Kaire Bear's Castle of Cutesy Shtuff

Welcome one and all, to my place of cutesy shtuff. (It's not even close to being done) It took me a while to actually figure out what to do with this page and I finally did. For those of you who have been here before, you may need to reload, I've totally redone this page. Feel free to take any of these pics, I'll have the link to them added to my links page as soon as I can. I dun't get too much time to work on this, having 2 small kids to take care of and housework kinda kills just about all free time. My links page is still kinda screwy, but that's on my list to be fixed. Enough serious shtuff, look around and have fun!! =)


I now have 2 picture pages up, My kids, and My love and I. I also finally put up a *me* page, please feel free to check them out. This page last worked on on December 19, 1999.

These are my hooded dudes, I finally figured out names for them... from left to right, meet Wynken, Blinken and Nod.

These two fellows are my sphinx, Frederic, and my satyr, Cecil(I asked hubby for kewel names, these are what he comes up with... )

Here is my sleeping dragon, Shnoozle. (another named by hubby lol)

And last, but not least, Holliwoode, I think she's a gryphon. (If she's not, dun't yell at me or anything, just let me know...)

otay... my counter kablooied again... so ignore the broken image icon below. I'm tryin to get ahold of the ppl I got it from but so far no luck.. think I'll get a new one.

MAN>>> I got a new counter and it broke ALREADY!! yesh.. counters and my page just do not get along. ;-)

Here is my guestbook... pweeeeeese sign it? *smooches*

This is "My oh My" by Aqua... it'll keep playing forever unless you hit the stop button. (at least it's *spost* to work that way)
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