The Outcast Campaign

"I do not like you.  I will not make it a point to pretend that I do,

so if you please... Leave me be before you find out what

happens when I get annoyed."

More often than not, this is what you will hear when you meet

Sir.  Sir is the character that I am currently playing in the Earthdawn

campaign which is running now.   As you can see.. I am involved

in quite a few role-playing games at this point in time.  This one

in particular would have to be my personal favorite.  Not very often

do I play the short-tempered, strong headed type.  So it is a refreshing

change from the norm for me.  Below you will find character descriptions

from the viewpoint of Sir, as well as a narrative of the current


Sir Troll Warrior, I am Sir, Troll Warrior.   I cannot begin to explain to you how difficult it is for me to keep my name honor bound.  You see, I am a Troll Warrior with no past.  I awoke outside a small mountain hamlet.  When I came to, the hamlet was burning, and there were hundreds of dead laying around me.  I equipped myself with the arms and armor of those lying around me, and set off in order to find out who I am.  The reason I call myself Sir is that I was addressed by a young boy just outside of a town,  he exclaimed "Excuse me, Sir?" and the rest comes naturally.
Sierra Blood Elf Swordmaster, One of the more interesting people with whom I travel.  Sierra has the ability to hold her own in a fight, but she likes to talk too much, and try to impress people with her swordplay. Not to mention the fact that she is a blood elf and is disreguarded upon sight, even more so than I am.
Si'mere T'skrang Swordmaster, Here is the other swordmaster of the group.  Once again I would have to say that he and Sierra are both a little sloppy when it comes to combat simply because they like to babble while they battle.  Other than that small thing, Si'mere has my utmost respect because he is a good fighter.  He can hold his own, plus that of another, while engaged in combat.

That is all that I have for right now, but rest assured, I will have more up soon, just keep

checking back for now.   and let me know what you think.  Thanx.. I appreciate it   

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