighty thunder god,
after a nearly lost war, when gracelessly
he finds the Apples of Idun, golden
fruits of Immortality.
Just so, like an orphan on his
First Christmas with new parents did I read
this Rosetta parchment of yours, tiny
crabbed runes embellished with
you-ness, evoking your feelings to
the Elements Four.
The trees surrounding my dour
red-brick asylo-apartments released
dying leaves to cascade on winds
timeless, seeking merest life in some
new homeland, and the grass stretched
Heavenward, futile yet hopeful,
ever Human. And in the ensuing
calm of this freeze-frame day, with
margaritas for legs
and Pink Floyd for backbone, I finally
came to terms with what we had,
what we gave up, what we may someday
resurrect, though cocooned in our prides
and blue monasteries of hurt we, like
some bedsitter monk may reach
morose truths while mired in our ridiculous
-- Or at least I'd like to hope so,
reposing in a tequila bottle, drinking
self-pity like life, as I
buzz through half-glimpsed memories
and visions of us on antipodal
merry-go-round horses or crashing
waves in a sea of Hardy's Crass Causality,
worming my way past dinners
and bowling and movies and parties
that finger my softened mind
and remind me of what I forsook.