Greetings I am Lord Nightspawn leader of the clans on the Realm of Lost Souls, Leader of the Clan of Shadows, and Master of the House of Shadows. Welcome to my home.  Below you shall find all you would like to know about me and our house, Please Enjoy your stay and if you wish to join our house, click on the application button at the bottom of the page, and send it to me. Remember that the house of shadows is the oldest house of the realm and membership does not come easy, you must be totally loyal, have allot of respect for others, be a powerful warrior, and have excellent manners like (greeting newcomers to the realm, and being kind to everyone) it sometimes takes me up to two weeks to approve an application so try to be patient.

Lord of the House: Lord Nightspawn
Lady of the House:

Below you shall find all the positions open in the house of Shadows, when you do your application please let us know what position you are interested in.

Positions within the House of Shadows

Royal lady in Waiting:
Royal lady in Waiting:
Royal lady in Waiting:
Royal lady in Waiting:
Royal lady in Waiting :
Captain of the Royal Honor Guard/ Chief Advisor to The Lord & Lady:
Royal Honor Guardsman/Bodyguard to the Lord and Lady of the House:
Royal Honor Guardsman/Bodyguard to the Lord and Lady of the House:
Royal Honor Guardsman/Bodyguard to the Lord and Lady of the House:
Royal Honor Guardsman/Bodyguard to the Lord and Lady of the House:
Royal Honor Guardsman/Bodyguard to the Lord and Lady of the House:
Royal Honor Guardsman/Bodyguard to the Lord and Lady of the House:
Royal Honor Guardsman/Bodyguard to the Lord and Lady of the House:
Royal Honor Guardsman/Bodyguard to the Lord and Lady of the House:
Royal Honor Guardsman/Bodyguard to the Lord and Lady of the House:
Royal Honor Guardsman/Bodyguard to the Lord and Lady of the House:
Royal Mage/Wizard:
Mage/Wizards Apprentice:
Captain of the House of Shadows Army:
Soldier: Satan
Species: Hell Lord
Special Powers:Hellfire, Fire Wall, Blood Bust, Acid, Transform