
This fanfic has written by Mizeleingzelo de Megazone. All rights reserved.

I don`t own Biker Mice, Charley, Lawrence Limburger or any of his employees. Actually I don`t own anyone from the original show! Also I do not own Rea. She is owned by my dear friend Rea Kat. Special thanks to her for letting me use her name character, Rea Kat.

Mizeleingzelo "Mize" de Megazone, Crystal-Mari de Megazone, Rocky de Megazone, Micronian de Megazone, Monza de Megazone, Ka-ri de Megazone, Fireball de Megazone (Main Hattan), X-Trine de Megazone, Ferraro de Megazone, Ferro-Metal de Megazone, Motor Main Hattan, Scooder Main Hattan, Penelope Main Hattan, Firelove Main Hattan, Takehatti Megazone (Crashstar), Mizon Megazone (Crashstar), Sidna (de Megazone), Edna (de Megazone), Venom Predator, Gotham Predator, Kavasako Thorneboy, Derekk Van Wham, Andre Van Wham, Abigail Megazone (Van Wham), Scotty Megazone, Peudo Megazone, Garnio, Kyril, Renenian, Wendy Browns, Yosa Browns, Jack Browns, Heike, Hans-Dieter, Alice, Billie/William Cop, Fabio/Thomas, Jeff, Arco, Mrs. Stripe, Mr. and Mrs. Browns and Mr. Leadman are MY characters. I OWN THEM! Don`t use their names or them without my permission.
Also I own these places and buildings: Gylpgonria, NorthWay, NorthWay Senior High Scool, NorthWay Jun-ior high School, Windhill High School, Elk lake and Technodrome. Hellfire and Plutark are not owned by me. Mizar and Orfeilia are names for Mars and Earth given by me, Mizeleingzelo de Megazone, and I own these names (Mizar and Orfeilia) of these planets.
I own all these names of nationalities: Orfeilian, Mizarian, Tharkian, Gylpgonrian, Inar and Inal. All similarities with any creature, building or any place, in any solar system, dimension, anywhere, living or dead are accidentall and not on purpose.

Copyright © Mizeleingzelo de Megazone.

There has been life on Mars thousands years. It has been cruel and violent fight against death. Once so green planet has changed so much, and nowadays it is more and more unfriendly for life; air is getting thinner all the time and water has disappeared or become an ice, so living on that planet is very difficult, but life has survived. Not like on Earth, there is no monkeys who call themselves as humans... there are mice! Those mice look pretty much like humans (for ecxample five fingers and "human body"), but they are Martians or as they call themselves; Mizarian.
This is a fanfiction which tells us a little story of one mouse child, Mizeleingzelo de Megazone - daughter of Death. It is a story that tells what happened long time ago.
This is...

Megazone family