
Keep in mind we are busy, however we should be able to reply to all applicants within two business days. Please take the time to fill this form out completely, or if your browser does not support forms send an e-mail with this information to . Incomplete forms may be deleted. If you don't know what to write, you can always take a look at this Sample Bio or feel free to send any questions to the above address as well.

*Note: Please try to NOT incorporate rank into your application. That is determined by the Captain of the sim you are applying for, based on your position and possibly quality of your application and experience. Also, keep in mind that promotions in the future are not affected by anything on this application.

Please fill in the blanks with information as requested.


Real Name:

E-mail Address:

Secondary E-mail Address (Optional):

Any questions, feedback, experience with Star Trek / Treknology / Treknobabble which might help us in making our decision.



Full Name:





Department Desired: (If Applying for Command, please note below.)

First Choice:

Second Choice:

Third Choice:

If Other Please Specify: Note: Other includes things such as traders and other positions not mentioned on the ship's crew listing.

Desired Ship Assignment:

Educational History (Should show a graduation from SF Academy with a degree in the field you desire)

Past Service Record ( Optional ):

Character History / Miscellaneous Notes (Be original!)

Physical Description, IE: Height, Weight, Hair, Eyes, Etc.

Submission to Starfleet Command

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