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Nerv Reject
Guardian Angel
Di Di
Average Teenager?
@$$ Kicker
Drunken Jedi

The Cat Cafe
Emiko's Genesis
The CG Picture Shrines

Vistors since 7/16/00

All work copyright Adrian Haager ©1999-2002

Hey there to everyone who visits my page. Updates have of course been pretty infrequent. But this time I have an excuse, I'm getting married in November!! All the planning has been taking up the time since school got out and before that was Finals and Projects. I finally got moved in to my new apartment. Most everything is set up so I can do updates and such easier. But with school starting back on the 7th i'm not sure what updates i'll be able to do. I started doing a little fun stuff outside of work so maybe I'll get that on here for you to see. The latest thing I did was a ferret. Done with acrylic on cardboard. Not something I want to try again any time soon, but hey it held up better than regular drawing paper would have. Anyways, check out the site, have fun, dont break anything!

News 4/09/03: This site, while having been abandoned for so long in favor of the easier to use server, has not been forgotten. After the server is back up and running, I will be creating a working mirror of my site here. Stay Tuned for updates.

[Mamoru] Whoa, check that out. He changed the Featured Pic.
[Munch-Munch] Its a lot better than his other stuff.
[Di Di] I'll say. He should do more pics like that. I love the wings.
[Gabriel] As do I. I like how she has three sets of wings. Nice meaning if you've read the information about angels on his site.
[Munch-Munch] I take it you have?
[Gabriel] Oh yes. I find angels facinating. Havent you read my profile?
[Gabriel] Well you should, it would explain my like of all things angelic.
[Mamoru] You have to remember Munch-Munch, That he is engaged to an angel.
[Valkyrie] *poke his head in* In case you were wondering that pic was inspired by a scene from Munch-Munch's story. Which is even more interesting considering that part hasnt been written yet.
[Munch-Munch] Well dont just stand there! Go write! I wanna know what happens! Is he dead or what?! Go! Go!
[Valkyrie] EEp! *runs off to write somemore*
[Di Di] And while he's writing why doesnt everyone else check out the site. You can pick up a lot of useful information about the people on this site.

Next Time: Is He Dead or What!?

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"Stop grumbling and remember, always put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Oh wait a minute...that didn't come out right." - Nobiyuki Masaki from "Tenchi Muyo"