Latest News:

From Ken Whitman:
DPI is being sold to Mari Online, the makers of the Archmage on-line game. (9/7/99)

We are planing to release DARK CONSPIRACY 3 (DC3) in the summer of 2000. The main books will be full size and HARDBACK. Not only that we will be pushing them hard into the hobby shops! Look for the ads starting this holiday season. (9/24/99)

DC3 is a long way off and we have not determine what or how we are changing the DC products. At this time we want to keep the Referee's Guide and the Players Guide Separate and make them Hardcover for distribution into the retail stores. We plan to have a big promotional push - but nothing determined as yet.

DPI will be having meetings with Mike Marchi, Geoff Skellams and Marcus Bone over the next few months hashing out details, we will start announcing changes(if any) after we resolve the Sin City Series. Expect DC3 to arrive at GEN CON 2000. (10/1/99)

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Check out Sci-Fi Channel's review of Dark Conspiracy (4/9/99)

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